In Obama America…

…illegal immigrants deport YOU!


  1. Rubeus says:

    November 7th, 2008 at 2:22 pm
    More than just that. Wait till we have to get our marks.

    I hope you have already made the decision not to take it????
    I Have!!!!!!

  2. Socrates H. Muhammed says:

    November 7th, 2008 at 2:40 pm
    There is no need to get The Mark. It’s completely voluntary

    Time will tell if Obama is “The ONE”. Yes it’s voluntary, but if you don’t take it you won’t buy or sell anything. It means everything you now have will be taken from you and redistributed to someone else who will take the mark. You won’t have any means to buy something to eat. You will have to hunt for it and if you don’t have enough ammunition, you will starve!!! Are you ready!!!!???

  3. Dang, #2 & #8, that’s just spooky and eerily prophetic, like that 1970s movie about the Rapture (A Thief In The Night) that scared me spitless when I was a mere child. Lets just say I’m thankful that Obama’s world is not my Final Home, and he and his minions WILL face the final Judgement.

    Oh to be in the presence of my Heavenly Father for all eternity. I can’t wait!

  4. Hey, I just saw an ad on TV for some channel called ESPN Deportes. Is that like the secret illegal immigrant channel they all watch and get their orders how to deport us? Because if it is, they are way ahead of where I thought they were.

    Update: OK, I just turned to it to try and spy on them but it was in some strange language and they kept showing athletes doing various cool things. This is either a very sohpisticated code that I can’t decipher, or they have a device that recognizes legal citizen TVs and it automatically switches over to sports stuff to throw us off track. Either way it’s kind of creepy.

  5. See how chicken crap Obama says “Its not my problem till January 20th? ” ………unbelievable. Bush is so much more classy than these democrats. Obama wanted the job but now its like eeeek a mouse…….You want me to TOUCH IT???? Such a pssuy. How irresponsible. So being president was about his ego and not about caring for a 200+ year old tradition. Not about guarding the most precious gift that liberty has ever bestowed. This guy is going down in flames and the country with him for choosing an abuser.

  6. #20 you GUESS? Why, are you stupid? Stupid question.

    Looks like the public can’t see the Bill Clinton economy coming home to roost (Steven Holmes NYT 9/30/99).

    Looks like the public wants to give Moamar Qaddaffi his nuclear weapons program back.

    Suck on the goddamn America manifesto, troll.

  7. Rick,

    I’ve been watching this happen in Sparks for over 10 years.

    Step 1) Businesses from Peoples’ Republic get tired of the astronomical taxes in Peoples’ Republic. They move new branches to Nevada.

    Step 2) They convince Nevada politicians that they will bring in jobs.

    Step 3) Said businesses renege…they move in socialists from the Bay Area and L.A. to run things like Peoples’ Republic. All they offer to locals is low wage warehouse jobs, while whording upper tier jobs for liberal comiefornians, because if they had a majority of conservatives in upper positions, they couldn’t get away with Affirmative Actions or their bastions of liberalism.

    Step 4) Liberals can’t stand conservative, so the low wage jobs get turned over to illegal aliens.

    Step 5) Enter the ACLU, who insist on ride-a-longs with officers, and claim that an officer who pulls over a low-rider full of chicanos or blacks wearing full gang attire and flashing guns and gang signs out the window, simply did it because the officer was racist and was racial profiling.

    Step 6) Repeat steps 1-5, with the addition of liberals from Portland and Seattle.

    Step 7) Enter Harry Reid.

    Step 8) Enter multiple Starbucks. When Starbucks opens 5 or more stores in a single town, it’s a sure sign it’s been over-run by Mercedes Marxists and Lexus Liberals.

    Result…the cancer of liberalism has successfully and stealthily overrun another state, and is in the process of killing it.

    Lesson: you see a liberal, shoot it, or it will continue to invade and destroy the other states.

  8. ILoveMyFreedoms, if you get deported from Illinois (which is far too cold to suit) I will harbor your illegal alien person in Tennessee. I lived in IL for 22 years and it’s much different than when I lived there–it’s completely overtaken by illuminati leftwingery and presidential ambitions–although still as cold and flat.

  9. Hey yah! If your being deported Idaho is still pretty red. 75% voted McCain, or at least Palin. The only place it was up side down is the Sun Valley area. This is primarily trust babies just like anywhere else. Even John Kerry has a place there, But, the rest of Idaho is red and more like redneck.

    Not hateful. Just strong in their beliefs and values. However, a state high school poll had students selecting HObama about 49% to 47%. Teachers unions and the new age doctrines are propagandizing students here just like anywhere else.

    The population is white although there are a few blacks here especially student athletes that are imported from the east and wherever to play on the Jr. College Basketball team.

    Hispanic population is 15% to 20%. Most don’t vote although the victim movements from Oregon are starting to organize here. Half don’t speak english so there is still time.

    Californians are coming here to escape although once they get here some want to recreate the squallor they left behind in the first place.

    If you want to buy a GUN, you just look in the classifieds and see what’s up for the day and dial the number. After you arrange to meet you pay your money and presto, your the new owner of a 300 Winchester mag or .357 or whatever. No sales tax. No registration. No waiting period. No background check. It’s just like buying a puppy. You don’t even have to be a resident of the state. You just call the number and set the time.

    It’s not illegal. Totally within the law. A gun in Idaho is just private property. Like selling your old corning ware dishes.

    I thought you kids might be interested. How many of you are startled?

    So it’s a nice place to live. Hobama supporters don’t get in your face. If they have a rally in the city park it’s a quiet gathering of 9-12 libs out of a population at least, where I’m at of 35,000. This is the 5th largest city.

    You may as well spend your final days among friends!!!

  10. Thanks Idaho Spud. My husband is seriously considering leaving CA. We’re from Chicago, and definitely don’t want to go back there. The other day he googled “most conservative places to live”. I don’t remember exactly, but I’m pretty sure he mentioned a few places in Idaho. Can you tell us anything about homeschooling in that state? I homeschool, always have, not about to change. How ’bout winters? We left Chicago as 20-somethings to escape barbaric winters so not really interested in moving back to it as 30-somethings. I guess I would reconsider, though, if we could get some property, find a nice church, and get away from So. Cal. lifestyle (and all the liberalism that accompanies it). Sheesh and they say San Diego is mostly conservative! I guess compared to the rest of our state we are. I think it’s cheaper to live there, too (Idaho) so that’s a plus.

    On a lighter note, my husband is working on designing a data center for this company for this project:

    I thought that was pretty cool so wanted to share. He’s excited. Oh that reminds me, my husband would need a job! I guess he can look into whether or not his company could use him out there.

    Thanks for letting me babble.

  11. Eros,

    Not living there, I never got to witness any of that. But you post seems entirely believable. They invade an area, destroy it, and then move on. Sort of like the ebola virus. It’s a damn shame, too. It was always an amazing feeling driving across the Nevada border form California. It felt like you had somehow managed to escape or something.

  12. Can I add. There are no carjackings in Idaho. 85% of housholds own guns. Not just a gun but guns. I have guns and someone from the east might think I have a lot but when you get down to brass tacks and win someones confidence very often you find out that they have guns, I’m talking hundreds. Sometimes several hundred. It’s not unusual. It’s kind of tradition. I know people that buy a gun once a month.

    Some folks have a set of clothes for one occassion or another. We have guns for one occassion or another. Sometimes 3 guns are good for one occassion but, depending on what you are wearing, where you are going, how long you will be determines what combination you will need.

    You have guns for concealed carry. You have guns for traveling in case one should encounter road rage. You have guns for plinking. Many different guns for hunting. Small guns for small things and medium for medium and large for large etc. You have lever actions and bolt actions and semi autos and sometimes you need to have a selection of 3-5 calibers for each, depending if you are going to be in wooded, hill, or open country. Lots of variables so you need lots of guns.

    For self defense I wouldn’t like to be shot with a BB gun. And any gun is better than none, but, a .380 may be ok in summer but if someone has a heavy leather coat and sweater on in the winter penetration may cause a wound but it may not stop an attacker from finishing what they started.

    There are two kinds of gun owners. Those that buy the guns they need and those that buy as collectors. I’m personally down to buying the last 4-6 guns that I actually need and after that I will only buy a gun for collecting purposes like discontiuued models etc.

    After work people hop in their rigs drive out in the desert and shoot. If someone drives by they barely pay any attention. It’s just some folks shooting their guns. I shoot on my own property but I have an old dog that gets scarred at the sound so I drive 5 minutes and shoot outside town.

    I look at the people crammed in the cities and it baffles me. The largest city in Idaho isBoise, 250,000. In the west everything is spread out because there is all the room in the world. A tall building may be 14 stories, and not too many of them.

    When Hobama get’s Emanuel doing piroets on graves I would not like to be in a large metro area. Queers can be very vindictive. Look at those that surrounded Hitler. If rioting starts or famines or confiscations begin where do people go. Get out now. Come to Idaho.

  13. Southern Idaho is a bastion of conservative Mormons that make Salt Lake City look like San Francisco by comparison, but I would sooner live around those who would hie to kolob than those who would go to work for Obama’s new FBI chief, Marco DeBeest.

  14. No 38 Sulamie:
    My wife and I homeschooled our son. He’s 21 now, works full time in a bank and is a full time student. No pierced ears, No tatoos, an Eagle scout, and every place I go
    people tell me what a great kid his is. I’m not bragging but I am proud and I attribute his early succes from the homeschool experience. His life is a total contrast to my own at his age. Idaho has absolutely no laws governing or controlling home schoolers. There are home school support associations all over the state and the big buggaboo about a homescooler being socially deprived is as ludicrous as saying Hobama is a God fearing patriot. We ran our behinds off having him participate in all the various extra curricular activities from skiing to plays to field trips to music lessons and on and on.

    The weather is moderate but varies. Idaho stretches from Canada to Nevada. I am in the desert agricultural south. Today it was about 55 degrees. It felt warm. A short sleeve polo shirt was all that was needed for most of the day. Women of course, might have a jacket. My wife wears some skimpy little sweater when we go out then tries to blast the car heater up to 110. I on the other hand drive around without the heater and the window down.

    Tomorrow, I will be working around the house outside. If I start out with a shirt and a heavy shirt over it I soon shed down to one. At 38 degrees you can easily work up a sweat. We will be having rain in the next few weeks and possibly some snow by end of November. Even when it snows you rarely have more than 4-8 inches and it does not stay on the ground usually more than a few days. It does change. Year to year it is never the same. I haven’t put on studded tires in a few years.

    Front wheel drive or 4 wheel as needed get by just fine. Also, NO chains. It does happen that we can have two inches and we will have idiots wrecking all over the place. I presume from out of state because you simply just slow down and adjust. It’s a big concept to some however.

    I’m running late this fall so I will be digging potatoes out of the garden and I am expecting that I still have tomatoes and peppers that are good as I put them under tarps a month ago. We have frost (under 32 degrees) lately but by ten in the morning it will be gone and the days are hitting mid 50’s by afternoon. Right now it’s about 37 and thats going to be it. I can go out now and if I am walking could stay pretty comfortable for quite a while.

    Idaho is the 3rd fastest growing state right now. Most of the development is in eastern Idaho and south central and it coinsides with the interstate. North Idaho is fabulously pretty but the highway systems are not in place so ecomomically they are somewhat behind the rest of the state. North Idaho has a lot of snow but it is not treacherously cold. In fact Lewiston to Couer d lane is warmer or at least not any colder than Boise to Twin Falls. We have scenery and natural phenomena that blows the mind, but when you live here you get used to it and don’t always pay attention until someone from out of area comes by and makes a big deal of it.

    Travel and distance is described in hours. I am 12 hours from Couer d lane, 2 hours from Boise, 3 hours to Salt Lake City, 6 hours to Reno, 9 hours to Portland, 9 hours to Denver, 5 hours to Jellystone National Park. 1 1/4 hour to Sun Valley. 3 hours to Idaho Falls and 2 hours to Pocatello. Skiing, Boating, Fishing and hunting are everywhere.

    Business is relocating to Idaho because the work ethic is good and Unions don’t exist. State sales tax 6%. Anything else you would like to know just holler. I just found IMAO while seeking solace during the election. I used to hit Drudge as my first order of business now some mystical force has me checking Franks place. Nice people and fun, smart and sassy all except for the wolverine stuff. Wolves tear the crap out of wolverines! I don’t like wolves but they do tear the crap out of everything. Deer, Elk, Moose, Bear. They need to be eliminated just like libs.

  15. state that never even turns lilac

    Oh duh, I just now got that: “purple” state. Red + Blue = Purple? But how can a state be both? *crickets* Oh wait, a formerly red state that voted for the O?
    Yeah, it’s been a tough week; we all deserve some slack.

    #41Towelhead: oh the visual image of Mormons that make Salt Lake City look like San Francisco , and Marco DeBeest? Bwahahahaha! 😎

  16. Speaking of wolves; that reminds me of the 3 precepts of Patriotism 101:

    1. It ain’t all about You! – (personal accountability)

    2. Don’t sh*t where you sleep! – (community responsibility)

    3. When you’ve been ate by a wolf and crapped off a cliff,
    stop trying to be friends with the wolf! – (national identity)

    Blue is the new RED!

  17. #36, AB: Thanks much for the offer of Harbor in the great state of Tennessee. Sure do miss the mountains, people with feet on the ground, and God Bless Our Troops signs. As a conservative, though, I have alot of baggage in terms of anger, weapon, and nasty Obama jokes. That okay?

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