See No Stupid

Has anyone on the left mentioned John Murtha’s remarks about Somalia and Okinawa on Meet the Press? I checked Technorati, but it seem the left has ignored his interview except for maybe a, “Heh. He said Karl Rove has a big butt,” comment.
If you have a link, please put it in the comments. I’m quite curious if there’s a rational argument out there that Murtha is not bat-@#$% insane.


  1. Frank, Frank, Frank, when will you ever learn.
    Liberals never allow the facts to influence them. That would be counter productive to their “stuck on stupid stance.” They’d have to give up their “I’m with stupid” buttons and “Bush lied” T-shirts.

  2. Uhm, Okinawa was the last place he listed off — all the others were in the Middle East. He’s also well aware that Okinawa isn’t right next to the middle east: “So—and we don’t have to be right there. We can go to Okinawa. “
    I can’t find anything, aside from the >Meet the Press transcripts, that associate Murtha with putting our troops in Okinawa. There’s nothing about this on his website, and Yahoo! isn’t turning up anything either.
    I really don’t see what the big deal is — sounds like the guy was thinking out-loud, not laying down a well crafted plan.
    I do wish he’d stop talking about Haditha though. Wait and see if anybody’s convicted before you start using that as part of your soapbox, Murtha.

  3. FrankJ:
    You really have a burr under your saddle regarding Murtha, don’t you?
    This must be your forth post on him in a week.
    Is that because he actually shot guns once for real in the Marines rather than play around with them like they are toys like you do?
    Anyway, to answer your question, maybe they are ignoring it because what he said was reasonable and not crazy. After all:
    -He suggested we redeploy to Kuwait, Bahrain and Quater before suggesting Okinawa.
    -We do have these things called “aircraft carriers” which can be used to bring planes to the Middle East if we need to attack someone there.
    -That, considering the fact that we still do not have a stable secure Iraq after spending more than 250 Billion dollars and seeing 2,500 U.S troops and 35,000 Iraqi civilians die, perhaps it WAS a good idea to not try to establish stable and secure governments in Lebanon and Somilia through the use of U.S. military force.
    Anyway, why do we need “troops on the ground” in the Middle East?
    Weren’t we greeted as liberators, isn’t the insurgency in its “last throes” and won’t Iraq soon be a stable, secure and friendly democratic nation where terrorists can’t hide?
    Oops. Maybe not.
    To be Continued…

  4. Continued…
    Still, maybe Murtha reasonably thinks that keeping troops in Iraq only helps fuel the insurgency and terrorism, while redeploying them prevents them from getting killed and also places the onus for security on the Iraqis.
    I could see how you might disagree with him on this (I am not sure if I agree with him completely on this point). But it is NOT crazy.
    Of course, your question leads me to ask you some questions as well:
    Do you think the U.S. should not have pulled out of Beruit and Somalia, and stayed in those countries until secure, stable and democratic regimes were established in them?
    Do you really think the American public would have supported such policies?
    Are you suggesting that the U.S. never pull out of Iraq? If not, what is your exit strategy?
    I look forward to hearing how you understand the situations in Beruit, Somalia and Iraq so well that you can call a man who was a Marine for 37 years and is a ranking member and former chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee “crazy” for his opinion on the subject.
    After all, what you write on this can’t be any worse that that dreck you think is good science-fiction.
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  5. Dumb Monkey Faced Liberal – I stopped reading your post after you said guns aren’t toys – obviously you’ve never played with guns. They’re the best toys ever!
    Why did you write so much? It’s a waste of space. You could have used that time to take a bath.
    Dumb stinky monkey-faced liberal hippy.

  6. Seamahair:
    “Liberals never allow the facts to influence them.”
    Why are you making such silly categorical statements?
    I disagree with Pat Buchanan, George Will, and Bill Kristol. I might even believe that they ignore the facts sometimes.
    But I would never say “Conservatives never allow the facts to influence them.” That is just silly.
    And I especially wouldn’t say it if I was a “fan of Ann Coulter” who thinks she is “accurate” as you do.
    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

    Monkey Faced Liberal

  7. Blackfive (actually Uncle Jimbo I think) had a thing on that, in particular focused in about the air strike on Zarakawi. It would take like 6 aerial refuelings each way for an F-16 to fly from Okinawa to Iraq – and that’s with clearance to fly over China and Iran. He had a real nice Google Earth exhibit to go with it.

  8. Here is the exact exchange:
    “REP. MURTHA: Kuwait’s one that will take us. Qatar, we already have bases in Qatar. So Bahrain. All those countries are willing to take the United States. Now, Saudi Arabia won’t because they wanted us out of there in the first place. So–and we don’t have to be right there. We can go to Okinawa. We, we don’t have–we can redeploy there almost instantly. So that’s not–that’s, that’s a fallacy. That, that’s just a statement to rial up people to support a failed policy wrapped in illusion.
    MR. RUSSERT: But it’d be tough to have a timely response from Okinawa.
    REP. MURTHA: Well, it–you know, they–when I say Okinawa, I, I’m saying troops in Okinawa. When I say a timely response, you know, our fighters can fly from Okinawa very quickly. And–and–when they don’t know we’re coming. There’s no question about it. And, and where those airplanes won’t–came from I can’t tell you, but, but I’ll tell you one thing, it doesn’t take very long for them to get in with cruise missiles or with, with fighter aircraft or, or attack aircraft, it doesn’t take any time at all. So we, we have done–this one particular operation, to say that that couldn’t have done, done–it was done from the outside, for heaven’s sakes.”
    What makes this completely apeshit is that he goes on and on to claim that Okinawa is viable as an airbase for attacks, and “they don’t know we’re coming” and so on (I guess if our fighters did six air-to-air refuelings over the full length of China and Iran to do a mission in Iraq with zero on the ground intelligence and it worked, we’d be pretty shocked, too. We watched that place for two weeks straight, and he’s saying we can launch planes from 12 hours away and he’ll still be there when they arrive. Not to mention sending cruise missiles, aimed at China from Japan, so that they eventually get to Iraq, assuming they have that kind of range, which they don’t, unless you propose refueling them in the air, as well.) The bottom line, and why EVERY conservative commentator is ripping him a new one over that statement, is that these are not the words of a military strategist of ANY skill whatsoever, they are the rantings of an old idiot who has clearly outlived his mind. And his grammar skill, judging by that last sentence. Remember all the flak Rummy caught over “Unknown unknowns”, which was actually a good summary of risk theory? How many done’s can you put in one freaking sentence? And where is this teleporter that can redeploy troops “almost instantly”? All this peppered with sarcasm about OTHER people’s intelligence on the subject. Spiffy. Yet this blathering is held out to us as above reproach by the Democrats.
    Very sadly, you can’t understand Democrats anymore without some background in both geriatric and child psychology.

  9. Memo to all Monkey Faced Liberals posting comments under the article asking for links to liberal sites that mention the crazy comments from Murtha about Somalia and Okinawa. Post comments that have LINKS to liberal sites that mention the crazy somments from Murtha about Somalia and Okinawa. If you don’t think those comments were crazy, in particular holding up the withdrawl from Somalia as a positive example, then G.W. Bush has manipulated you into being dumber than dirt. It can’t be your fault — nobody can be that dumb all on their own.

  10. Single Gunman:
    Memo to all delusional right-wing hawks.
    Maybe if you actually read my post you would understand why I didn’t put any liberal web site links regarding Murtha’s “crazy” comments.
    The reason is the the comments weren’t crazy and therefore there was no reason to comment on them.
    After all, it only delusional right-wing hawks who think that it was actually a bad a idea to pull out of Somalia rather than try to nation-build there.
    And only delusional right-wing hawks think that the U.S. cannot use military force in the Middle East if we pull out of Iraq.
    And only delusional right-wing hawks think “then G.W. Bush has manipulated you into being dumber than dirt” is an argument that addresses my points, rather than a pathetic attempt at an insult from someone who really has no reasonable response to my post.
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  11. By the way, what does delusional mean?
    Everyone keeps saying that I’m delusional. Since I am superior to everyone else, it must be a compliment.
    Someone post what delusional means while I head off to our secret fighter base on Mons Olympus.
    Redeploying from Mars would be prudent since no Muslims could get us there. Besides, our fighters could get from Mars to Iraq instantly.
    Only wingnuts obey the speed of light.
    Hail Satan,
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  12. Oh, and that was to Monkey Faced. I’m well aware that he’s trying to be clever, but that would require having two brain cells to rub together. I’ve seen his kind of act countless times before, and it’s old hat.

  13. What is it with libtards lately? Are they handing out homework assignments and gasoline over at DailyKos or something? The same thing is going on at Wizbang and probably other conservative blogs as well. No matter what the subject is, fill up the comments with idiotic, incidiary crap, and annoy as many people as possible. Are these creeps just sociopaths, or do they really think they’re making sense?
    If they really want to “make a difference”, they should take their crap to some Marine Corps bars where they can “educate” the troops in real time, with three dimensional people to admire their command of the “facts”.

  14. Now the MFL is attempting to pass itself off as an informed source on matters military? I love it! Please, please have it explain to us how pigs bladders cause earthquakes too, if possible, or how to recognize if a woman is a witch if she weighs the same as a duck.

  15. MFL,you ignorant slut. Calling you a turd insults feces everywhere. Withdrawal from Beirut and Somalia are what inspired Bin Laden to do the things he’s done. So Reagan f***ed up too, but of course conservatives never criticize their own.
    “In Somalia recall BLACKHAWK DOWN and see who gave the advice to Clinton!
    Two weeks later, after 18 U.S. Rangers were killed in the battle of Mogadishu, Murtha visited U.S. forces in Somalia.
    Upon his return he proclaimed to the world that the Mogadishu defeat had a devastating impact on the Rangers’ morale.
    “They’re subdued compared to normal morale of elite forces,” Murtha said. “Obviously, it was a very difficult battle. A lot of Somalis were killed, but it was a brutal battle.”
    Murtha said the U.S. had to no choice but to pull out now, explaining, “There’s no military solution. Some of them will tell you to get Aidid is the solution. I don’t agree with that.”
    The comments were eerily similar to Murtha’s assessment of U.S involvement in Iraq last week, when he declared, “The U.S. cannot accomplish anything further militarily. It is time to bring the troops home.”
    Taking Murtha’s advice back then, however, turned out to have deadly consequences for the troops and for U.S. security as Osama bin Laden himself said Americans will cut and run after the Somalia fiasco of Murtha and Clinton!”
    See a pattern? And please spare us your military expertise; I’m sure you were too scared as a child to play with plastic soldiers, not that mommy would have let you anyway. You pantywaist take it in the ass liberals would be the first to convert to Islam when push came to shove. And you are all doodie heads.

  16. You are right on FrankJ. Not only does the MSM ignore the crap coming out of their mouths, they insist on inserting their own crap (like Peter Jennings and his famous “Where’s the President” bull@#$%.
    And Monkey Faced Liberal is a girl people. Look at the way he/she writes. there is definitely a feminine writing style to this moonbat looking for her 15 minutes.

  17. “FrankJ:
    You really have a burr under your saddle regarding Murtha, don’t you?
    This must be your forth post on him in a week.” -MFL
    GOOD! Is nice to know Frank has substance instead of just empty humor. I think Frank should make more posts like this one. I’m not saying he should tone down the humor, in fact I love Frank’s humor; but he should make more posts attacking the libs on their merits or lack thereof.
    Murtha’s positions are both political and moral abominations. All conservatives that have any courage or character should challenge him at every turn. In my opinion it is the obligation of any conservative with an audience.

  18. MFL,
    If you have actually read any of Ann Coulters books, you would be aware that each is not only carefully researched, but the footnotes scattered throughout them are almost distracting. Your suggestion that she does not research them, demonstrates that you have not opened one.

  19. When Murtha was sticking to the talking points and addressing most of his comments directly to the fever swamp, he was their darling. Now that he’s exposed himself as just another of the House’s senile coots, all they can do is cluck about how the Right is “picking on” a vet (by quoting him).

  20. A lot of sites have been targeted for long-winded tirades over the last three weeks. I suspect that Daily Kos is seeking to raise his rating by driving people off of Right-wing sites. Actually it seems like somethng the DUmmies would organize since organizing Kos is a waste of effort. MFL must be having fun trying to raise the lefty ratings by driving the readers of the right away.

  21. Hmm. I still hold that MFL is satirising left-flavoured moonbattery, but something about it still seems off, like he’s not been observing Larry closely enough.
    Unless he’s “Discordian” or a Crowleyite or something, which would make this Ye Olde Hatte. It’s an effective insomnia cure, certes, but I prefer for my laughingstocks to be somewhat fresh…like DU and Kos. I’ll probably be laughing at Fitzmas for weeks to come.

  22. GOOD! Is nice to know Frank has substance instead of just empty humor
    That’s what it comes down to, doesn’t it? The week-end Discordians love irony, but they haven’t quite figured out that it should be used in service to a point, not in lieu of one.

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