My official stance on the Obama birth certificate issue is I don’t care. Thus, I haven’t really followed it closely enough to know if there is anything to it, but it does have the whiff of a conspiracy theory. Even if there is something to it, I think the rule that the president has to be a natural born citizen is stupid. What’s it supposed to protect against? Electing someone foreign who doesn’t have America’s interest’s at heart? If someone like that was about to get elected by the American people and the only thing stopping it was a little rule in the Constitution, we’re pretty much screwed already, as there are plenty of people without America’s best interests at heart who are natural born. Frankly, I’m for letting the American people elect whomever they feel like electing.
Furthermore, Obama was elected pretty resoundingly so, it doesn’t help conservatives to try to overturn that on some technicality. We actually have to win on the arguments one of these days.
The whole birth certificate thing is a big steaming load. These B.C. troofers are a bunch of ignorant, whiney, tools who need to grow up and face the fact that Obama will be president ofor at least 4 years.
As for whether or not the job should be reserved for natural born citizens…can’t we have just one?
In Obamaland, “natural born citizens” are survivors of late-term abortions.
I thought it would be wonderfully ironic if, after a career of winning elections through technicalities and dirty tricks, Obama lost the presidency the same way.
Ironic in the same way that, imo, Hilary Clinton would have ended up in the US Senate anyway if she had moved to New York like she planned instead of following Mr. Haney, I mean future President Clinton, to Arkansas.
I believe Obama’s eligibility is proven by the implications of the newspaper reporting his birth. (I won’t go into the deductive argument.)
However, the argument presented in this column is the worst one to take “it doesn’t matter.” We are a nation of law.
We knew who he was, and is, and that’s enough — with or without him being natural-born (shouldn’t that be “native” born instead? — sounds like a vaginal birth instead of a ceasarian section).
We need to get back to figuring why we elect commies to be prez every so often in this country.
Is this going to become the hanging chad conspiracy from Florida that Dems cried about for 8 years?
[Real conservatives don’t whine. -Ed.]
There is a certificate of live hatching. Supposedly from Hawaii, which, even if he is an anchor hatchling, still a natual one.
Moot. soros would not have let his mouthpiece be questioned in a such a manner anyway. god save us from this commie and his clintonistas.
If they can just ignore the law when it suits them, then how are we different from your average thugocracy in the Third World?
Gee Frank, we might as well just flush the whole body of law and Constitution down the crapper and declare the One Messiah for life. It’s simpler and it saves money on those pesky noisy elections. The law is just paper. It doesn’t have to actually mean anything. Pity about that freedom and individual rights thing though…
I like to think that America has more on the ball morally than Kenya. Its all the same to Frank either way, just so long as he gets to play wii and lose his consciousness in mindless sports drivel.
speaking from his current home state, I think there are 2 things working against him befor he even gets to the oath of office. our current gov ( i didnt vote for him) has been arrested and charged with trying to “sell” his vacaent seat to the highest bidder or something like that events are still rolling out. but this i think will be a gigantic anchor around his neck. than any birth certificat. we will see if the the feds move to investigat him in conection with any thing my states proud soon to be former govener. (tee hee hee
As someone recently pointed out, if BHO becomes president, then IT SETS A LEGAL PRECEDENT FOR Gov. Schwarzenegger to run et al. Yipes !
We have enough fools in power and their followers ignoring the Constitution (anti-gun zealots being one faction). Therefore, live by the law, die by the law. If you don’t like the law, work to change it. Until then, follow it. That includes BO.
how are we different from your average thugocracy in the Third World?
We have McDonald’s. And Walmart.
He spent millions of bucks so he wouldn’t have to prove he isn’t born here. All he had to do was show it. I will never ever believe that he is a citizen of the U.S.A no matter what he does now.
Rather than just disclosing his birth certificate, he runs off to Hawaii and has all of his records sealed up before the election. That’s VERY VERY ODD!!! Of all things to HIDE, he has his BIRTH RECORDS HIDEN from the public!
I have to have all sorts of documents lined up and in the clear to join the military… Why doesn’t this guy even bother to show us his Birth Certificate (if it exists) and end the debate once and for all? Speaking of debates, NOTHING sticks to this guy;
“My Muslim Faith”
57 States
Rev. Wright
Bill Ayers
Spread the Wealth
Joe the Plumer
The Audacity of Hope (Which cites Marxist lessons)
Extreme Anti-Gun policy
No new energy policy
Wants to bankrupt the coal industry
“They’ll bring a knife, we’ll bring a gun!”
“The constitution is fundamentally flawed”
Didn’t know the USMC was a department of the Navy
Nothing sticks to this guy. You can claim he’s Kenyan until you’re blue in the face but no one will listen. Thou shall not doubt the new Messiah!
I concur with Frank!
My new favorite dismissive phrase is now: “Whaat-evvah” executed with a lazy one shoulder shrug and a wide, bored yawn…then, because I don’t want to bother with anyone so narrow minded as to think the President of the United States ought to be anybody other than some b-stard Kenyan immigrant, I’ll just turn on my teevee or my computer or my MP3 or my Blackberry or my cellphone or my Wii or my (fill the blank).
With illegals climbing onto the backs of taxpayers, self governing gangs, drug dealers and Islamofacists in every state, does anybody anymore give a rat’s patooties about law and the consequences of losing it? Excuse me, my teevee program is on…
Yeah who cares about the following the whole constitution thing. Screw it all.
I do think that sealing his records prior to the election is not the action one takes if one has nothing to hide. He’s simply not qualified, constitutionally or in terms of experience. He’s an icon of the democratic party, much like Blogoavich – an equal mix of shiny exterior and corrupt interior.
When Clinton was elected, there was a thing on C-SPAN around NYE that was a conference of people responsible for both campaigns. At one point, the Clinton people bragged about dressing someone up as a priest, sending him into Republican headquarters in some state, and faxing a speech that Dole was going to give back to Democratic headquarters. I guess if you do it through fraud it’s brag-worthy on national television, but if you do it at night it’s Watergate.
I think until we have a zero tolerance policy for this crap with the democrats, we’ll continue with the most corrupt people in that party being the ones elected. We have integrity in equal part because of our ideology and our intolerance of corruption in our own party. Power corrupts, or tries to, everyone. The resistance to that corruption is largely due to the consequences, and as Republicans our politicians know that if they are caught in bed with a dead girl or are tapping their feet for a live boy, they won’t be kept around long. Democrats have no such filter.
The bottom line, though – if some twit is going to play butt-twister with our goverment, the freak ought to at least have been born here. None of this “Iz in your wite houz, bankruptin yr grandkidz”.
Ya, figure he was spawned here but there is almost certainly something embarrassing related to his birth certificate. Why else spend money to avoid showing it? Even when a campaign has as much cash floating around as BHO had, why waste a sack of it paying lawyers to get around tossing the doc on a judge’s desk and ending this crap?
I’m glad I don’t see any of the regulars here putting stock in this retarded argument. We here are predominantly conservative, so we are supposed to be smarter than most. If you put any stock into this theory of Obama being born in another country then you probably have an easy job. One Illegal immigrants will be doing soon. Couple of points:
1) The moron pushing the court issue is a wack job who is also claims President Bush was behind 9-11. This actually makes me feel better since no one can say conservatives are pushing this.
2) I personally don’t have my birth certificate. But if I need it, I could send away to my home state to get a certificate of Live Birth, which is what Obama has done. Not just once, but twice. It has been confirmed by two independent sources. The certificate’s Authenticity was also confirmed by Linda Lingle, The Governor of Hawaii (A FREKING REPUBLICAN).
3) A newspaper announcement of Barak Obama’s birth was found in the Honolulu Advertiser dating a couple of days after he was born. It was found by Clinton operative. So if there is a conspiracy then it started days after Obama was born.
Let’s get back to attacking Obama for what he’s doing to the country, not because of the dilutions of some retard from Pennsylvania, and I’m not talking about Rep. Murtha.
Regardless of Obama’s birth status, the larger issue here is that the Constitution restrains the will of the people in order to prevent the tyranny of the majority.
If a person is elected in violation of the Constitution (and that election stands), then the will of the people will have trumped the Constitution. When this happens, the Constitution becomes nothing, and the US is subject to the easily manipulated majority.
I fear this day is soon to be upon us.
we’re pretty much screwed already
The point is mainly that all we are asking for is him to show it.
BRS, frankly you’re wrong. One of the people pushing one of the cases (out of dozens or so) is Alan Keyes, who isn’t a nut to anyone except the left. Secondly, it doesn’t matter who is pushing it; there are many questionable things about his birth which haven’t been answered. The certificate that you are talking about receiving authenticity is not a Certificate of live birth as is required by Hawaii itself for proof. It is a Certification of Live Birth which can be received, according to Hawaian law, for a foreign birth up to a year later. The Hawaian Governor has said that the real Certificate is there but nothing more. The question goes something like this, “where was Obama born?” Answer, “we have his birth certificate filed.” That doesn’t answer the question. Where does it say he was born? Additionally, it is irrelavent as to the party of the governor. Unless you think there aren’t any corrupt, RINO republicans. As for the birth announcement, this is an utter red herring. It just says he was born. He could have been born on the moon and his maternal grandparents could have put an announcement in the newspaper.
The Republicans got their asses kicked and need to move on! One of the reasons they got their asses kicked is because they had NO message. All they tried to do was demonize Obama. We were told that electing him would be the end of western civilization by Hannity, Laura and the rest. NO positive conservative message! More of the same from these dick weeds!!!
Let’s see what happens if a guy who’s been a Senator for, like, 10 minutes, runs for president.
Now let’s see what happens if he decides that some parts of the U.S. Constitution are irrelevant. And stupid.
What other parts of the Constitution can we get rid of? How about separation of powers?
We don’t really need all those pesky amendments, do we?
Slippery slope.
It doesn’t matter if the original source of the story was a dancing poodle…
World Net Daily’s Joseph Farah, James Corsi or Janet Porter don’t buy into the 9/11 Bush conspiracy theory, and they have valid points to consider:
Barry’s paternal grandmother stated (on tape) she was present at his birth in Kenya. She probably didn’t realize what that would mean in terms of his eligibility, and now might claim to have “misspoke.” Lots of that going around.
A certificate of live birth is not an original document, only one that states a live birth took place somewhere at some time. This issue is important when the big money behind such a man came from sources hostile to this government and citizenry, and determined to destroy Israel.
The Governor of Hawaii had the birth record sealed after Barry spent time in that state. Why? I don’t believe her assurances of the authenticity of what is now locked up in some vault, what do “just words, just speeches” mean anymore in an age of corruption and bribery? Sorry, it just doesn’t work.
Maybe we all just need to be sent to a sensitivity/reeducation training gulag…then we can be overthrown and happy about it.
I had to provide a certified copy of my birth certificate to get my license, to get into school, to receive a commission in the US military and to get my civilian job after I retired.
Is it too much to ask the man assuming the office of the President of the United States/Commander in Chief to do the same? And while obama is digging out his BS, how about providing us with your education transcripts, medical records, and donor records of all your contributions under $200 – you know, all the stuff the media demanded McCain to supply…
Jesus! Just read the American Thinker articles regarding this issue.
If he is a natural born citizen whats the big deal…just produce the birth certificate and save the country the cost of dealing with all the law suits.
Zeto – why would he produce these documents? He can get a lot of mileage out of stringing along a bunch of fools that will help make his other opponents look like foolish by association.
Just shut up and drink the cool-aid man!!!! it will all be over quicker if you do………
You sniffing theory again ? ooh dat jenkems gets you haaaaiigh
1) The moron pushing the court issue is a wack job who is also claims President Bush was behind 9-11, and is most likely being paid by the Clintons to bring this new case forward.
2) I personally don’t have my birth certificate. But my recruiter was able to get a copy in about 10 minutes. We’re going on weeks upon weeks of no BC for BHO.
3) A newspaper… A newspaper?! Those things that have become so infested with liberals that their sales have plummeted and they are all on the vurge of disappearing into history? Yeah the only thing I read in those are the comics. It’s the only thing worth reading in those piles of paper.
Regardless of whether he may or may not be, stating that a requirement for the highest office in the land, as lain out by our Constitution, isn’t really all that important, is moot. Even if he may be naturally born, it should be reviewed by the SCOTUS as it is a Constitutional matter and should be treated with the required gravity.
Darn Tooting there DesertElephant!
Do Republicans have to get their message across and actually win elections? Resounding yes.
Do we hand over the nuclear launch codes to somebody that hasn’t even provided enough documentation to get a driver’s license? Resounding no!
Or maybe a wimpering yes. We’ll have to see what nonsense the Supremes hand us this time.
There’s more to the constitution than the Bill of Rights. If the requirements for Constitutionally created offices don’t matter, then really, we can wipe our butts with it, flush it and be done with it.
The Constitution doesn’t matter anymore. It was an old rag made up by a bunch of slave-owning biggots and has no relevance in our post-modern world culture. We need to defer to the UN and the Hague. Socialism works well in Europe. Look how happy all those faggety French guys look.
…ouch, that almost made my head explode.
Either way, it’s time for a new world order, bitches! It’s coming whether we like it or not The only question is: Will you go along to get along or will you fight it at every turn?
I say fight!
I’ve begun carrying my 1911 Lightweight Commander instead of my Scandium S&W as my concealed carry gun just because the 1911 is the symbol of the Republican Underground as established here on IMAO. I’ve even started carrying it open with a badge next to it. It’s not like people are going to stare at the shiny badge and try to read the small print, they’re looking at the iron!
My state doesn’t even have an open carry law.
Damn the man. Fight the corrupt power.
I’ll fight that fight all the way to the Supreme Court. The 2nd Amendment says my rights to bear arms can’t be infringed. I mean to hold them accountable!
Nowadays it’s not just American citizens voting in American elections, and they are not voting in America’s interest. Not my President.
#20 – Daxenos,
I’m pretty sure the founders were more concerned with the tyranny of the minority (Kings and such) over the majority (peasants, serfs, peons, knaves, yeomen, whatever).
Majority rule was the whole point.
Today the challenge is to preserve the rights of the majority over the demands for special privileges from anyone claiming to be too rich, too smart, too important or too much of a victim to be statisfied with simple equality under the law.
satisfied, not statisfied
booting this tool on a technicality would be a start. President Biden, while scary, would give the American people a real dose of the Democrat party that they can heartily reject. It’s hard to go idea vs idea with Obama, since nobody listens to what he says, just hjow he says it. He could say “i’m going to eat your children” and no one would bother to bat an eyelash. Everyone knows this man is for infanticide, everyone knows this guy wants to tax the living daylights out of anyone who is remotely successful. It’s just a matter of how he said it. Joe Biden could say exactly what Obama says and he would be met with hisses and boos.
Yes I am a republican.No, I am not a whiner nor a poor loser.No,we republicans did not file these law suits. Yes.the democrats filed these law suits. Yes, all of us ,democrats or republicans have rights. FACT,the SCOTUS better proove his legal status by shown documents wether guilty or not,WHY? Because words would not be suffient enough to satisfy either side.WHY NOT? because race wars of the most extreme will take place. What should the SCOTUS be thinking about? What is Obamma trying to hide,by not presenting the truths? ANSWER. SHOW THE DAMN RECORDS!!!!!!!
Why do you think this man and his cabal are tossing around the whole “Constitutional Convention” issue. They NEED to get that rule tossed out and quickly.
This man is supposed to be the commander in chief of our military, he’s NEVER supposed to be above the law.
That would be a KING and while I understand Osamabamadingdong is “ready to rule” at least according to some of his sycophants, we haven’t degenerated into Europe-lite yet!
I believe the whole Obama citizenship issue was a sort of red herring.
You see, John McCain was born at the Coco Solo Naval Air Station, in the Panama Canal Zone, Panama.
I think the Democrats wanted to bring McCain’s citizenship into question but wanted it to seem as though it was only in response to “baseless” challenges by Republicans, which would subsequently be deemed “racist”.
The issue of calling McCain’s citizenship into question is rediculous, of course, since John McCain’s parents were both American citizens. However, Democrats haven’t been shown to be the most informed group of voters and would likely have rallied around the point. In fact, the issue was taken up by the United States Senate, the New York Times, The Washington Post and the matter was examined at length on the Internet. This inqiries are somewhat a mystery in that it is allegedly the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security to verify the qualifications of the presidential candidates.
The reasoning was solid, however. It set the tenor for the McCain campaign to careful pointed examination of the issues alone, where raising such issues about Obama’s citizenship and criminal associations might have been more forceful and effective.
Below are two official emails that dispute the public version of Obama’s Birth and his mother’s marriage to BHO Sr.
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008
Subject: Re: Stanley “Ann” Dunham 1960 to 1970 class registration
Ms. Stanley Ann Dunham (BHO II’s mom) was enrolled at the University of Washington for:
Autumn 1961
Winter 1962
Spring 1962
The records responsive to your request from the University of Washington are above as provided by the Public Disclosure Laws of Washington State. This concludes the University’s response to your Public Records request. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or concerns.
Madolyne Lawson
Office of Public Records
From: Stuart Lau []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008
Subject: Re: Inquiry
The University of Hawaii at Manoa is only able to provide the following information for Stanley Ann Dunham:
Dates of attendance:
Fall 1960 (First day of instruction 9/26/1960)
Spring 1963 – Summer 1966
Fall 1972 – Fall 1974
Summer 1976
Spring 1978
Fall 1984 – Summer 1992
Degrees awarded:
BA – Mathematics, Summer 1967 (August 6, 1967)
MA – Anthropology, Fall 1983 (December 18, 1983)
PhD – Anthropology, Summer 1992 (August 9, 1992)
Sincerely, Stuart Lau
Stuart Lau
University Registrar
Office of Admissions and Records
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Ph: (808) 956-8010
Commentary on University Emails:
For the BHO II Hawaiian Aug 4 1961 COLB to be accurate the following improbable events needed to occur:
1 month after starting classes, Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack’s mom, at age 17, got pregnant by the only black African man on the entire chain of Hawaiian islands.
2 months after getting pregnant, she drops out of college.
3 months after getting pregnant, she marries BHO Sr.
10 months after her first day at the U of HI, she delivers BHO II and immediately leaves her parents, her new husband, and her home, to fly alone with a newborn 2800 miles to Seattle to start college at the U of W.
Stanley Ann Dunham does not return to Hawaii until AFTER BHO Sr left the islands for Harvard.
This is an implausible series of events made even more nefarious because Obama II in his 2 bio books never mentions his mom left Hawaii when she was married to BHO Sr, nor does he mention she was in Washington State during this time.
Barack’s sister was born in Indonesia, and has a COLB from Hawaii like Obama II. She is NOT a “Natural Born Citizen” of the USA as required by the Constitution to become president…and Obama probably isn’t either.
Please correct typo in name in last post..thanks