BRATTLEBORO, Vt. (AP) — Voters in this southern Vermont town decided Tuesday to approve a measure calling for the indictment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney on charges of violating the Constitution.
The symbolic article seeks to have police arrest Bush and Cheney if they ever visit Brattleboro or to extradite them for prosecution elsewhere — if they’re not impeached first.
“Our town attorney has no legal authority to draw up any papers to allow our police officers to do so,” said Town Clerk Annette Cappy, “but the gentleman who initiated the petition got the signatures (and) wanted it on the ballot to make a statement.”
Other statements recently approved by Brattleboro include “freedom is slavery”, “ignorance is strength”, and “black is white”, the latter being a possible explanation for Obama’s strong showing in the heavily caucasion Vermont primaries.
Kurt Daims, who organized the petition drive, praised the power of Vermont ballot initiatives. “Five years ago, we passed a measure outlawing moose attacks. Haven’t had one since. Or ever before, now that I think about it. Anyway, next year I plan to start a petition to enforce President Obama’s policy of never having gone to Iraq in the first place. Or – if he loses the election even though he’s white now – the petition will declare him President provided that he makes Brattleboro the new capital of the US. Which he will, since the ballot measure will declare that, too.”
Local residents are not surprised by the outcome of the voting. “I used to think Daims was some sort of a kook,” said town-charter-mandated token conservative Barbara Southworth, “but after the success of last year’s ‘Kurt Daims is not a tie-dyed, granola-munching, ponytailed, neo-hippie post-Marxist with a Peter Pan complex and delusions of godhood or a kook, either’ initiative, I have to admit that he’s actually got some pretty good ideas. If I didn’t, they’d throw me in jail.”
(Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty).
A Møøse once bit my sister …
Every state and town should pass similar resolutions to arrest Bush and Cheney. Lord knows if I ever come within arm’s length of either I would gladly be shot on site just to get in a good punch.
But the moose attack thing, now that is RIDICULOUS. So if I get attacked by a moose, I’m in trouble now? Do I at least get a trial, or is it straight to Gitmo?
No hooray, I think it’s straight to a pin ebox for you.
Harvey, the photo caption takes the cake.
Suck it up people; moose bites have nothing on llamas…
How soon can we get either or both to make a trip to this little hole? I would love to see the secret service agents plant the faces of any locals who try to arrest either firmly on the asphalt! That would be a great addition to youtube.
I wouldn’t be caught dead in Vermont, what a bunch of hippie dumbasses.
Hey, come on up to Vermont, cast a vote to have the POTUS and the VP arrested,…and don’t forget to bang a couple kids while your here, we dont mind.
We should start a petition to sell Vermont, fence it off and put all criminals in there and let them deal with it. After all, they’re so much smarter than everyone else.
#2 – Posted by: Egghead
Who are you calling a moose? And she so wanted me to do it.
#3 Hooray and Boo
That’s fine buddy. I’m sure Vermont wouldn’t want you there anyhow. Do us all a favor and annex yourself out of the United States.
The only thing criminal about the Vermont vote is that it doesn’t have any legal sway. An impeachment is in order for the current President and Vice President of the United States.
At any rate, this article just goes to show you that some people still have a great sense of humor!
can any one say MOOOONBATTT ?
Actually, it might be illegal, if it can be construed as obstructing a federal officer in the performance of his duties.
If W were as bad as he is portrayed, he would have the whole town government arrested. But why should he bother with a bunch of morons in Vermont? After all, putting up with patrick leahy is punishment enough.
I’m writing up a measure here for the ballot in my town to trade the state of Vermont to Canada for Pam Anderson and a case of Kokanee. Even with out Pam Anderson (Sence she’s now an American) it’s still a hell of a deal for us.
I thought I read somewhere that Hugo Chavez annexed Vermont and made it part of Venezuela. (You know, they both start with V and all that.) Is there any way we can force him to get Vermont off our freakin’ continent and put it up down in South America somewhere where it belongs?
I just want to know what role Larry, his brother Darryl, and his other brother Darryl had in this vote….
I sorta like this deal..If we just add in every other office holder who has broken the constitution.
I think D.C. and every state capital in the nation will be a little empty.
I hope they get the shoot-out between th local PD and the Secret Service on tape. It should be pretty good.
Tell you what, SkyWatch, you could close our capitol down in this state and we’d be better off. (Hint: Olympia.)
I’d be mad as hell if I found out my tax dollars were used to pay the salaries of total morons like the kind you find in the Vermont state legislature.
#12 & #13
While your plans to trade and/or deport Vermont are certainly understandable, you must come up with a replacement state so as not to mess up our flag (it’s fine the way it is).
Perhaps the Cayman Islands, or some other part of the B.W.I., would be acceptable.
Forget Yucca Mountain- our nuclear waste should be sent to Brattleboro. Or maybe half there, and half to Berkeley. Just tell the locals that the barrels are individual composting units- that’s why they feel warm to the touch.
In a multi-species election, my house voted 2-0 to volunteer Brattleboro, VT for live-fire exercises for all branches of the military. I’m feeling magnanimous, so other countries’ militaries will also be allowed to use the town as a target.
Vermont-the California of the east. Home of fruits, nuts, and flakes. Given their stand on gay marriage in fifty or sixty years it won’t have a population to worry about so why bother with them. After all procreation is essential to population growth ( I KNOW, who knew?)
And the worst thing to do to a liberal is to ignore their constant blather, they really hate that.
#9 posted by Ryan S.
Hey “Buddy”, do you know why the President and Vice President have not been impeached, or any effort to do so have not gained any traction?? Because no laws have been broken! Put down your signed hard cover edition of Dianetics and listen for a minute. Just because you are an anti-war, all we need to do is just give them a hug kinda guy, and you don’t approve of what we’re doing over there, doesn’t mean that a crime has been commited. I know Ron Paul only got 17 delegates, but don’t take it out on me.
I unfortunately live a couple miles away from Brattleboro (hope to get away soon). The people are more liberal than you can possibly comprehend. its co-ops and bookstores as far as the eye can see.
They may have some stupid ideas but before you trash Vt. too much check out there awsome carry laws. 🙂
As someone who works in Brattleboro this comes as no surprise. I echo the comment made by Pat b. It’s actually an interesting dynamic… Vermont has two factions. There’s the “old cracker Vermont woodchuck” who is usually more of a right conservative. He/she believes in the old New England spirit, farming and keeping to one’s self. Then there’s the new wave liberal, Prius driving, just moved up from the golden state of Massachusetts and is trying to convert the heathen old cracker woodchuck to a new “more educated” way of thinking.
So I say in a nutshell, Vermont is only have of the new slogan “Vermont: A great place to punch a hippie”. So be careful if/when visiting.
Oh and I live on the other side of the river btw…
Vermonters are more in touch with the real world than you are. In a few short years when our dollar has tanked and we can no longer afford to drive on roads which we can no longer afford to repair and our younger generation is all drafted to fight unwinnable wars and they start doing mercy killings of old boomers because they no longer care to pay for their medical expenses in a government that no longer cares for the general welfare of the people, you will start to look for someone to blame.
Like the rest of the world you will blame Bush for his part in bringing all this down on our heads, but by then, it won’t matter. We will have doomed ourselves by our protection of a war criminal who right or wrong was kept in office until the last day, to do his worst to the world, while you joke about no laws being broken.
Guess you forgot all about the Nuremberg Charter, the Nuremberg Principles and the Nuremberg Judgement. Guess you don’t remember that we are bound by our international laws and treaties which are incorporated into our own national laws. Guess you don’t realize that we have war criminals running our country as defined by our own official definition as stated in the U>S> Army Field Manual 27-10, the U.S. War Crimes Act and the Geneva Conventions. Why would I bother telling you all this? You treat your citizenship as a joke apparently, since you would prefer to elect a barbarian, an outlaw or a criminal as President instead of a law abiding responsible citizen who takes it seriously when they swear to defend the Constitution and its laws.
Guess you are the joke and the joke’s on you.
laurie, you write as if mercy killings of old Vermont boomers is a bad thing…