I wish I could do something to help Israel, our only ally left who actually like to kill lots of bad people. If any Hezbollah come by my house, I’ll shoot them dead myself. Other than that, I’m not sure what to do. Any ideas?
UPDATE: In answer to my query, I got an e-mail from Magen David Adom which surely needs donations to help save lives in Israel.
Lair mentioned this charity to send pizza to the Israel Defense Force.
I just think it’s important to do something to show support, because, too often, Israel ends up looking like they’re alone in the world, and that ain’t right.
When my Nephew was serving Freedom in Iraq I used to send him bacon bits in his care packages so he could rub his bullets in them while the locals looked on. This had an amazing effect on the Towelists since they did not want to greet their virgins when they were all porky. I say we send them bacon bits!!
That might help, but even better would be to fill some cargo planes with red, white, and blue paint, and another with little confetti stars, and drop those on the enemy. Their rotten little heads would explode from fury! Then there would be no more enemy.
Honestly, they don’t need your help. God is on their side, and they win in the end (read your Bible).
yeah they will win in the end but if any one turns against them they will taste God’s wrath. And it probably tastes like tuna vomits
mmm tuna
Send them a pizza or burgers:
Israel wins in the end according to the Bible? Not according to the theology of Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox , Lutheranism and Calvinism.
Only heretical, modernist dispensationalism, developed in the 1800s could harbor such a fairytale in which Christians
favor a state which prohibits Christian conversion of Jews.
Um…let’s see…I’m a Christian and therefore follow Jesus Christ who was a Joooooo! So I support the jewish people along with most other right thinking Christians…
Jews aren’t too down with pork either dude.
Jesus, in the terminology usss jimmycarter uses, was a renegade Jew who is now worshipped by more Arabs than Jews. Highlighted by the 20% of Palestinians who are Christian.
Powerline has a good suggestion on how to help.
I couldn’t get the hyperlink right. Powerline’s 07/12 post at 9:21pm has a good suggestion.
ussjimmy may just be saying that Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox , Lutheranism and Calvinism aren’t right thinking.
And Jesus wasn’t just a renegade Jew, but also GOD.
So . . . good for those 20% Christian palestinians, and pray for the Jews! And give them money, ’cause GOD will bless those who bless his people.
Or you can also bless them with pizza. That’s always helpful, especially when you have to stay up all hours calculating trajectories for artillery.
Not in my name you murderers and genocides.
How some of you poor bastards like to flaunt your infinite ignorance, namely the mike, le couchon…
Jews and Arabs, both semite people, consider pork impure.
Father, they do know what they are doing.
They worship the blind idiot god, as it looks they were made in his image.
May they eternally be f***** by the blind idiot god. So mote it be.
As a Christian, I understand that my faith would not be possible without the Joooos! I also understand God’s covenenant with the Jewish people and the fact that He doesn’t change His mind about things! If He does…we are all screwed!
Joshua flit from the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho,
Joshua ran from the battle of Jericho
and the Malls came tumbling down.
You may talk about your king of Simian,
you may talk about your man of Gaul,
there’s no fool loke old Joshua
fleeing from the battle of Jericho
Up to the Malls of Jericho
he marched with wallet in hand,
“Go blow them Arabs” Joshua cried,
“’cause my fireman is in my hand.”
Then the lamp-ram sheep-horn begin to blow,
trumpets begin to sound,
Joshua commanded the brothers to shout
and the walls came tumbling down.
Joshua flit from the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho,
Joshua flit the battle of Jericho
and the Malls came tumbling down.
Somehow, I don’t think sending bacon bits to Israeli soldiers would be appreciated. It’s that Kosher thing, you know.
OK, the whole bacon bits idea made me laugh.
I’m pretty sure that Jews have more dietary laws about clean/unclean than Muslims, so good luck finding something offensive to Muslims but not Jews.
No, but you could send them some Hebrew National hot dogs!
They’re great!
God never made an unconditional promise to anyone. The Abrahamic Covenant (land promise) was conditional on obedience. And the only way a Jew can be obedient since Christ came to Earth is to convert to Christianity. And,yes, that’s the way, traditional Roman Catholicism, Luther, and the Protestant reformers saw it and that’s the way TRADITIONAL CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANITY sees it.
America deserves to lose every influence it has in the Middle East if it continues allowing Israel to oppress the Palestinians.And it will, beeeeleeeve me. God and One might be a majority, Israel and America against the Moslem world –with the balance of the world sympathetic to the Moslem position on these matters,is not.
“all yous guys freaking out over pork” I didn’t say the Joooo’s had to eat pork, my last name is Schwartz, just rub their bullets in it. I defy anyone to find any scripture prohibiting this. A pair of latex or rubber gloves will provide ample protection from the kripton… er, pork. Really the Towelists fear dying from pork laden bullets, they quit taking pot shots at our guys for fear of that very thing. Also keep in mind that not all Jooooo’s keep Kosher.
MikefromtheWVpartofNY has a point. If one wears latex or plastic gloves, the tamei of pork would not be transferred to the hands. If one wore cloth gloves, then I think tamei can be transmitted. Is there a rabbi in the house?
Ken, God’s promise to make Abraham the father of a great nation was unconditional. God told Abraham to prepare an animal for the covenant, which meant cutting it in half and laying it on both sides of a path. Parties in an agreement would then walk together through the two halves, essentially saying “may this happen to me if I don’t keep my agreement”.
But then God caused Abraham to fall asleep, and then appeared as two things, a flaming torch and a smoking oven. They moved between the two halves, signifying God accepting the responsibility for Abraham’s part of the covenant.
Even when Abe tried to start things off having a child with a servant, God kept his part of the deal.
Ok, that was long.
Absolutely and a HUGE thank you for your post about this!
Well, in response to the comment by Ken Hoop, there are unconditional promises made to the Jews: Land, Seed, and Money. In every nation where they ended up after the dispersion, these three things always came to them. Which generated jealousy, hatred, and envy. The final mark of a nation’s decline is revealed in when it turns on the Jewish population, either within or without. The Jewish people are so prominent in God’s plan for the Earth that they are given a final chance even after the Rapture, though that will not be a fun time to be had by any. And when at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth, there will be a New Heaven and New Earth, and Jerusalem is right there.
“…for behold I create a new Heavens and a new earth, and the former things will not be remembered or come to mind. ” Isaiah 65:17.
There’s nothing more refreshing than seeing violent anti-Semitism masquerading as Christianity. What is this, Daily Kos?
Crawl back under your rock, Ken. You’re pond scum.
Vvis2525 should read basic history.
Jewish populations were expelled from thriving European countries many times
in the past thousand years, and the countries went right on thriving.
Not saying the expulsions were ethical or not,just that your mystical
reward/punish dichotomy doesn’t hold water.
Further, ghettoized Jews, representative of the bulk of that community were traditionally viewed,correctly or not, as being punished by God for disobedience by host Christian European communities,again,not residents of “declining” nations.
Covenant NOT unconditional, Dave of Texas.