I wonder if Kos realizes that an Alaskan Democrat is more conservative than a California Republican?
At least he’s aware that Michigan stands a chance of going Republican in 2006. The Republican candidate (DeVos) has just tied the Democrat (Granholm) in the polls. Of course, it helps that he’s got a crapload of money to blow on election ads this early on.
Should be interesting here in Michigan, that much is for sure.
I also have a Kos prediction:
I predict that sometime aound the middle of October, Kos will have managed to chew through the restraints enough to actually break free. He’ll run out into the hallway, screaming about how George W. Bush has hired Halliburton to steal his chocolate pudding, and will only manage to get about 30 feet from his cell door before being tazered mercilessly by the bored guards. He’ll be heavily sedated, causing him to miss chocolate pudding night at the asylum. He will, of course, blame Bush for all of this.
Frank J:
Kos predicted something! That is funny.
Almost as funny as a pathetic little right-wing blogger (who doesn’t have a book published, will not be featured in the commercials of any Senate candidates ever, and who thinks that politics is a “fad” like pet rocks and The Spice Girls) trying to make fun of a successful, relevant political blogger (who, unlike him, has created an entire community of dedicated readers and writers) for estimating how many governor seats the Democrats will pick up in the Midterm elections.
Also almost as funny as this .
But not quite as funny. Not quite.
Monkey Faced Liberal
P.S. Weren’t you going to stop blogging about politics and start blogging about kung-fu and Samauri swords and your dog and your dog’s parties or something? I think you should stick with that plan. It was a good plan. Much better than say, Bush’s plan for rebuilding Iraq. Or Bush’s plan for pretty much anything, now that I think of it. I suggest you go back to this plan.
Looking forward to hearing more about your dog’s next spa treatment!
To be honest, I thought you guys here at IMAO were exaggerating when you talked about how lefties don’t grasp the concepts of irony or sarcasm.
But this Monkey Faced Liberal has shown me how terribly, terribly wrong I have been.
Since you seem to be examining how “terribly, terribly wrong” you have been, you might want to look at some other ideas you were terribly, terribly wrong on.
Such as:
Voting for Bush.
Writing last year that you “got a good sense of humor.”
The blond dye job.
Writing something stupid like “lefties don’t grasp the concepts of irony or sarcasm” when lefties like Jon Stewart, and Robert Smiegel clearly do.
Assuming your boyfriend Elmer really was just going out for a pack of cigarettes when he left the trailer with a packed suitcase and your cousin Vicki.
Thinking you will find any funny sarcasm or irony posted by Frank J.
Rexamining these ideas might help you not be so terribly, terribly wrong in the future.
Monkey Faced Liberal
Ah, but MFL, it’s not quantity, it’s quality. We, the fans of FrankJ and IMAO are simply a cut above, like 18 year old Glenlivet, or genuine Bush’s Baked Beans, Country Style. So Kos has a scrillion hits a day. Meh. Millions paid good money to see The Dukes of Hazzard too. Kos is nothing more than Jessica Simpson in a pair of Daisy Dukes, only not quite as relevant.
Good question. Why does this Monkey Faced Liberal read IMAO?
I think the answer is that it is a bit like watching a car wreck. You know it is horrible, but you can’t turn away.
Of course, in the case of IMAO the drivers of the cars in the wreck do not think they are in a wreck, but are in fact are smoothly driving down the highway.
They hold onto this delusion despite the fact that their children are screaming in horror as they slowly bleed to death beside them, the car next to them just exploded, and police sirens are wailing as they arrive to limit the damage as much as possible.
Funny, but only in a very, very, dark, and tragic way.
Actually, it is a bit similar to W’s administration, now that I think of it.
Sorry, that is the best answer I can give on short notice.
Monkey Faced Liberal
An even better example would be a road trip with Ted Kennedy. (not to say that you didn’t just describe that, just thought i’d save you the effort of spelling that whole senerio out)
P.S. It’s nice to see there’s at least one devoted IMAO reader because God (you know that guy up in the sky all the crazy neocons think created everything) knows that IMAO needs all the help it can get!
“Writing something stupid like “lefties don’t grasp the concepts of irony or sarcasm” when lefties like Jon Stewart, and Robert Smiegel clearly do.”
…and yet we can see clearly that you do not share their capacity for humor-perception.
Instead you spend your evenings trolling political humor sites (hoping to work your way up to serious blogs?) with personal attacks with absolutely no basis except your own painfully cliched stereotypes.
My guess is that you don’t really have a life, and you spend your time online picking childish fights to try to rid yourself of the pervasive feeling of gray-collar impotence, if only for a few moments. (I mean, if you actually cared about the things you say, you’d be doing something about it, and not trying to annoy people on -as you pointed out- a low circulation website, wouldn’t you?)
Well, whatever makes you feel better. You’ll get no more attention from me.
Goodness, Frank.
You’re getting a lot of hits off a simple link. Well, I suppose traffic is traffic.
Guys, lighten up. Frank’s readers don’t go around punching people in the face (sorry to wreck your persona, Frank). We’re (generally) a well behaved bunch with a sense of humor. If you check Kos’ predictions in the past, you’ll understand why Frank posted this link. No harm. Peace.
“Best Regards all you FrankJoholics!
Catch you on the flip side.”
What does that mean, MFL? I thought we got rid of you a while back. Besides, don’t you need to look for a job and stop snarking around so much, making unbased personal attacks? I know that’s the dem way and all, to expend lots of people’s time and energy on something that’s fruitless, but honestly . . . it’s annoying. What are you trying to prove besides that you just don’t get it?
And when will it occur to you that you will be calling yourself a monkey faced liberal long after Frank has dropped the joke?
Hmmm, irony and sarcasm. Frank, let’s just concentrate on pure hate and bile from this point on so that we can be taken seriously like the DailyPus. It is important that we strive to emulate the moonbat masses who seriously think their message of doom. gloom and cancer of the womb will play in Peoria. MFL, wtf are you doing here, trying to grow a sense of humor?
Great idea!
Does that mean that the “Punch on sight” order has been rescinded?
You’re always bringing a knife to a gun-fight. THAT’s why the girls keep knocking you down and taking your lunch money.
Thanks alot, Frank! I went over to the link and am now damaged for the rest of the day! Good grief what a vile, awful site! At least we on the right side of things have a bit of wit and humor and can see the good side of America. These sleazy creeps are so full of hate and rage not to mention the fact that they are morons and don’t know what the hell they are talking about. Yuk! I need a shower and electric shock therapy for about a week to recover from that experience!
Good to see that you admit that you were wrong in saying that “lefties don’t grasp the concepts of irony or sarcasm.” Acceptance of the problem is the first step in recovery.
Now we need to work on your writing. I realize that this is a blog, and that the little one-room schoolhouse you walked barefoot to in Kentucky might have neglected to teach you this, but “unbased” is not a word (try baseless).
As far as my use of “painfully cliched stereotypes.” Guilty!
In my defense, I am just trying to keep up with FrankJ. And regarding the use of of painfully cliched sterotypes, he sets a pace that is hard to match.
Monkey Faced Liberal
My mistake! C used the term unbased, not you. I guess they taught you better in that Kentucky schoolhouse than I thought.
“I thought we got rid of you a while back.”
Far be it from me to give up on the important mission of helping liberate FrankJ from the delusion that he can write good political humor.
It might be a long hard slog, but I will not give up!
Well, at least I won’t give up until Big Brother All-Stars comes back on. Priorities people!
“I know that’s the dem way and all, to expend lots of people’s time and energy on something that’s fruitless…”
Sorry C. You see to have confused the war in Iraq with the dem way.
“And when will it occur to you that you will be calling yourself a monkey faced liberal long after Frank has dropped the joke?”
FrankJ dropped a joke? From what I know of FrankJ he likes to beat, bully, kick, shoot and chop up a joke even when it arrives DOA. Hard to believe that he actually dropped one.
If so, perhaps my comments are helping him! Excuse me, I need to put out a press release on this.
With all the negative IMAO media attention, it is about time some GOOD NEWS FROM IMAO was covered.
Monkey Faced Liberal
Captain America:
“MFL, wtf are you doing here, trying to grow a sense of humor?”
SNAP! Great comeback Captain.
Though, couldn’t you have gone with something a bit more sophisticated like “FrankJ is rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off him and sticks to you!”
I hear that KILLS in the 7-10 year old demographic.
Pat Rand:
“You’re always bringing a knife to a gun-fight. THAT’s why the girls keep knocking you down and taking your lunch money.”
Good try Pat, but as you can see Captain America has already won the prize for “Pathetic Putdown Attempts.”
You scored well in the “Cliche” category, but you just couldn’t make up Captain America’s big lead in the “Idiotic” category.
Better luck next time though!
Monkey Faced Liberal
How do you confuse a monkey faced liberal? You don’t, they’re born that way. Was that idiotic enough for you, you panty-waist, effiminate vacillating punching bag?
Good tries Captamerica, but your first comeback is still #1 with a bullet on the Idiotic scale.
However, you seem to have a million of dumb comebacks up your sleeve.
Are you using some sort of reference book to get them, or do they come from the wellspring of your fertile imagination?
You know — your imagination.
The place in your mind where Bush is still popular, the War in Iraq is going well, Brown-skinned immigrants are invading America so that they can turn it into Aztlan, and FrankJ is funny.
By the way — could you please explain the “vacillating” comment?
What exactly have I been vacillating on? That FrankJ is not funny? I think I have been pretty consistent on that stand.
Or is vacillating one of your genric insults for Liberals?
Monkey Faced Liberal
P.S. What you call effeminate I call “getting in touch with my feminine side.”
Now if you will excuse me I have a seaweed wrap scheduled for this afternoon.
Don’t worry — I made sure all the seaweed used is organic and harvested in a sustainable fashion.
Aren’t all liberal insults generic, I mean they all apply so easily. And while we right-wing bigots do have vivid imaginations, they do indeed pale in comparison to the cosmic delusions that spawn in the fertile paranoid imaginations of our liberal kin. BTw, a dictionary will provide you with a source to look up words, maybe you can get a federal grant for someone to assist you. Good luck.
MFL lives! How ya been little fella!
You know, I’m not from Kentucky, but I have family from Kentucky. I have friends from Kentucky. I like Kentucky. My in-laws both went to one-room schools there. While you may not count them as educated, they are both full of grace, charm and humor. So why are you so down on Kentucky? Just asking.
You really ARE an idiot, aren’t you Captamerica?
I mean, like a lot of people I throw that term around a fair amount without meaning it in a serious manner, but in your case really does apply, doesn’t it?
Vacillate means to be indecisive or swing from side to side. Now, I am sure there are some liberals who vacillate, but there are also a lot who don’t. Much like conservatives.
Maybe you might disagree with with some liberals decisions, (like I disagree with George Bush’s decisions) but really, one cannot call all liberals indecisive. That is just silly. And not really very insulting easier.
Definately not as good as pantywaist, for instance.
Also as far as “Aren’t all liberal insults generic, I mean they all apply so easily.” Generic does not mean to apply easily. It means “general” or applying to all members of a group.
So what you are saying is that all liberal insults apply to all liberals generally, because they all apply so easily.
Which doesn’t make sense. Which isn’t surprising, since you are an idiot. (see above).
Really, I have no problems whatsoever with Kentucky. I am sure it is a fine state and that your grandparents are smart, kind and lovely.
I was just trying to bug Tristan. Not my best work, I will admit.
Monkey Faced Liberal
Since I am a Liberal, I am able and willing to question my views. So let me question the idea for a second that FrankJ can’t write worth a damn.
If anyone can point out to me an example of “political humor” that he has ever written that really is funny, and not just an stream of consciousness adolescent rant filled with cliches and bad jokes, please point it out to me.
Because these last two posts. My gosh. I have read better work on the bathroom stalls at the Port Authority Bus terminal.
Sounds like someone definitely pissed in MFL’s Wheaties, although I suspect that would turn him on. BTW. all liberals are indecisive and patywaists. Now that ya got your knickers all twisted I guess the point has been made that you have no sense of humor and your ego is as fragile as an egg. Have a nice day girly man.
“Lives” is probably too strong of a term for the little feckless wretch.
He’s probably never been to Kentucky, doesn’t know anyone from there and doesn’t want to. It’s just an easy back-drop for his ad hominem.
I think the place in captamerica’s mind that the little fur-face describes is a tad more real than the place in MFL’s mind where Liberals have ideas, Saddam’s rape-rooms and mass graves are a good thing, and illegal aliens keeping wages artificially low is sound economic policy.
Is there a reason that Arizona is not on any of their silly lists as “falling into the hands of the GOP”? I have a a pretty good feeling that AuH2O is going to unseat Ol’ Nappy in a landslide.
Kos has a great track record of backing losers, starting with John Frickin’ Kerry. As one pundit put it recently, he may one day actually back a winner but his influence is soley limited to the lunatic fringe that makes the DNC cringe. Dee De Deeeeee! I rhymed MFL.
Wow, MFL…you really are a bigot. Or are Kentucky incest jokes all the rage at your Jr High?
You call yourself a liberal? I know liberals. I served with liberals. You sir are no liberal.
Why did you ask to be pointed to the humor on this site? This is a serious site where serious people discuss serious matters seriously. I find your assertion that the site might contain humor of an intentional manner to be both shocking and disgusting. Where were you educated?…a one-room school in Kentucky? You have the manner of a cheese-whiz whizzing carpet rat that somehow managed to place it’s greasy claws on a keyboard in fashion that few creatures lacking opposable thumbs can master. The combination of your inactivity, unfamiliarity with the act of bathing, and cheese-whiz-breath has doubtless rendered you incapable of human interaction that doesn’t involve a keyboard. That, my little pus-bomb, is no way to go through life. If you want humor, read the New York Times.
Just kidding. Welcome back you little cheese-whizzy snotball. We all missed your totally self-absorbed and pointless meanderings…those five minutes you were away.
In the immortal words of Dean Wormer: “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son (MFL). Although it has seemed to work for Ted Kennedy. Gotsta rethinks this now.
I love you too!
Monkey Faced Liberal
P.S. Do you have some issues with cheese whizz? I mean, one reference is fine, but two? What is up with that?
I guess you got me. My panties ARE all in a bunch.
That is why I felt the need to post 3 responses to your post calling me an idiot.
Oh yeah — that was you! Oops!
I guess you are little upset because you have a bit of an inferiority complex regarding your lack of intelligence.
I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings so badly when I brought up the fact that you are an idiot. Sorry about that.
I don’t want you to feel bad. I am bleeding heart monkey faced liberal after all. I care!
Monkey Faced Liberal
Pat Rand:
First: “little fur face” ?????
Second: I would be delighted to have a serious discussion with you regarding good liberal ideas (renewable energy incentives, universal health care, balancing the budget), when America should use military force to oust ruthless dictators (when it is in America’s strategic interests), and the economic and social implications of immigration, (both legal and illegal).
But given this purports to be a “humor” site, I do not think this the appropriate venue.
Third: “Little Fur face”? Is this supposed to be some sort of insult? Because I call myself a Monkey Faced Liberal? Seriously?
If you really think that you “got me” with that bon mot, maybe there really is no point in our having a serious discussion. It all might be a little over your head.
Now, if you will all excuse me, I am falling behind on my work educating FrankJ regarding his complete lack of talent.
A liberal’s work is never done.
Monkey Faced Liberal
To all my right wing comrades:
Take a moment to read some of MFL’s posts and then tell me that ending his diatribes with “peace” isn’t ironic. Really, try it. You can’t.
Just thought I’d take a moment to point that out.
Hm. MFL seems to be an imposter! It’s probably RWD or FrankJ himself masquerading to make you all paranoid!
But anyways, all I can think of when I hear (or read) the name Kos is that idiot in his stupid t shirt holding a package of Mentos. I’ll have to thank Michelle Malkin for that link…
There are some very prolific writers on this thread!
How do you guys do it? Do you make little notes to yourselves. I’ve already got a headache. Okay, let me try:
Sandan: Yup, it’s on the hush hush.
Pat Rand: Nope, “Punch on Sight is still in effect.
Bilbo: I know where you live.
MFL: You are fairly witty, leading me to believe you’re a mole.
I have an important job. My job is to try and help FrankJ realize how unfunny he is.
Yes, it is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
Or maybe not.
Perhaps I should just let FrankJ continue writing his piss-poor political humor, and let him go on fooling himself into thinking he is actually funny.
Perhaps I should let him continue to dream that one of these days he will be able to give up his job as an electrical engineer and become a full-time political humorist.
Maybe I should let him go on seeing himself hobnobbing in the future with Jonah Goldberg and Glenn Reynolds at right-wing blogging conferences.
Maybe I should allow him to continue to pretend that one day he will finally have the money he needs to buy all the shiny guns and cool Samauri swords he ever wanted.
Maybe I should leave FrankJ alone to live in his little dream world.
Nah. Or at least, not right now.
Anyway, what is your job C? Other than sticking your nose up FrankJ’s ass, of course.
I know that job takes a lot of your time, but I don’t think your cut of the t-shirt sales pays the bills, does it?
Monkey Faced Liberal
Are you suggesting that I am not a peaceful man Aussie?
Are you saying that I have been a little too mean to FrankJ and his friends on IAMO?
I mean, it is not like I made jokes about punching people in the face, taking out people’s kneecaps, or killing innocent Iraqi civilians.
I see how some people might think doing that would be mean (and unfunny, but that is a whole other issue).
I guess I thought you were all big boys and girls and could handle some friendly suggestions and silly teasing from a little old Monkey Faced Liberal.
I will try and be more sensitive in the future.
See, this is what happens when I skip a Yoga class! I have lost touch with my feminine side, my shakra has gone out of whack, and I am not as full of peace as I should be.
I will see if I can take it a bit easier on you all with my little jokes and comments in the future.
Remember — I love you all!
Monkey Faced Liberal
No, the point is that it’s ironic that you end all of your comments (you know the hostile, combative ones that you seem to shoot out of your ass with such ease) with “peace”. When I read anything you’ve posted I know “peace” is the last thing on your mind. But the $100,000 question is: did YOU realize that? Or were you too busy trying to have your cake and eat it too?
I’m beginning to think that “MF” in “MFL” has a totally different connotation…
I design the buildings where you attained your great learning, which has driven you mad.
And little one-room schoolhouses, although I guess my word usage isn’t perfect. But you misspelled “stereotype” in the same post as bashing me for my grammar, I believe. Touche? I’m glad you got my point anyway, as you were able to select a more correct word for me.
Also, I don’t have my nose where you say it is, but I do think Frank’s ironic humor is occasionally funny. Which I guess I would share with many people who visit this site, but maybe not you?
MFL: the thing I like about libs is that your first and last resort is to assail us poor, trailer-dwelling, red state, bible-thumping, inbred,holy rollin’ yahoos with your vastly superior intellect and your AA degrees from some of the finest junior colleges in the country. I would like to think that you would have the class to recognize the small amount of courage we have to even think of challenging you with our vain attempts to put a chip in the great wall of your intellectual superiority. Oh why, oh why do we even try!?
Although I believe in everyone’s God given right to be as stupid as they possibly can, I get tired of the same old, same old. MFL you’ve said nothing new, it’s just the same old tired clap trap libs have been spewing for at least the last 25 years that I’ve been paying attention.
You libs have been in charge of Education for all that time and what do we have to show for it. People who can’t read, can’t spell, don’t share or play well with others, who can’t express a logical thought (of course that might be due to the vast amounts of mind altering substances ingested during the time they were under the control of FREE thinkers who spurn the belief in anything greater than themselves). Just exactly what was the goal during this time?
Ah yes… to make these people so dependent on their enablers that they would march in lock step to do whatever they were told.
See I can do it too. It’s sooooooo easy to fall back on the old and tired, sick and busted traps of the past. It’s so much harder to actually look at the situation that is NOW, and come up with intelligent, well thought out, reasoned suggestions/or at least pithy, clever, and amusing remarks. (I’m not very good at those, but then that’s WHY I visit here, they may not always be gems but I enjoy them) If I wanted to hear or read the same old, same old I’d watch “Meet the Depressed” or “Charlib Rose” or any nightly news program.
Show me the unbiased anchor there, and I have land south of Pensacola you should buy. Great water view!
I wonder if Kos realizes that an Alaskan Democrat is more conservative than a California Republican?
At least he’s aware that Michigan stands a chance of going Republican in 2006. The Republican candidate (DeVos) has just tied the Democrat (Granholm) in the polls. Of course, it helps that he’s got a crapload of money to blow on election ads this early on.
Should be interesting here in Michigan, that much is for sure.
I also have a Kos prediction:
I predict that sometime aound the middle of October, Kos will have managed to chew through the restraints enough to actually break free. He’ll run out into the hallway, screaming about how George W. Bush has hired Halliburton to steal his chocolate pudding, and will only manage to get about 30 feet from his cell door before being tazered mercilessly by the bored guards. He’ll be heavily sedated, causing him to miss chocolate pudding night at the asylum. He will, of course, blame Bush for all of this.
Hey, FrankJ! Quit making me go to DailyKos! (feh)
It takes quite a while to wash my monitor with bleach.
Frank J:
Kos predicted something! That is funny.
Almost as funny as a pathetic little right-wing blogger (who doesn’t have a book published, will not be featured in the commercials of any Senate candidates ever, and who thinks that politics is a “fad” like pet rocks and The Spice Girls) trying to make fun of a successful, relevant political blogger (who, unlike him, has created an entire community of dedicated readers and writers) for estimating how many governor seats the Democrats will pick up in the Midterm elections.
Also almost as funny as this .
But not quite as funny. Not quite.
Monkey Faced Liberal
P.S. Weren’t you going to stop blogging about politics and start blogging about kung-fu and Samauri swords and your dog and your dog’s parties or something? I think you should stick with that plan. It was a good plan. Much better than say, Bush’s plan for rebuilding Iraq. Or Bush’s plan for pretty much anything, now that I think of it. I suggest you go back to this plan.
Looking forward to hearing more about your dog’s next spa treatment!
To be honest, I thought you guys here at IMAO were exaggerating when you talked about how lefties don’t grasp the concepts of irony or sarcasm.
But this Monkey Faced Liberal has shown me how terribly, terribly wrong I have been.
oops, *concepts of irony and sarcasm
And the Monkey Faced Liberal is reading IMAO… why?
Since you seem to be examining how “terribly, terribly wrong” you have been, you might want to look at some other ideas you were terribly, terribly wrong on.
Such as:
Voting for Bush.
Writing last year that you “got a good sense of humor.”
The blond dye job.
Writing something stupid like “lefties don’t grasp the concepts of irony or sarcasm” when lefties like Jon Stewart, and Robert Smiegel clearly do.
Assuming your boyfriend Elmer really was just going out for a pack of cigarettes when he left the trailer with a packed suitcase and your cousin Vicki.
Thinking you will find any funny sarcasm or irony posted by Frank J.
Rexamining these ideas might help you not be so terribly, terribly wrong in the future.
Monkey Faced Liberal
Ah, but MFL, it’s not quantity, it’s quality. We, the fans of FrankJ and IMAO are simply a cut above, like 18 year old Glenlivet, or genuine Bush’s Baked Beans, Country Style. So Kos has a scrillion hits a day. Meh. Millions paid good money to see The Dukes of Hazzard too. Kos is nothing more than Jessica Simpson in a pair of Daisy Dukes, only not quite as relevant.
Good question. Why does this Monkey Faced Liberal read IMAO?
I think the answer is that it is a bit like watching a car wreck. You know it is horrible, but you can’t turn away.
Of course, in the case of IMAO the drivers of the cars in the wreck do not think they are in a wreck, but are in fact are smoothly driving down the highway.
They hold onto this delusion despite the fact that their children are screaming in horror as they slowly bleed to death beside them, the car next to them just exploded, and police sirens are wailing as they arrive to limit the damage as much as possible.
Funny, but only in a very, very, dark, and tragic way.
Actually, it is a bit similar to W’s administration, now that I think of it.
Sorry, that is the best answer I can give on short notice.
Monkey Faced Liberal
An even better example would be a road trip with Ted Kennedy. (not to say that you didn’t just describe that, just thought i’d save you the effort of spelling that whole senerio out)
P.S. It’s nice to see there’s at least one devoted IMAO reader because God (you know that guy up in the sky all the crazy neocons think created everything) knows that IMAO needs all the help it can get!
“Writing something stupid like “lefties don’t grasp the concepts of irony or sarcasm” when lefties like Jon Stewart, and Robert Smiegel clearly do.”
…and yet we can see clearly that you do not share their capacity for humor-perception.
Instead you spend your evenings trolling political humor sites (hoping to work your way up to serious blogs?) with personal attacks with absolutely no basis except your own painfully cliched stereotypes.
My guess is that you don’t really have a life, and you spend your time online picking childish fights to try to rid yourself of the pervasive feeling of gray-collar impotence, if only for a few moments. (I mean, if you actually cared about the things you say, you’d be doing something about it, and not trying to annoy people on -as you pointed out- a low circulation website, wouldn’t you?)
Well, whatever makes you feel better. You’ll get no more attention from me.
Goodness, Frank.
You’re getting a lot of hits off a simple link. Well, I suppose traffic is traffic.
Guys, lighten up. Frank’s readers don’t go around punching people in the face (sorry to wreck your persona, Frank). We’re (generally) a well behaved bunch with a sense of humor. If you check Kos’ predictions in the past, you’ll understand why Frank posted this link. No harm. Peace.
WHO doesn’t go around punching MFL’s in the face? Why just today I…never mind…NSA is listening.
“Best Regards all you FrankJoholics!
Catch you on the flip side.”
What does that mean, MFL? I thought we got rid of you a while back. Besides, don’t you need to look for a job and stop snarking around so much, making unbased personal attacks? I know that’s the dem way and all, to expend lots of people’s time and energy on something that’s fruitless, but honestly . . . it’s annoying. What are you trying to prove besides that you just don’t get it?
And when will it occur to you that you will be calling yourself a monkey faced liberal long after Frank has dropped the joke?
I’m gonna click on some ads on Frank’s page now, ’cause I’m so annoyed with MFL.
Windows Live Local is cool. Check it out.
Hmmm, irony and sarcasm. Frank, let’s just concentrate on pure hate and bile from this point on so that we can be taken seriously like the DailyPus. It is important that we strive to emulate the moonbat masses who seriously think their message of doom. gloom and cancer of the womb will play in Peoria. MFL, wtf are you doing here, trying to grow a sense of humor?
Great idea!
Does that mean that the “Punch on sight” order has been rescinded?
You’re always bringing a knife to a gun-fight. THAT’s why the girls keep knocking you down and taking your lunch money.
FU, AH! I puncha you face, monkey boy!
Thanks alot, Frank! I went over to the link and am now damaged for the rest of the day! Good grief what a vile, awful site! At least we on the right side of things have a bit of wit and humor and can see the good side of America. These sleazy creeps are so full of hate and rage not to mention the fact that they are morons and don’t know what the hell they are talking about. Yuk! I need a shower and electric shock therapy for about a week to recover from that experience!
Good to see that you admit that you were wrong in saying that “lefties don’t grasp the concepts of irony or sarcasm.” Acceptance of the problem is the first step in recovery.
Now we need to work on your writing. I realize that this is a blog, and that the little one-room schoolhouse you walked barefoot to in Kentucky might have neglected to teach you this, but “unbased” is not a word (try baseless).
As far as my use of “painfully cliched stereotypes.” Guilty!
In my defense, I am just trying to keep up with FrankJ. And regarding the use of of painfully cliched sterotypes, he sets a pace that is hard to match.
Monkey Faced Liberal
My mistake! C used the term unbased, not you. I guess they taught you better in that Kentucky schoolhouse than I thought.
“I thought we got rid of you a while back.”
Far be it from me to give up on the important mission of helping liberate FrankJ from the delusion that he can write good political humor.
It might be a long hard slog, but I will not give up!
Well, at least I won’t give up until Big Brother All-Stars comes back on. Priorities people!
“I know that’s the dem way and all, to expend lots of people’s time and energy on something that’s fruitless…”
Sorry C. You see to have confused the war in Iraq with the dem way.
“And when will it occur to you that you will be calling yourself a monkey faced liberal long after Frank has dropped the joke?”
FrankJ dropped a joke? From what I know of FrankJ he likes to beat, bully, kick, shoot and chop up a joke even when it arrives DOA. Hard to believe that he actually dropped one.
If so, perhaps my comments are helping him! Excuse me, I need to put out a press release on this.
With all the negative IMAO media attention, it is about time some GOOD NEWS FROM IMAO was covered.
Monkey Faced Liberal
Captain America:
“MFL, wtf are you doing here, trying to grow a sense of humor?”
SNAP! Great comeback Captain.
Though, couldn’t you have gone with something a bit more sophisticated like “FrankJ is rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off him and sticks to you!”
I hear that KILLS in the 7-10 year old demographic.
Pat Rand:
“You’re always bringing a knife to a gun-fight. THAT’s why the girls keep knocking you down and taking your lunch money.”
Good try Pat, but as you can see Captain America has already won the prize for “Pathetic Putdown Attempts.”
You scored well in the “Cliche” category, but you just couldn’t make up Captain America’s big lead in the “Idiotic” category.
Better luck next time though!
Monkey Faced Liberal
How do you confuse a monkey faced liberal? You don’t, they’re born that way. Was that idiotic enough for you, you panty-waist, effiminate vacillating punching bag?
MFL: What’s the difference between Elvis and a smart Liberal?
Elvis has been sighted. Is that better?
Good tries Captamerica, but your first comeback is still #1 with a bullet on the Idiotic scale.
However, you seem to have a million of dumb comebacks up your sleeve.
Are you using some sort of reference book to get them, or do they come from the wellspring of your fertile imagination?
You know — your imagination.
The place in your mind where Bush is still popular, the War in Iraq is going well, Brown-skinned immigrants are invading America so that they can turn it into Aztlan, and FrankJ is funny.
By the way — could you please explain the “vacillating” comment?
What exactly have I been vacillating on? That FrankJ is not funny? I think I have been pretty consistent on that stand.
Or is vacillating one of your genric insults for Liberals?
Monkey Faced Liberal
P.S. What you call effeminate I call “getting in touch with my feminine side.”
Now if you will excuse me I have a seaweed wrap scheduled for this afternoon.
Don’t worry — I made sure all the seaweed used is organic and harvested in a sustainable fashion.
Aren’t all liberal insults generic, I mean they all apply so easily. And while we right-wing bigots do have vivid imaginations, they do indeed pale in comparison to the cosmic delusions that spawn in the fertile paranoid imaginations of our liberal kin. BTw, a dictionary will provide you with a source to look up words, maybe you can get a federal grant for someone to assist you. Good luck.
MFL lives! How ya been little fella!
You know, I’m not from Kentucky, but I have family from Kentucky. I have friends from Kentucky. I like Kentucky. My in-laws both went to one-room schools there. While you may not count them as educated, they are both full of grace, charm and humor. So why are you so down on Kentucky? Just asking.
You really ARE an idiot, aren’t you Captamerica?
I mean, like a lot of people I throw that term around a fair amount without meaning it in a serious manner, but in your case really does apply, doesn’t it?
Vacillate means to be indecisive or swing from side to side. Now, I am sure there are some liberals who vacillate, but there are also a lot who don’t. Much like conservatives.
Maybe you might disagree with with some liberals decisions, (like I disagree with George Bush’s decisions) but really, one cannot call all liberals indecisive. That is just silly. And not really very insulting easier.
Definately not as good as pantywaist, for instance.
Also as far as “Aren’t all liberal insults generic, I mean they all apply so easily.” Generic does not mean to apply easily. It means “general” or applying to all members of a group.
So what you are saying is that all liberal insults apply to all liberals generally, because they all apply so easily.
Which doesn’t make sense. Which isn’t surprising, since you are an idiot. (see above).
Really, I have no problems whatsoever with Kentucky. I am sure it is a fine state and that your grandparents are smart, kind and lovely.
I was just trying to bug Tristan. Not my best work, I will admit.
Monkey Faced Liberal
Since I am a Liberal, I am able and willing to question my views. So let me question the idea for a second that FrankJ can’t write worth a damn.
If anyone can point out to me an example of “political humor” that he has ever written that really is funny, and not just an stream of consciousness adolescent rant filled with cliches and bad jokes, please point it out to me.
Because these last two posts. My gosh. I have read better work on the bathroom stalls at the Port Authority Bus terminal.
Sounds like someone definitely pissed in MFL’s Wheaties, although I suspect that would turn him on. BTW. all liberals are indecisive and patywaists. Now that ya got your knickers all twisted I guess the point has been made that you have no sense of humor and your ego is as fragile as an egg. Have a nice day girly man.
“Lives” is probably too strong of a term for the little feckless wretch.
He’s probably never been to Kentucky, doesn’t know anyone from there and doesn’t want to. It’s just an easy back-drop for his ad hominem.
I think the place in captamerica’s mind that the little fur-face describes is a tad more real than the place in MFL’s mind where Liberals have ideas, Saddam’s rape-rooms and mass graves are a good thing, and illegal aliens keeping wages artificially low is sound economic policy.
Is there a reason that Arizona is not on any of their silly lists as “falling into the hands of the GOP”? I have a a pretty good feeling that AuH2O is going to unseat Ol’ Nappy in a landslide.
Kos has a great track record of backing losers, starting with John Frickin’ Kerry. As one pundit put it recently, he may one day actually back a winner but his influence is soley limited to the lunatic fringe that makes the DNC cringe. Dee De Deeeeee! I rhymed MFL.
Wow, MFL…you really are a bigot. Or are Kentucky incest jokes all the rage at your Jr High?
You call yourself a liberal? I know liberals. I served with liberals. You sir are no liberal.
Why did you ask to be pointed to the humor on this site? This is a serious site where serious people discuss serious matters seriously. I find your assertion that the site might contain humor of an intentional manner to be both shocking and disgusting. Where were you educated?…a one-room school in Kentucky? You have the manner of a cheese-whiz whizzing carpet rat that somehow managed to place it’s greasy claws on a keyboard in fashion that few creatures lacking opposable thumbs can master. The combination of your inactivity, unfamiliarity with the act of bathing, and cheese-whiz-breath has doubtless rendered you incapable of human interaction that doesn’t involve a keyboard. That, my little pus-bomb, is no way to go through life. If you want humor, read the New York Times.
Just kidding. Welcome back you little cheese-whizzy snotball. We all missed your totally self-absorbed and pointless meanderings…those five minutes you were away.
In the immortal words of Dean Wormer: “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son (MFL). Although it has seemed to work for Ted Kennedy. Gotsta rethinks this now.
I love you too!
Monkey Faced Liberal
P.S. Do you have some issues with cheese whizz? I mean, one reference is fine, but two? What is up with that?
I guess you got me. My panties ARE all in a bunch.
That is why I felt the need to post 3 responses to your post calling me an idiot.
Oh yeah — that was you! Oops!
I guess you are little upset because you have a bit of an inferiority complex regarding your lack of intelligence.
I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings so badly when I brought up the fact that you are an idiot. Sorry about that.
I don’t want you to feel bad. I am bleeding heart monkey faced liberal after all. I care!
Monkey Faced Liberal
Pat Rand:
First: “little fur face” ?????
Second: I would be delighted to have a serious discussion with you regarding good liberal ideas (renewable energy incentives, universal health care, balancing the budget), when America should use military force to oust ruthless dictators (when it is in America’s strategic interests), and the economic and social implications of immigration, (both legal and illegal).
But given this purports to be a “humor” site, I do not think this the appropriate venue.
Third: “Little Fur face”? Is this supposed to be some sort of insult? Because I call myself a Monkey Faced Liberal? Seriously?
If you really think that you “got me” with that bon mot, maybe there really is no point in our having a serious discussion. It all might be a little over your head.
Now, if you will all excuse me, I am falling behind on my work educating FrankJ regarding his complete lack of talent.
A liberal’s work is never done.
Monkey Faced Liberal
To all my right wing comrades:
Take a moment to read some of MFL’s posts and then tell me that ending his diatribes with “peace” isn’t ironic. Really, try it. You can’t.
Just thought I’d take a moment to point that out.
Hm. MFL seems to be an imposter! It’s probably RWD or FrankJ himself masquerading to make you all paranoid!
But anyways, all I can think of when I hear (or read) the name Kos is that idiot in his stupid t shirt holding a package of Mentos. I’ll have to thank Michelle Malkin for that link…
There are some very prolific writers on this thread!
How do you guys do it? Do you make little notes to yourselves. I’ve already got a headache. Okay, let me try:
Sandan: Yup, it’s on the hush hush.
Pat Rand: Nope, “Punch on Sight is still in effect.
Bilbo: I know where you live.
MFL: You are fairly witty, leading me to believe you’re a mole.
Have you found that job yet, MFL?
I have an important job. My job is to try and help FrankJ realize how unfunny he is.
Yes, it is a dirty job, but someone has to do it.
Or maybe not.
Perhaps I should just let FrankJ continue writing his piss-poor political humor, and let him go on fooling himself into thinking he is actually funny.
Perhaps I should let him continue to dream that one of these days he will be able to give up his job as an electrical engineer and become a full-time political humorist.
Maybe I should let him go on seeing himself hobnobbing in the future with Jonah Goldberg and Glenn Reynolds at right-wing blogging conferences.
Maybe I should allow him to continue to pretend that one day he will finally have the money he needs to buy all the shiny guns and cool Samauri swords he ever wanted.
Maybe I should leave FrankJ alone to live in his little dream world.
Nah. Or at least, not right now.
Anyway, what is your job C? Other than sticking your nose up FrankJ’s ass, of course.
I know that job takes a lot of your time, but I don’t think your cut of the t-shirt sales pays the bills, does it?
Monkey Faced Liberal
Are you suggesting that I am not a peaceful man Aussie?
Are you saying that I have been a little too mean to FrankJ and his friends on IAMO?
I mean, it is not like I made jokes about punching people in the face, taking out people’s kneecaps, or killing innocent Iraqi civilians.
I see how some people might think doing that would be mean (and unfunny, but that is a whole other issue).
I guess I thought you were all big boys and girls and could handle some friendly suggestions and silly teasing from a little old Monkey Faced Liberal.
I will try and be more sensitive in the future.
See, this is what happens when I skip a Yoga class! I have lost touch with my feminine side, my shakra has gone out of whack, and I am not as full of peace as I should be.
I will see if I can take it a bit easier on you all with my little jokes and comments in the future.
Remember — I love you all!
Monkey Faced Liberal
Okay, I’ve been punked.
Brian the sailor’s motto:
If you’re not having any fun, you’re doing it wrong.
No, the point is that it’s ironic that you end all of your comments (you know the hostile, combative ones that you seem to shoot out of your ass with such ease) with “peace”. When I read anything you’ve posted I know “peace” is the last thing on your mind. But the $100,000 question is: did YOU realize that? Or were you too busy trying to have your cake and eat it too?
I’m beginning to think that “MF” in “MFL” has a totally different connotation…
I design the buildings where you attained your great learning, which has driven you mad.
And little one-room schoolhouses, although I guess my word usage isn’t perfect. But you misspelled “stereotype” in the same post as bashing me for my grammar, I believe. Touche? I’m glad you got my point anyway, as you were able to select a more correct word for me.
Also, I don’t have my nose where you say it is, but I do think Frank’s ironic humor is occasionally funny. Which I guess I would share with many people who visit this site, but maybe not you?
MFL: the thing I like about libs is that your first and last resort is to assail us poor, trailer-dwelling, red state, bible-thumping, inbred,holy rollin’ yahoos with your vastly superior intellect and your AA degrees from some of the finest junior colleges in the country. I would like to think that you would have the class to recognize the small amount of courage we have to even think of challenging you with our vain attempts to put a chip in the great wall of your intellectual superiority. Oh why, oh why do we even try!?
Although I believe in everyone’s God given right to be as stupid as they possibly can, I get tired of the same old, same old. MFL you’ve said nothing new, it’s just the same old tired clap trap libs have been spewing for at least the last 25 years that I’ve been paying attention.
You libs have been in charge of Education for all that time and what do we have to show for it. People who can’t read, can’t spell, don’t share or play well with others, who can’t express a logical thought (of course that might be due to the vast amounts of mind altering substances ingested during the time they were under the control of FREE thinkers who spurn the belief in anything greater than themselves). Just exactly what was the goal during this time?
Ah yes… to make these people so dependent on their enablers that they would march in lock step to do whatever they were told.
See I can do it too. It’s sooooooo easy to fall back on the old and tired, sick and busted traps of the past. It’s so much harder to actually look at the situation that is NOW, and come up with intelligent, well thought out, reasoned suggestions/or at least pithy, clever, and amusing remarks. (I’m not very good at those, but then that’s WHY I visit here, they may not always be gems but I enjoy them) If I wanted to hear or read the same old, same old I’d watch “Meet the Depressed” or “Charlib Rose” or any nightly news program.
Show me the unbiased anchor there, and I have land south of Pensacola you should buy. Great water view!