Reason I Hate Liberals #64,558

When I tell a liberal that, if he says one more stupid word, I’ll punch him square in his dumb monkey face, he always takes it personally. Lighten up, you stupid monkey-faced liberal!


  1. That just means that, by being offended, they identify themselves as being a stupid monkey-faced liberal.
    For being that stupid, monkey-faced, and liberal they deserve to be punched in the face!
    Stoopid monkey.

  2. HA!
    See, even though you say don’t think he should take it “personally”, you think he is a “stupid monkey faced liberal”.
    So really, he should take it personally!
    Both subtle in its irony — and hilarious!
    Keep’em coming Frank. They never get old. Never!

  3. Another thing you’ll find out about liberals is that they have masochistic tendancies…they LIKE getting punched in the face, it gives them sensual pleasure, but none of them have the physical strength to whack each other effectively.
    So to fulfill their depraved needs they call down the wrath of the Rightwing base upon themselves.
    Kinda makes me feel a teensy bit used…but not enough to make me want to stop from punching them.

  4. I find it humorous that someone who sees no humor in a website would frequent it daily. I only went to CNN’s site once, determined it was crappy liberal propaganda and never went back. Should I have gone back again and again and emailed them each time how much I don’t like their site? I guess if I was a liberal with no life I would. But, then again, if I was a liberal with no life I’d be stupid enough to believe the slanted stories they feed on CNN.

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