Fear the Spawn of Doocy!

Steve Doocy of FOX & Friends must be proud; his son has become an object of hate for the left-wing blogosphere. He asked a silly and fairly innocuous question about Hillary drinking to John McCain, but the nutroots are freaking out on him. I didn’t even think they liked Hillary anymore, but since Peter Doocy has some connection to FOX News, they can’t laugh at the comment and instead feel obliged to have their two minutes of hate. It’s kinda scary. Are these people actually integrated into our society, or can you spot them from their constant nervous twitching and mumblings about neocons?


  1. They’re actually talking about it on Fox News right now; I personally thought it was kinda funny. Doocy asked a question about something that “didn’t have to do with the issues.” From what I’ve seen of the Democratic hopefuls (especially Obama), they rarely get asked anything about “real issues.” So, McCain got a fair shot at something frivilous.

  2. Chicago isn’t scary if you don’t mind randomly getting beaten for no reason and with no way to defend yourself.
    And the river is quite lovely when you get over the trash and the sewage.
    And the people are great if you don’t mind people with cold, distant personalities…
    …that was a pathetic attempt. Stoopid Chicago!

  3. From the libtard comments I read, it seems that they are preparing to convert to the religion of peace, and are practicing up on their hysteria so they can put the dhimmis in their place. What can you expect from followers of Klinton and the B-HO?

  4. Frank J was already to go, but Iraq is a Muslim country and will not allow him to bring in the massive amounts of corn whiskey that he needs to function on a good day. It is as good as a medical deferment for his condition.

  5. There are two quik ways to get barred from enlistment. When at MEEPS for you physical, MOS test and psych eval, during the psych eval tell the practioner that you dont care what you do … as long as you get to kill lots of people, preferably by shooting them from close range. Or just tell them you like to blow up members of the same sex.
    AS far as the comments from the leftturds, seems as most of them were attacks upon the lads physical appearence and sexual orientation. I thought they were the party of tolerance and inclusion of all?

  6. Did you notice how McCain flubbed his extended answer to the question and the audience laughed as he did? His flub was real, but everyone’s reaction, including his, redeemed it.

  7. I’m a PROUD dormant U.S. Marine and I believe EVERYONE should serve their country in military service.
    That said, if you REALLY want to stay out of the military, not just Iraq, listen to Arlo Guthrey’s album, “Alice’s restaurant”.
    “You can get anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant!”
    Semper Fidelis

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