Where have all the cowboys gone?
Not only does President Bush have low approval numbers, but everyone in Washington is hated now. And why? Because they suck!
You hear about how the federal government is tipping off the Mexican government about the Minutemen? I really hope that’s some rumor blown out of proportion, because now it seems like the Bush administration is just trying to piss conservatives off. Maybe Bush just got tired of angering the moonbats – all he has to do is sneeze and they call him “Hitler!” – so he’s going for the full monty and destroying all support. Anyway, this sounds bad. Not only is the federal government failing to do its job, it’s stopping Americans from getting it done. One of the biggest principles of America is that the people can do whatever our government fails at. That’s why gun rights are so essential; you can’t expect a police officer to magically appear when you’re in trouble, so you have the ability to handle threats yourself. Self-reliance is what America is about, and the government working against self-reliance is double-plus ungood.
Back to my point (if I had one), there is no one to root for in politics right now. Where does that leave us heading into the 2006 elections? You dislike both sides, but you can’t send them both a message because one of them will be elected.
Maybe the Libertarian Party can finally get some politicians elected nationally.
Seriously, though, I think the only option is to vote Democrat. Democrat gains in 2006 is the kick in the pants the GOP needs to get things together for 2008. So, hold your nose and vote Democrat, says Frank J. You can always punch them in their dumb monkey faces later.
I won’t though; my rep is Dave Weldon who is a solid conservative and never has a viable opponent. Also, it might be Kathleen Harris running for Senate, and she won’t stand a chance so I might as well vote for her to just piss off the moonbats.
But, everyone else, vote Democrat. I don’t see another option; do you?
In other news, at least Arizona is forming posses to handle illegal immigration. I’ve always said that what this country needs is more posses.
Ballots are not graded on completeness, so I’m thinking I might skip the US Representative box altogether. Let the Dems impeach Bush–what better way to send a message. We have to hold the Senate, though, so he isn’t actually removed.
We don’t need the Senate; it takes a supermajority to remove a sitting president.
Supermajority? Think he was one of the Super Friends wasn’t he? Or was he the guy that hung out with Green Lantern? Either way, it shouldn’t take a super hero to get a president out of his seat. Just ask nicely, maybe offer him a ham sandwich.
Maybe the Libertarian Party can finally get some politicians elected nationally.
I don’t know. I think if they nominated Evil Glenn, they might just have a chance of using his puppy-blending powers to completely take over the world! That’s one thing the Brain never tried: puppy-blending.
To allow the moonb…, I mean democrats to take either house of the Congress would be a disaster at a very dangerous time in history. The Losertarians are just that. Spend at least as much time harrassing (politely of course) your, or somebody elses representatives as you do working on my favorite website (IMAO dummy), and we will somehow muddle through. Losing is a terrible tactic! So shut up and type something funny!
YOU be the one to tell that “I can’t date another liberal guy” chick in the conservativematch add that she should vote for a Democrat. I’m afraid she’d punch me right in my monkey face. I’m even more afraid that I might like it and beg her to do it again.
I think a good move would be for Cheney to resign, replace him with Condi, and then for Bush to do the same. Let Condi get things turned back around
Support ($$) conservative candidates, even if you can’t vote for them. RINO’s will notice where the funds are going.
A vote for a (D) will not send the message you want, it will empower the monkey-faces and move everyone left.
Frank is right, there is no one.
Even Newt, my last conservative hero, heads out on the road touting Hillary’s socialist “let’s destroy the best medical treatment in the world by getting the government involved” program. Frist seemed to be strong, but he is suddenly half-liberal. Despite his election retoric, George W is a larger left-leaning moderate than his father, and both want to destroy our borders, while propping up their newly-adopted son Bill Clinton. Bring back Watts and some of the other Class of ’94 who had the conservative ideals (that got them elected) kicked out of them by the Arlen Spectors of the world.
I live in Jim McDermott’s district. Do I really have to vote for him, Frank? … Not that it matters. There won’t be a Republican challenger anyway. Maybe I’ll vote Green instead!
//In other news, at least Arizona is forming posses to handle illegal immigration. I’ve always said that what this country needs is more posses.//
Sheriff JOE ROCKS!! I still kick myself for not thanking him personally when I had the chance. THIS guy has the common sense and fortitude it takes to make the rule of law stand for what it’s supposed to stand for.
Sorry, Frank but until they can clone about 100 Zell Millars, there is NO way in hell I’m voting demoncrap.
The problem with voting Democrat is that Pelosi and Reid will be put in the driver’s seat. And with those moonbats at the helm, I don’t want to ride in that clown car. I guess I’m lucky in the Senatorial race cause where I live we have Durbin and there’s no where to go but up from him.
It takes a supermajority to impeach, but they can make the last two years of Bush’s presidency even less productive than these past two years.
He said posses.
I believe it just takes a regular majority in the House to impeach, but a supermajority in the Senate to actually remove the president.
And now it has come down to this: the only people in America who get any positive attention anymore are members of Hollywood. Arnie saw this and capitalized; the only problem is he’s not American born. So we are left with this:
COnservatives can’t vote Demoncrap(I like that one), because that’s like Bill Clinton and truth, they don’t work together. Thus, we are left with changing the law to tenure as a U.S. citizen to run for Prez, or Hulk Hogan comes out with his, “Vote for me, Brother…” campaign.
ALAS. ALAS. I fall and weep.
I’m running for president maybe I can warm up with the mid-terms.
For the sake of all that is good and wholesome in the world, DO NOT vote Democrat. I’m sure Frank was just joking, kinda. Right now your choices are to swim in piss or to swim in shit. Disgusting comparison I know but is apt to say the least. If that was your only choice what would you do? I’ll take the piss anyday. And don’t forget you can always write in a name on the ballot. OR, they could actually do their silly jobs and SECURE THE GOD-DAMNED BORDER! I will keep saying it: Our country should be embarassed beyond any account that my 72 year old mother has signed up for the Granny Brigade to do the job our elected officials are obligated to do themselves.
And yes, it is true, right from the mouth of the Border Patrol itself. They are giving away Minuteman locations on the border whenever a Mexican citizen makes a complaint about “human rights” to our Border Patrol. Our Border Patrol then turns that information over to the Mexican government including the location that the incident took place. Disclosing the location of the “incident” gives away the location of the Minuteman protestors. Keep in mind that out of approx. 7,000 Minutemen, there have been ZERO arrests and/or reprimands of the Minutemen by any law enforcement officer of the U.S.
My plan is to write-in the Pope for senator of Rhode Island. And I’m not even Catholic.
Tell them now that you refuse to send in your campaign contributions – to the GOP in general, to your reps in particular – until they get it together.
Give them a couple months to do it, but give them a list of what they must do for your vote:
Flat tax
Cut spending
Term limits