Glad Syttende Mai til vÂr Norsk lesere! En dag av independance, frihet, og drukkenskap! S har en pickled egg, lar ut deres Norsk Bl parrot, Âpner en Dahls Pils og synger. . . Ja vi eslker dette landet!
Noe kommentarer er på‚ norsk, eller de strøket.
Was ist das?
Based on my Norwegian to English phrasebook, this post says:
“My hovercraft is full of eels. If I said you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? You have beautiful thighs.”
“My nipples explode with delight.”
Ja, ja, sure! Ja, ja!
(wonder what I’m agreeing with?!?!!?)
Damn furreners and their damn furren funny languages! shakes fist
Frihed i Norge?
Det troer Jeg ikke.
Stop morder af Cetacianerne.
Og tiss ikke i vores havn naar i er fuldstaendig fuld…
Farfegnugen – Translation: ‘word up, Yo.’
A moose once byt mei syster.
No, Reali!
Those Danish illegal immigrants have a lot of gall, flying all those Danish flags in protest, and not an American flag among them. I say we use a low yield nuclear weapon on the town of Hjorring to teach them Danes not to keep sending us their riff raff. Let too many of those Scandinavian types into the country and pretty soon they’ll be demanding universal health care and a more comprehensive welfare state.
my grandma is norwegian
I hate to ruin your fun Master Shake, but this is what intertran ( says,
Glad Seventeenth May at our Norwegian readers! Some day at independance , freedom , and drukkenskap! Saw have a pickup egg , am letting edged their Norwegian Blue pairs , opens a Dahls Arrowhead and sing. Certainly we eslker this country! Any comments is on the Norwegian , or they living quarters.
So apparently, it’s the Norwegian independence day?
Ich weiss nicht, was du gesagt hast, aber es ist sicher, dass du nicht so lustig wie Frank J. war – warscheinlich ganz nicht lustig. Geh weg.
And… Happy Norwegian Independence day. Wherever Norwegian is.
well, being of swedish heritage, i am totally and deeply offended by the blatant Norsk-o-philes posting here.
all i care to say is “bork bork bork”. you betcha by golly.
sven (“aA”)
Ole and Lena got married. On their honeymoon trip they were nearing Minneapolis when Ole put his hand on Lena’s knee. Giggling, Lena said, “Ole, you can go a little farther now if ya vant to.” So Ole drove to Duluth.
Ole died. So Lena went to the local paper to put a notice in the obituaries. The gentleman at the counter, after offering his condolences, asked Lena what she would like to say about Ole. Lena replied, “You yust put ‘Ole died.'” The gentleman, somewhat perplexed, said, “That’s it? Just ‘Ole died?’ Surely, there must be something more you’d like to say about Ole. If it’s money you’re concerned about, the first five words are free. We must say something more.” So Lena pondered for a few minutes and finally said, “O.K. You put ‘Ole died. Boat for sale.’ ”
“Hey, Sven,” said Ole, “how many Swedes does it take to grease a combine?” After Sven replied, “I don’t know,” Ole said, “Only two, if you run them through real slow.”
Mind you, moose bites can be painful!
What’s up with all the comments in German?
uss yimmy carter, i’d like to say that i find your attempt at svensk humor to be extremly tasteless. yumpin’ yiminy crickets, why you got to be so anti-swede? ve’re people yust like you.
ps: the only reason you didn’t tell the one about the “indian in Fargo” one cuz it’s yust too long to type.
With all this foreign talk…it’s time to deploy Buck the Marine. You heard the Pres…learn english or we’ll grant you amnesty…err, we’ll put you in a non-amnesty sounding guest worker program which isn’t amnesty.
Archangel, we’re exposing the Nazi, empiralistic side of us. Come on, don’t you remember? W e’re all neo-Nazis. Duh!
Sorry, I’m married to a 1/2 Swede and 1/2 Norweedjun’. I couldn’t resist. And you are correct about the Indian in Fargo…LOL!!!
NÂ er jeg for sent, for Syttende Mai er bort i Norge, hvor det er senere enn det er her i Minnesota.
Og Syttende Mai er ikke norsk frihetsdagen, men norsk grunnlovensdag.
Hell once you think you’ve figured out IMAO..someone comes along and and pulls this….Its bad enough I have to look at the mexican language everyday… norweigan? What is this World coming too?
Ok it’s a Norwegian flag not a Danish flag. So, I recommended nuking a town in the wrong country. Oops! Oh well, Hjorring did have a funny name anyway. It will be a lesson to them, irregardless. OK, so I’m impenetrably stupid as well as hostile.
That will be the last time George leaves me in charge of the football.
Damned Norwegian rebels
Of all the former colonies of the once so great Danish Kingdom, Norway is the one I miss the most… and their oil!