Senator Biden Calls Black People Stupid: Gets Nominated For Nobel Prize

Senator Joseph Biden, a Democratic candidate for the presidency, was nominated to the Nobel Peace prize after implying that black people were stupid. Senator Biden, when asked why Washington schools were doing so badly,

attempted to explain why some schools perform better than others — in Iowa, for instance, compared with the District. “There’s less than 1 percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than 4 or 5 percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you’re dealing with,”

Staffers immediately offered that Biden was not saying that black people were stupid. “We feel he was talking abut how important Iowa is, not only to the elections and the economy, but to the overall health of the education system.”
The Nobel Prize Committee immediately went into conference to see if maybe they could reward these brave comments. Said one member, speaking off the record, “We’ve gone into conference about this and feel that he would make an excellent Nobel recipient. It might help his application if he made a movie about global warming like Al Gore, or if he hated Israel like Jimmy Carter, but we can look at his application on own merits. It would also help if he was black, since many times we do have a quota to fill.”
Senator Biden insists that he is not racist. “I have several black friends, and not once have any of them robbed me.”
(Hat Tip: Betsy’s Page)


  1. Shoddy logic. Plain and simple. The deductive reasoning is flawed. For example:
    Stoooooooopid people are poor (regardless of how much money they make), but you can not conclude all poor people are stooooooooopid.
    Now take the Biden example. Democrats are stoooooooooooopid; most blacks are democrats. That does not mean black people are all stooooooooopid.
    Washington DC is FULL Democrats. The only logical conclusion is obvious.
    Senator Biden, repeat after me: “Washington schools are doing so badly because they’re full of and run by Democrats.” Well done, sir. (Here’s a scooby snack)

  2. I believe that the Senator was trying to prove a point of geography, not race. He’s saying that proximity to the District of Columbia makes people stupid…and coincedentally makes many of them black…

  3. By the same logic, #6 and #7, the whole country should avoid D.C. I have a prescription for it, but it would get me in trouble. Let’s put it this way, FrankJ is advocating the wrong location in his cute little logo.

  4. Hey…I grew up in Iowa! Yea…we had a couple of blacks in my class in Mason City, Iowa…but they didn’t seem to move the bell curve so I don’t think they qualify for the Senator’s class. We did have a few Greasers and a couple of Chinks though that were very dubious, at best, and probably helped boost my SAT average! The only think I knew at the time was that I enjoyed smoking with the Mexicans out behind the music building and they enjoyed smoking with me…
    Biden needs to be put out of his misery!!!

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