I wasn’t going to comment on this because it was so cheap, but Barack Obama bowled a 37 the other day while bowling for the cameras. I suck at bowling, but I have never bowled that poorly in my life. It’s actually an unimaginably bad score to the point you have to wonder whether Obama has ever attempted to roll a sphericial object before.
Anyway, in the latest HamNation, Mary Katharine Ham explores exactly how badly you have to bowl to get a 37 by attempting to get the score herself.
Again, I’m not saying you shouldn’t vote for Obama because he bowled so poorly, but, I mean, that poor a score… you have to wonder.
I bowled a 37 once.
I was 5. And I was drunk.
To be fair he was playing a 7 round (?) game, so its more like he scored a 52.857142857142857142857142857143, which still sucks.
I bowled once. After my ball bounced several times and landed in the gutter, the manager came over and said, “I’m gonna have to ask you to stop.”
I notice that she tends toward the right gutter, and if you’re going to be in the gutter, the right is where you need to be. I’ll bet all the B-ho’s gutter balls were on the left! Could be he’s just not used to big balls.
Bowling is just another way that Whitey keeps a brotha down! Not usually that down, though. (Just sayin’)
I want to have her children
In Barack’s defense, he was high at the time.
I think he’s lost the Milwaukee vote! If your going out on the town on a Saturday night in Milwaukee and plan on visiting one of the better establishments in town, a bowling shirt and white socks are always a trendy choice!
They should have put those blow-up bumpers in the gutters for Barack…possibly he would have scored a 47…
I hear Hillary scored a 301 during a trip to Bosnia…
Hillary bowled a 47 once in the first frame…
sorry, 37. i forgot what dufus he really is!
I want to go bowling with MKH.
37! Can’t wait for him to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game. I bet he throws like a girl. Like a girl with some kind of neurological defect. Heck, he’s left-handed – so there’s no way he can do anything that’s even remotely manly or athletic.
Go ahead and flame me, all you girly-throwing leftists – I can handle it.
um, I bowled a 33 once. eventually figured out I was using the wrong fingers to hold the ball.
I got a 4 once. In my defense, I was trying to teach myself how to make the ball curve (wrongly), I am quite stubborn, and the bowling round cost $0.50
37? In a Row!?