Thoughts on Bittergate

I had some thoughts on Obama’s recent controversial statements, and thought I’d share (I do have a political blog, so why not?):
* I guess Obama just assumed that things said to the elitists in San Francisco just wasn’t meant for the consumption of the rubes in flyover country. The reaction to his statement probably just reinforces that.
* What exactly has Obama done that give him the right to feel better than anybody? Right now the notable highlights of Obama’s career are that he’s given speeches, voted on stuff, and co-signed a bill or two. That means we know he speaks English, can say yes or no (or present) when asked, and can write his name. I really think its hard case to say he’s qualified to be a shift manager at Taco Bell, nonetheless president.
* If bitter people are clinging to guns, don’t we need a president whose smart enough not to upset them?
* Of course, we know that Obama has a lot of experience with bitter people congregating together in the name of a religion. I don’t think Obama clung to that so much out of bitterness as political opportunity, though. Frankly, I can imagine him telling his elitist friends in the privacy of an exclusive fundraiser, “I prefer it when Wright talks about the government making HIV to kill minorities, because I find that a lot easier to believe than the stuff about the invisible sky fairy. Leave that for the hillbillies. Am I right?”
* In Obama’s defense, his worshiping fans are kinda stupid, and that does have to skew his view of things being around them so much.
* Obama’s slip was telling people exactly what he thinks, and liberalism just doesn’t work that way. That’s why liberals don’t succeed on talk radio. Conservative can say what they’re thinking and people like it, but liberalism explained in simple terms is condescending and fascist. Obama can say that people only like religion and the 2nd Amendment because they’re bitter and stupid, but he needs to obscure that point by taking at least two thousand words to say it.
* It’s a really horrible idea to denounce Middle America in San Francisco, but luckily the reverse isn’t true. McCain could bash San Francisco all he wants while in Pennsylvania, and that certainly wouldn’t hurt his chances in a national election. Pretty much the whole country considers San Francisco to be full of weird, useless people. The city is a punchline. The only ones who don’t consider it full of freaks are those who live there… and even half of them have to suspect something.
* Speaking of San Francisco, you hear how they’re advertising themselves as a sanctuary city? Of course, people as useless as San Franciscans can’t just be a burden unto themselves, they need to be a load the rest of us. Now, if San Francisco proposed something where we got to trade all the people currently there for an equal number of Mexicans, I’d jump on that trade in a second.
* For the record, I always bought Obama more as an elite liberal with condescension of his betters — same as any white liberal — versus a mindlessly angry black separatist like his preacher. Michelle Obama I can see in the latter category though. She’s craaaazy.
* Having nothing else left, Hillary sure is seizing on this controversy and portraying herself as Annie Oakley. Of course, she has a history of supporting repressive gun control, but that’s why conservatives trust her more. We know the only fundamental issue she holds dear is that she should have power; she’ll move on any other issue if necessary.
* Doesn’t the Tuzla comments seem endearing in comparison? While Obama’s speech was about looking down on us and our values, Hillary was lying to try and fit in with us, bless her little heart.


  1. Since when is speaking English a qualification to be a shift manager at Taco Bell? Pu-lease! Leave that man alone. He is perfectly qualified to (talk about) being president of the most powerful nation on Earth.

  2. #6 is the best, truest, most quotable and basic of all of these great observations/opions. they’re all funny and true, but the fact that liberals can’t come right out and say what it is that they believe is a true fact.
    good work, jobless, bitter, gun-toting political-humor-genius!

  3. “* Obama’s slip was telling people exactly what he thinks, and liberalism just doesn’t work that way.”
    That’s because he’s not a liberal. He’s a Marxist. They’re very blunt.

  4. I’m so glad Mr. Obama went to the trouble of telling me WHY I’ve been going to church and collecting firearms my entire life. It’s because I’m bitter! Wow, I feel so relieved to know the whole story. But, let’s think about this for a second. If I’m bitter now, it’s only going to get worse if a socialist reptile like either of the Democratic candidates is elected to the office of President. What does that mean? More guns and more church…so, Obama, Hillary, just drop out and concede the election right now, both of you, or you’re gonna have an even more bitter white dude on your hands…and I’ll have guns!

  5. This came out just in time for “Bitter Wear Your Guns to Church and Shoot an Illegal Immigrant on the Way Home” week. Which was supposed to be April 13th to 19th. Thanks for spoiling the surprise Barack. I didn’t see a single illegal to shoot on my way home from Church yesterday. Now I AM bitter.

  6. * Obama’s slip was telling people exactly what he thinks, and liberalism just doesn’t work that way.
    Actually his slip was allowing a tape recorder in such an audience. Most of the people who would not vote for him already suspected he believed something along these lines. With the undeniable truth of what he said, only because of the recording, now the real middle class democrats and undecided voters have to face the facts that he is what he is.
    Not a new breed of politician,
    Not the Obamessiah,
    Not the second coming of JFK,
    Not the Democratic Reagan,
    but just another Chicago machine politiican. A cuter and better spoken than most of them, but just as willing to lie, cheat or pander shamelessly to troll for votes.

  7. It would seem that this election – between Obama and McCain – is simply going to be a basic test of American gullibility – a bit like those juvenile popularity contests we all experienced in middle and high school elections for “student body president.”

  8. Ouch…sorry I just scraped my knuckle on the floor again! WHOOOOPEEEE!
    Let’s all go listen to someone preach about Jeeeesus and then go drink some beer and shoot some guns! Oh…sorry…I’m bitter!!! We all here in Minnesota are just hangin’ round watin’ fer the telligent folk in D.C to tell us what fer cause we cain’t figur all that ther stuff bout politix and such on our own selves…WHOOOOHEEEEEE!!!

  9. //We all here in Minnesota are just hangin’ round watin’ fer the telligent folk in D.C to tell us what fer cause we cain’t figur all that ther stuff bout politix and such on our own selves…WHOOOOHEEEEEE!!! //
    ussjc, move, I’m telling you, we’re taking our sh*t and running for a gun bearing state and we need guys like you to stand back to back with. Desert Elephant promised us coffee beverages….

  10. //We all here in Minnesota are just hangin’ round watin’ fer the telligent folk in D.C to tell us what fer cause we cain’t figur all that ther stuff bout politix and such on our own selves…WHOOOOHEEEEEE!!! //
    ussjc, move, I’m telling you, we’re taking our sh*t and running for a gun bearing state and we need guys like you to stand back to back with. Desert Elephant promised us coffee beverages….

  11. Yeah, where is Desert Elephant anyway? Now, if he offered CAKE with the coffee, I’d consider moving from the Soviet State of Washington where we’re soooo lucky to have the corrupt, sicko psychologist “Baghdad Jim” McDermott representing us.

  12. Wooopeee! I just seen a episode of HeeHaw and I masturbated all over the place when I saw them there younins in the corn field! Yaaaheeee from Minnesota!!! I’m a gonna go shoot ma’ guns no an then I’m a gonna cipher some from the good book…

  13. WooooHeeee! We here in Minnesota here that that Osama Obama feller is a negro? Is that true? If’in so…I can’t see us’n vot’n fer him cause our kin folk up in then thar hills will be mighty upset with us’n all cause we don’t cotten to no dark meat here n.mennesota! WooooooHeeeeeer!!!!! I got my guns and ma bible and osama obama can tweedle dee my little piggle dee!!!

  14. You all still making that hooch, ussjimmycarter? ‘Cause Obamma don’t like that bitter moonshine that you Minnesotans make up there in those Lakes of The Woods. In fact, he don’t like alcohaul at all. Nows, Hillary like her sippin’ whiskey. There’s a gal, she is. Now you get your Alcohaulin’ Ass outta there!!

    If you think like Barack Obama, that WORKING CLASS PEOPLE are just a bunch of BITTER!, STUPID, PEASANTS, Cash COWS!, and CANNON FODDER. 🙁
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    If you think Barack Obama with little or no experience would be better than Hillary Clinton with 35 years experience.
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    If you think that Obama with no experience can fix an economy on the verge of collapse better than Hillary Clinton. Whose husband (Bill Clinton) led the greatest economic expansion, and prosperity in American history.
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    If you think that Obama with no experience fighting for universal health care can get it for you better than Hillary Clinton. Who anticipated this current health care crisis back in 1993, and fought a pitched battle against overwhelming odds to get universal health care for all the American people.
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    If you think that Obama with no experience can manage, and get us out of two wars better than Hillary Clinton. Whose husband (Bill Clinton) went to war only when he was convinced that he absolutely had to. Then completed the mission in record time against a nuclear power. AND DID NOT LOSE THE LIFE OF A SINGLE AMERICAN SOLDIER. NOT ONE!
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    If you think that Obama with no experience saving the environment is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose husband (Bill Clinton) left office with the greatest amount of environmental cleanup, and protections in American history.
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    If you think that Obama with little or no education experience is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose husband (Bill Clinton) made higher education affordable for every American. And created higher job demand and starting salary’s than they had ever been before or since.
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    If you think that Obama with no experience will be better than Hillary Clinton who spent 8 years at the right hand of President Bill Clinton. Who is already on record as one of the greatest Presidents in American history.
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    If you think that you can change the way Washington works with pretty speeches from Obama, rather than with the experience, and political expertise of two master politicians ON YOUR SIDE like Hillary and Bill Clinton..
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    If you think all those Republicans voting for Obama in the Democratic primaries, and caucuses are doing so because they think he is a stronger Democratic candidate than Hillary Clinton. 🙂
    Best regards
    If you don’t know that the huge amounts of money funding the Obama campaign to try and defeat Hillary Clinton is coming in from the insurance, and medical industry, that has been ripping you off, and killing you and your children. And denying you, and your loved ones the life saving medical care you needed. All just so they can make more huge immoral profits for them-selves off of your suffering…
    You Might Be An Idiot, Too!
    You see, back in 1993 Hillary Clinton had the audacity, and nerve to try and get quality, affordable universal health care for everyone to prevent the suffering and needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of you each year. 🙂
    Approx. 100,000 of you die each year from medical accidents from a rush to profit by the insurance, and medical industry. Another 120,000 of you die each year from treatable illness that people in other developed countries don’t die from. And I could go on, and on…

  16. DON’T BE DUPED !!!
    Large numbers of Republicans have been voting for Barack Obama in the DEMOCRATIC primaries, and caucuses from early on. Because they feel he would be a weaker opponent against John McCain. With Hillary Clinton you are almost 100% certain to get quality, affordable universal health care very soon.
    But first, all of you have to make certain that Hillary Clinton takes the democratic nomination and then the Whitehouse. NOW! is the time. THIS! is the moment you have all been working, and waiting for. You can do this America. “Carpe diem” (harvest the day).
    I think Hillary Clinton see’s a beautiful world of plenty for all. She’s a woman, and a mother. And it’s time America. Do this for your-selves, and your children’s future. You will have to work together on this and be aggressive, relentless, and creative. Americans face an even worse catastrophe ahead than the one you are living through now.
    You see, the medical and insurance industry mostly support the republicans with the money they ripped off from you. And they don’t want you to have quality, affordable universal health care. They want to be able to continue to rip you off, and kill you and your children by continuing to deny you life saving medical care that you have already paid for. So they can continue to make more immoral profits for them-selves.
    Hillary Clinton has actually won by much larger margins than the vote totals showed. And lost by much smaller vote margins than the vote totals showed. Her delegate count is actually much higher than it shows. And higher than Obama’s. She also leads in the electoral college numbers that you must win to become President in the November national election. HILLARY CLINTON IS ALREADY THE TRUE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE!
    As much as 30% of Obama’s primary, and caucus votes are Republicans trying to choose the weakest democratic candidate for McCain to run against. These Republicans have been gaming the caucuses where it is easier to vote cheat. This is why Obama has not been able to win the BIG! states primaries. Even with Republican vote cheating help.
    Hillary Clinton has been OUT MANNED! OUT GUNNED! and OUT SPENT! 4 and 5 to 1. Yet Obama has only been able to manage a very tenuous, and questionable tie with Hillary Clinton.
    If Obama is the democratic nominee for the national election in November he will be slaughtered. Because the Republican vote cheating help will suddenly evaporate. All of this vote fraud and republican manipulation has made Obama falsely look like a much stronger candidate than he really is. YOUNG PEOPLE. DON’T BE DUPED! Think about it. You have the most to lose.
    The democratic party needs to fix this outrage. Everyone needs to throw all your support to Hillary Clinton NOW! So you can end this outrage against YOU the voter, and against democracy.
    The democratic party, and the super-delegates have a decision to make. Are the democrats, and the democratic party going to choose the DEMOCRATIC party nominee to fight for the American people. Or are the republicans going to choose the DEMOCRATIC party nominee through vote fraud, and gaming the DEMOCRATIC party primaries, and caucuses.
    Fortunately the Clinton’s have been able to hold on against this fraudulent outrage with those repeated dramatic comebacks of Hillary Clinton’s. Only the Clinton’s are that resourceful, and strong. Hillary Clinton is your NOMINEE. They are the best I have ever seen.
    “This is not a game” (Hillary Clinton)

  17. In response to both postings # 17 & # 18,
    What the Funk & Wagnel are you ranting about?
    Do you ACTUALLY believe the S__T spewing out of your brain?
    It’s people like you, and the inane theories you espouse, that cause people to become the “bitter & frustrated” folks you complain about!
    Try NOT listening to Rosie O’Donnel or Anderson Cooper for a change.

  18. Hillary, John and many others are always trying to bust Obama’s chops because he is young and not long enough in the tooth when it comes to politics. But what he lacks in experience he makes up for in insight, intelligence (he can really sling the words, can’t he? I had to look up the word antipathy!), and maybe even prophecy. He was the one of the three who knew that invading Iraq was going to cause us untold misery and money. That’s what we need in a president. Someone who will know what to do at 3 am if we are about to be invaded and what to do all the rest of the time also. The other two have proven that they would not know what to do by voting to invade Iraq.

  19. Jack…all those words are hurting my eyes.
    I agree wholeheartedly with #2 dude. Your bullet #6 really says it all, Frank. I’m tearin’ up a little. Oh wait. Actually that is from reading USSJC’s down home wisdoms. Are you sure you aren’t down here in the Ozarks somewhere? Missouri starts with M too, just like Minnesota.

  20. What Hillary doesn’t get is this isn’t about black, white, elite, redneck etc. It should be about uniting all the various segments in American rather than divide them in Carl Rove fashion. It’s about beating John McCain. Yet her latest Rove style strategy has her campaign insinuating that the Montana Yellowstone County Commissioner “picked Clinton only after he heard Barack Obama’s now famous “bitter” comments. But Kennedy told FOX News on Tuesday that he decided on Clinton long before that. “I had been leaning toward Hillary for months,” Kennedy said. “I actually decided to endorse her two weeks ago.”
    Think about it. If someone created a website which allowed us to vote on one simple question, ‘are we bitter about how things have been going here in the United States’, do you think the happy campers would ‘win’ or do you think the Americans who are fed up, been pushed down, passed over and trickled on would outnumber those who prefer to wear blinders or blindly put a politician above the interests of their party or the interests of our country.
    For Hillary to try to twist Obama’s words in this regard is beyond her normal campaign games, it’s an act of desperation. When more google for information on her pastor and spritual advisor, Doug Coe, they may come to realize it is all a game to her. When they google through all the campaign lies alone, whether it’s bullets flying, joining the Marines or simply her stands on issues, they will realize we’ll be the losers in these games.
    If we want to discuss someone out of touch or elitist, think about the string of unpaid bills Clinton has left in every state she’s been in, bills owed to small vendors. Consider why one would fork out $26,000 for an orchestra for a fundraiser yet not pay her workers’ health insurance premiums for two months. Is that not elitist?
    Bill is now trying to help Hillary again but he needs to clean up his own front porch first. His charities not only support Alibaba, Inc., accused of collaborating with the government in its crackdown on Tibetan activists, his scholarships finance schools in Dubai who won’t even accept Israeli students. These stories hit the news about the same time as Bill’s Columbian deal. Maybe this bittergate is simply wmd – weapon of mass distraction.
    Was Bill taking advantage of a young girl in his employ not elitist? Was his putting himself above her interests, the interests of his family, the Democratic Party and our country somehow not elitist?
    Perhaps Bill needs to do twenty years of community service in the south side of Chicago to get a grip on what constitutes an elitist.
    Hillary needs to figure out which political party she works for. I have yet to hear her rally her people to vote Democrat no matter who wins the nomination. Not one word. I thought the whole idea was to beat McCain, not hand him on a silver platter 28% of the Democratic vote.
    We were fooled by a beer drinking party guy trying to act like the common man before, look where it got us. And if using that campaign game is not elitist, I’ll eat my hat.

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