Country First

I think it’s a good idea that McCain is postponing his campaign to go do work because I think it comes out of our federal tax dollars to pay him to be a Senator so he should probably do that from time to time. Then again, because of him taking public funds for his campaign, I guess we’re actually paying him more to campaign.

Anyway, this being a crisis and all, maybe Biden should head back to D.C. too. Biden’s been in the Senate for forever, so he might actually know a thing or two that’s useful. Plus, he’s absolutely no use on the campaign trail.

I think it’s good of Obama to keep campaigning. With serious work to do, the last thing the Senate needs is Obama skipping around asking questions like “What’s a stock?” and “How many pennies are in a dollar?” Seriously, between starting in the Senate in 2005 and his presidential campaign, Obama has only worked as a Senator for maybe a couple weeks. What possible use could he be? He can just vote “Unpresent” for this.

Being the governor of Alaska, Palin isn’t needed for all this, so she should go ahead and debate Obama on Friday. That’s seems a bit more fair than having him debate McCain, anyway. McCain could eventually debate Biden to make up for that, but who the hell would care to watch that?

One last note: I think the first thing McCain should do when he gets to Washington is knock that doddering old fart Reid to the ground. Just like with using a keyboard, I’m sure knocking Reid to the ground will be harder for McCain that it would be for us, but I’m sure he can manage it anyway.


  1. I think the first thing McCain should do when he gets to Washington is knock that doddering old fart Reid to the ground.

    Or he could just yell “Arggh!” and stab Reid with hus cutlass.

    Seriously, McCain, I will give you much treasure if you go around stabbing Democrats with a cutlass.

  2. Someone is trying to cover for McCain because they are insanely in love for Palin and his name is frankj. Mister stupidest blogger ever sir it is massively clear that McCain is a scared wimp and a fraud and Palin is a whore (see the latest National Enquirer). Also you suck and you have stupid readers except for myself and a few of the other Daily Kos peeps who post here. I can’t wait until Palin loses. She will never be able to run again because she will be branded LOSER by all of the USA. ha ha ha times a billion. a billion ha has at your stupid face.

  3. I’m pretty reassured knowing that Pelosi and Reid have the financial future of the western democracies covered… Possibly McNumbNuts could get Amnesty thrown into this bill yet! That would like totally rule!

  4. If McCain really wanted to put country first he would have put Romney as VP instead of Palin. Romney’s the more powerful economic choice. I’ll still vote for McCain-Palin but I really doubt they will pull this off. The economic problems just flag her inexperience – it makes it really obvious she was the wrong choice. I going to push for Romney in 2012 as well. Romney-___ – any ideas?

    [Romney-Blatantly Obvious Concern Troll 2012! -Ed.]

  5. “If McCain really wanted to put country first he would have put Romney as VP instead of Palin.”

    As a concerned Christian conservative from Ohio and/or Pennsylvania between the ages of 22 and 35 – I agree!

  6. I also with WAL and Timbur, and find them both to be insightful and funny people.

    What a coincidence, so do I!

    But, honestly, with his genius and dynamic sexual magnetism reminiscent of Pierce Brosnan and a young Warren Beatty – how could you possibly disagree with him?

  7. I do like Sarah, a lot. but my first Veep choice was Romney. If, God forbid, we loose (I just don’t even like to think about it) I will be happy with a Romney/Jindal ticket. (and yes, I also have a crush on ol’ Mitt….and my DH knows all about it)

  8. word.

    the nice thing about this wordpress thing, is there is a little edit button right next to the comment, so it takes no time at all to delete/mess with comments — i’m not sure if registered commenters can update their comment to fix spelling and stuff — it would also be nice if we could post pics in the comments like at fark, but that’s for another day

  9. Pingback: Sometimes Political Humor Starts With Crisis, Ends with History | Political Humor by Radioactive Liberty

  10. Frank! You read my mind! I would have loved to see Sarah show up to debate Obie!
    If presidents are too busy, they send their vice-presidents to fill in (such as state funerals, ribbon cutting ceremonies, debates).
    It would have shown McCain’s ability to prioritize and deligate, and his confidence in his VP choice.

    What ever bail-out bill this congress finally passes, it’s going to give unprecedented power to the secretary of the treasury. Romney has financial experience, but who do we know who can best handle such god-like, unrestricted authority?
    Fred Thompson for treasury secretary!

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