Evil Mentiras (Evil Lie) On Mexican Work Day

How Cow! I knew Glenn Reynolds had influence, but never in my life did I imagine that the Puppy Blender controlled the minds of so many innocent, hardworking Undocumented Americans.
Here’s a picture of Glenn at a recent rally.
Please note that these are innocent people who came here with the sole goal of feeding their families. Now when little Miguel and Carmen go to bed, they have bellies full of Puppy Milkshake!! Is this the full extent of the puppy blender’s influence on Mexican-undocumneted American’s lives? No way, Jose!
Just look at these amazing true lies about Glenn “the Puppy Blender” Reynolds. ..
* The Mexican American border is completely unsecured, allowing the flow of Mexican workers, drug smugglers, and puppy breeders.
* The entire economy of Mexico is almost enought to buy advertising on Instapundit for one month. Two if Glenn is buying lots of puppies.
* The sombrero was invented when Glenn demanded an entertaining way for his workers to make puppies race around on the top of their heads.
* The former currency of Mexico used to be the Insta-Peso.
* Don’t Drink the Water was a campaign started by Glenn. The purpose: To export more puppy smoothies!
* Mexican Folk dancing was very ballet oriented. Until Glenn got bored and made puppies run through the Mexican Hat Stomping Maze of Doom.
That’s right. Evil Glenn has tremendous control over these poor illegal-Americans. Now he’s using them to march on Los Angeles in a desperate attempt to gain even more power for his Insta-Empire.
What can we do about it?
Nothing. But let’s hope he gives us a link.


  1. I took a morbid curiosity run down to the protest march a few minutes ago. There were a number of protesters with something in Spanish and then “Chihuahua” at the bottom of their placards. Maybe they supply Glen with shot glass-sized smoothies.
    Note to protestors — do not wave “we are not terrorists” banners, followed by Chi Guevara signs, and alternate every five minutes. Eventually, even a liberal might catch on.

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