American Foreign Policy: Pick Your Movie Analogy

If I read correctly the Ronulan Rapid-Response Task Force postings in the comments to this post (and no, I don’t know why the comments are broken, but I’m sure it involved some sort of conspiracy between the CIA, the Jews, and the Stonecutters), Ron Paul wants to bring home our troops, close the borders and just hunker down, hoping that no one attacks.
We’ll call this the “Panic Room” foreign policy, after the insipid Jodie Foster movie. So, like Jodie, we’ll just squat down in our thick metal box with our closed circuit TV’s waiting for trouble to come to us.
Of course, trouble will NEVER come to the USA, because we’re protected from violent Arab nutjobs by two big oceans, not to mention TSA agents with a near-psychotic hatred of half-filled Evian bottles. Until terrorists develop an ICBM, we needn’t fear Muslim fanatics.

“Do you feel lucky, Ahmadinejad?”

Besides, just like killer bees, pirahnas, the Ebola virus, and a long list of other things over which the extinction of I would not shed even the crocodilest of tears, they’ve proven time and time again that they’ll ALWAYS leave us alone as long as we leave them alone.
I’m quite positive there are no exceptions to this rule. “Religion of Peace”, you know.
On the other hand, some people prefer that we deliberately infiltrate the sleaziest, most run-down areas of the globe, find swarthy-looking gangs of young men with guns and bad attitudes, wait for them to ask us for our wallets, then gun them down without mercy or remorse.
“Death Wish” foreign policy at its finest.

“Hey American! Give up your freedoms and live under Sharia Law so we can rape your women, enslave your men, and eat your babies!”
“Eat lead, Muhammed!”
“Who else wants some? How ’bout YOU, Libya?”
“Hey, man, we’re cool. I’m shuttin’ down my nuke program. Don’t taze me, bro!”

Then again, there’s always the “Dirty Harry” foreign policy where you pop off with some cool, witty line before killing the bad guy. Which is pretty much how I picture a Thompson administration.


  1. To the RP supporters: you only make yourselves look dumb when you respond to stuff like this by getting angry and making serious points. This is not news or anything… it’s a joke. Just calm down…

  2. Pavlov loves Paulistians!
    The Paultards are right. We can use Letters of Marque to stop terrorism, just like the old days. Privateers can seize terrorist’s boats and they’ll stop. It will be the Priates of the Carribean foreign policy.

  3. Ron Paul’s foreign policy is adherence to the Constitution. If Congress wants to go to war then they should declare it and President Paul will go fight it, win it, and come home without exceeding his authority. In the mean time he wants to bring home troops from places that don’t need US defense (you know, our rich first world allies with modern armies like Europe, S. Korea, and Japan). Closing down the border is just sound public policy to prevent terrorists from smuggling agents or weapons into the country.

  4. Look, if Paul makes it absolutely perfectly clear that he will make the borders airtight (virtual fences being mostly good against virtual intruders), I’ll vote for him in a heartbeat. I’ll take 4 years of that and nothing else if need be, if only because undoing it will be really difficult for whatever open borders nutjob gets in there after him.
    ‘Course, here in California you have to be in the party to vote the primaries, so until November my bloviation is merely that.

  5. If Ron Paul did permit us to hunt terrorist scum with Letters of Marque, do we get to say “Avast you Scurvy Dogs!!!” while boarding their vessel?
    Because really, that might almost make it worth it. Would we be able to get part of the Department of Navy’s budget to equip ourselves, or are we suppose to be self-funded?

  6. Letters of Marque would see operations like the one Perot carried out. Think a small band of Blackwater mercs busting down doors and hauling dead terrorists back to the treasury for their bounty.

  7. “Avast you Scurvy Dogs!!!” and chips Ahoy matey! would be the new “Friend or Foe” identification system. It would save millions!
    Did Perot use a Letter of Marque? Perhaps you guys meant there should be a bounty on terrorists, like the offers of cash on the FBI Most Wanted page. In a Paul Ron world, how would the treasury pay the bounty? Wouldn’t that be the result of illegal taxation?

  8. “Crap journalism.”
    Well, there’s your problem.
    Is it a requirement to sacrifice your grasp of reality to become a Ronulan, or is the ritual bleating of Ron Paul enough? I have this vision of the scene from Fight Club with everyone standing around chanting “His name is Ron Paul.”
    In a serious note, I have a friend who teaches journalism in high school, and that’s her biggest complaint; kids can’t tell the difference between satire and serious speech. It explains a lot.

  9. Letters of Marque would make it far easier and more desirable to engage in Perot type actions.
    The government has a legitimate power to tax to provide for the common defense. Don’t tell me you’re one of those ‘no tax’ strawman users. There’s a big difference between legitimate Constitutionally authorized taxing and spending and the unlimited taxing and spending we currently suffer under.

  10. Personally, I’m all for withdrawing our troops from places like Germany and Japan (noth South Korea, they still need us). However, unlike Paulbearers, I would much rather fight terrorists on their home turf than here. A “Panic Room” style foreign policy is great, until the Panic room is breached. Then you have no other defenses to rely upon and are thus screwed. It’s like putting all your troops on one hill and not putting any picket or advance sections out to catch the enemy first.
    Essentially, Ron Paul is saying we need to eliminate our lines of defense and just rely on one big line on the homefront. Which is not a very good military strategy.
    On an unrelated topic, we should start refering to foreign-policy as military policy. Since foreign policy is basically saying how you would use the military, we should change our language to show the reality.

  11. How does occupying foreign nations and maintaining expensive bases everywhere protect the home front? Terrorists just ignore those and come to our wide open borders. Furthermore, as Ron Paul has repeated, he would fight whatever military engagements Congress directed him to fight. Ron Paul’s foreign policy would do more to keep us from having to fight terrorism over here than our current one.

  12. So, how many out there think Ron Paul and the Ronulans forgot or failed to study the US’s interwar period (between WW1 and WW2) in history class?
    My bad, it is “ye scurvy dogs”, but my son (at age 4) does not get the whole ‘ye’ ‘you’ distinction yet, and i hear ‘avast you scurvy dogs’ as comment to everything from ‘what do you want for dinner?’ to what are ‘Ron Paul’s chance of being the next president’, though i am a little disquieted by my son’s response to the latter question.
    Want to bet a $100,000 that Ron Paul will seize the white house as a prize of war in Jan 2009? Or is this the wrong post for that comment?

  13. How did the world get to be in such a state in the first place!!!!????
    YOU better hunker down, not us innocent is YOU, you elites and corporate whores the world is mad at. Get your big guns and your big WTO, Your NAFTA and hunker down you greedy bunch of over zealous egotistical, power hungry stuffed shirts, shadow behind the scenes in Washington!!
    It’s YOUR long arm reaching for the world and it’s resources that will get cut off!! You never asked the American people ANYTHING about your agendas. All we heard was LIES! Our media is LIES or half truths!
    We are as sick of you as the world is sick of YOU!! Run, Devil, RUN!
    YOU have just about ruined the US, it’s sovereignty, our jobs and our farms and your banks have taken our homes. You take our money for protection? You are like the mafia MOB!!
    YOU have not, however, ruined our American SPIRIT.
    The greed, YOU money powered elites, shadow over our government with corruption, and your idiotic dreams and visions have made the world and our USA in the state you describe. Our congress has no back bone to stand up to YOU, you powerful, rich corporate buffoons who push and push and BRIBE filling our capitols pockets full of $$$. ALL of you should be tarred and feathered.
    We will pick our own president this 2008 and YOU will have to fend for YOURSELVES and answer for YOUR OWN crimes upon the world!! The world would be better off without you in it.
    The rest of us will stand for Life, Liberty and Justice for ALL, once again!
    The name? BLOWBACK!!!
    What a great movie!!

  14. Dude the hatred that you have in your heart sounds like gazillion times more than even the brutal terrorists dude. Who asked you to put this message”Fred Thompson” or “guliani”. Grow up and accept the reality that Ron Paul is the only man who will make to the presidency. You nutjob!

  15. Dude the hatred that you have in your heart sounds like gazillion times more than even the brutal terrorists dude. Who asked you to put this message”Fred Thompson” or “guliani”. Grow up and accept the reality that Ron Paul is the only man who will make to the presidency. You nutjob!

    It’s really hard to take Ronulans seriously when they post stuff like this. The only sentance that makes sense is “You nutjob!”, and that’s really more of a fragment than a sentence.
    I’m especially confused about the meaning of, “Ron Paul is the only man who will make to the presidency”, but I guess you’ll get stuff like that when your supporters all have an IQ less than their shoe size.

  16. Like the ramblings of the mentally ill homeless residing in the nearby homeless shelter (so not really homeless mentally ill) i have to avoid on my way to my office, i was merely ignoring #32, since it made no sense.

  17. Cheney and Rockefeller tarred and feathered, what a vision! I’m having a tickle fit..
    Poor ole Bush, I don’t think we should see him done that way..just put him in exile, to work off the national debt.
    What’s a good movie with out some comedy?
    End of movie..Osama comments suicide to escape the tar and feathers..

  18. Ron Paul has repeated, he would fight whatever military engagements Congress directed him to fight.

    Would that include a congressional authorization to use force against another country, along with a bill calling for regime change in that country?

  19. Robert B said in the previous thread:
    “Lets picture a situation:
    Lets imagine our city as earth and our homes as independent countries.
    We leave from each other several miles away.
    One day you drive by my house and you see something you do not like. It bother you so much that you decide to go on my property and fix the problem. What do you think i would do to you? Do you have right to go on my property and do what you think is right?”
    Okay…let’s go with that. I just noticed my neighbor has trussed up his wife and kids and is wheeling out his handy-dandy wood chipper. I guess Robert would have me negotiate with the nut-job till the UN gets there (cuz that’s all the police there are in the RW, Bob).
    Poor Paulites have got to realize that morals are God given, not granted by fiat by some dictator.
    Of course some morals are at the end of Aesop fables too. grin
    Me I go with the “Live Free or Die Hard” philosophy…
    “Dude, you just killed a helicopter with a car.”
    “I was out of bullets.”
    Use anything you want as long as all the terrorists are dead when you’re finished.

  20. #29; How did you know I read this blog?
    …It’s just mad, crazy brilliance, man! You’re a G.D. genius! You must have an IQ of a 160! (Forrest Gump foreign policy)
    ps. don’t tell no one I was here…

  21. How did the world get to be in such a state in the first place!!!!????
    YOU better hunker down, not us innocent is YOU, you elites and corporate whores the world is mad at.
    Quiet peasant.

  22. Re: #29: Ugh…I hate it when one of the Great Unwashed finds their way onto the internet.
    As for “Pliny”, what an interesting choice for a pseudonym. The actual Pliny the Elder served in several Roman provinces, helping to project the power of Rome. Certainly, any obedient Ronulan would be opposed to such a policy. Thus, you were either ignorant of the facts of the man behind the name, or your real name is Pliny, in which case you have my deepest sympathy.

    Fred is from my Home state and if I were not aware of his affiliation of the CFR and the elites who shadow our government, I would support him..
    Those elites are “out for themselves” not much benefit to the American People..If you know the benefit, let me in on it.
    I think we should let those elites go to where they moved their interests and away from the US..close our boarders and let them face what may come to them..Lets build our country UP again.
    Food is one thing we should not depend upon other countries for..especially from polluted areas of the world like China.
    Our exports are 25% LESS than we import. We are totally dependant on the Government for basic necessities not to mention all the wasteful government agencies that are just collecting billions and billions of our tax dollars and are completely incompetent like FEMA, Department of Education and War on Drugs.
    War on Drugs is a benefit of the cartels..while their victims, the users are sent to prisons, the cartels run back to Mexico to get more drugs..besides, if a body has an intent to destroy their own lives with drugs, no law or “war on drug” program is going to stop this sort of person..They need help more than imprisonment..
    There are the weak and there are the will always be, regardless. funding these programs are a waste of our tax dollars..our education department is run by those elites that curriculum is serving to them and the runaway agendas..The curriculum is dummying us, our children down like sheeple. Many people can not even find Iraq on the map!!!
    Our colleges are sending drones out into the world to help complete the task force of those behind those Washington scenes..
    Think about it..our Government has TOO much power and with the ambitions of the rich, “Think Tanks” where they are going with our’s the WHOLE WORLD they have in their sights and we are just left here to fend for ourselves..with our boarders wide open, our economy is being deluded with illegal immagrants for the corporations, what is left here..they just don’t want to share and pay the American wages..PROFIT is their goal of course. me the one stupid if you want..
    I have researched all I care to about these groups and their intrests and intent..lots of information our there..we just don’t hear about them on the media because it doesn’t serve the interests of us, the people..ALL would surely object and stand behind one opposing such tyranny against the USA.
    It’s not so much Ron Paul, a dear doctor at the age of’s the message and the principals he stands for..he is the only HONEST, consistently standing for what our constitution says and is, and what our founding fathers envisioned for us..
    Our country is reverting back in time..a never ending circle of the times..corrupted..the very reasons we stood against England..
    It is PAST time to stand against the thugs and their corruption, and hold those accountable for the fall of our country. Now is the time to stand up for ourselves..For the people, BY the people and pull away from the socialism that we fell for.
    The only means we have of pulling together is the interenet. Soon that will be regulated, our guns will be confiscated (Julianna and Billary is for gun control) and we will be in the worse shape and despair imaginable..why not pull together People?

  24. Definition: The Great Unwashed 30 up, 8 down
    the working class masses
    Corporations fear the day that the great unwashed will throw of the shackles of consumerism and ever increasing debt and focus on more imporant endeavours such as their health, family and friends.
    Hummm..What’s to hate?

  25. Ron Paul Letter From a Soldier
    Tuesday, December 04, 2007 –
    I joined the Army in the early months of 2001; my patriotism led me to the recruiter’s office. I had grown up in awe of my grandfathers and their stories of World War II, and their reminiscing became my dreams. When I got to basic training I did not talk about missing home like the other recruits around me, I felt at home in ways I never had before.
    The weeks after 9/11 found me in Kosovo, part of C co 3/7 Infantry, 3rd Infantry Division, patrolling the border with Macedonia as part of our duties. We had ammunition to defend ourselves with and the authority to apprehend anyone crossing the border illegally. I will get back to why these details are important later.
    Fast forward to 2003, I am rolling across the desert in the back of a Bradley fighting vehicle, part of the spearhead into Iraq. Other than those first three weeks of “Shock and Awe” what I remember most about Iraq was the people. Crowds of kids wanting to know about Michael Jackson and Britney Spears, open-minded adults wanted to know about our social freedoms, and ninety some percent of Iraqis just wanted to raise their families in peace and did not hesitate to tell us. I really fell in love with the Iraqi people. My platoon and I played soccer with some of those crowds of kids, we had dinner and shared food with families in their homes, we even went to a few house parties, and my lieutenant and I spent one very memorable afternoon swimming in an irrigation ditch with five young women. It is all of them I think of when anyone tells me we need to turn the Middle East into a sheet of glass or that all Muslims are our enemies.
    I remember thinking on this briefly when I was there, but more so since I’ve returned, usually when I’m day dreaming behind the wheel of my van, but what we were doing when we were doing our jobs, patrolling the streets, conducting road blocks, vehicle searches, bodily searching individuals, and searching houses, couldn’t be helping our long range plans for winning hearts and minds. I really have to wonder, how long would it take me to move from a position of thanks for my despotic government being removed, to feeling like I lived in a conquered and occupied country if I saw foreign troops on the streets of my hometown Tallahassee everyday? Add to this our having bases and troops in Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia, ( I may have missed a few, we have approximately 700 bases in 130 countries ) some of them for decades, our Navy of their coast, our fighter jets in their sky’s , the CIA in business with monarchs, dictators and thugs, and our State Department treating their leaders like irresponsible children, it’s no wonder moderate Muslims takes to the streets shouting ” Death to America” and a minority takes action against us. I would expect we would be doing the same thing if say, China had bases on our soil, and her Navy patrolled our coastline and Chinese fighter jets streaked across our sky. In short, this is all hard to admit, but our actions do have consequences.
    Fast forward again to the present day, I am out of active duty, and in the Army Reserves. (I wanted to stay active duty, but my wife said I would be single, so we had a compromise.) To be honest the reserves has bored me to tears and I haven’t felt like I’m giving anything back to my country, so I looked into getting attached to a National Guard unit on our border with Mexico for a tour or two. However, when I learned they don’t have the authority to apprehend illegal border crossers and can only call up our overworked and over-stretched border patrol when they spot illegal activity, I got myself in trouble again by thinking – about what I had done in Kosovo and about what I knew our military had done to our own people in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina (disarmed law abiding civilians only trying to protect themselves when the police had failed to do so).
    To add insult to injury, our Guardsmen and women on our own border don’t have ammunition and have on several documented occasions actually had to retreat when facing fire from Mexican paramilitary groups. Now why would I want to sign up for that? To be witness to the violation of America’s sovereignty? No one in the Executive branch of our government is doing anything about it, and it makes me wonder why I am even in the Army at all.
    Why are we the world’s policeman when our own country is being openly violated? Why are we borrowing money hand over fist from nations not exactly our friends, just to spend it on our out-of-control foreign policy? I am starting to feel like the powers that be do not have America’s interests in mind at all. It’s starting to feel like our ruin is their objective. From our factories closing and moving overseas, to the plunging value of our dollar, America is crumbling. Yet I love her far to much to watch her fall apart.
    This is why I am taking my personal revolution and joining forces with Dr. Ron Paul’s revolution. His “bring all the troops home” non-intervention foreign policy and plans to put America first again are just what we need at this time in our history. I don’t expect you to agree with everything he says, but I do hope we can all put our differences aside and join him in seeing that ALL the troops come home, the Republic is restored and America saved.
    Thank you and God Bless.
    Zakery Carter
    read this, share it, spread it around.

  26. This is why I keep telling you idiots we need to legalize drugs.
    Poor people like drugs. If you give them a bunch of drugs, they’ll spend all day getting high instead of tapping into keyboards and pretending like their opinion’s relevant.
    This country went to hell the day opium dens were banned.

  27. Good Lord, Harvey… they took the bait and flooded the comments with crap. I can just sense the aluminum foil flying off the shelves at grocery stores. I bet these people are really into Electric Light Orchestra, too. Freaky…

  28. The Ronulans must not realize that nobody reads any comments here that are over 10 lines long. If you’re just going to copy and paste something, make it something we’ll bother to read.
    On second thought, don’t. We don’t want to read that crap anyways.

  29. Wow. You know, I had no idea who Ron Paul was before his whacked-out followers started trolling everywhere. What do these people do for a living? If they’re such “working class,” then why aren’t they working?

  30. In an effort to get back on topic, I like the Letters of Marque idea. Letters of Marque are actually self-funding. The ship bearing the Letter of Marque captures an enemy ship and either holds it for ransom against the owner or takes it to a friendly port and auctions off the ship and its contents. Normally the sovereign who granted the Letter of Marque gets a cut of the sale proceeds, but the ship’s owner, captain and crew split the rest of the cash derived from the sale.

  31. BloodThirstyCapitalist – My name is actually in honor of Pliny the Younger, not Pliny the Elder. I’m not going to say I necessarily endorse everything he did in life, but I respect him as a orator, advocate, and historical figure.
    prolix – Many people have computers and lunchbreaks, not to mention evenings at home with the family, so it isn’t hard to fit a little political action in from time to time.
    Bob in Feenicks – Congress would have to declare war as directed in the Constitution before President Paul would be authorized to use the US military.

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