Father calls 911 on his son for his messy room. Stupid enough, but apparently its a grown son who lives in his parents basement and has political ambitions within the Democratic Party.
So what’s the over-under on this guy writing diaries on the Daily Kos?
Heck, what’s the over-under on the dad writing diaries at DKos as well?
Front page at dKos. Definitely.
It was here in Cleveland, so I’m assuming he’s the next mayor. Frank Jackson (current mayor of Cleveland) barely has a grasp on the English language. Our politicians may be more corrupt than those of Chicago. Nothing can happen for growth in this city unless it goes through our political mafia. They control everything, which is why it sucks.
Ok, Cleveland’s politicians may be more corrupt than Chicago’s politicians, but are they more corrupt than Detroit’s?
Marvin is right…and he has probably complained about his father not doing enough for him in at least one post.
His father must be a lib-tard too. Any reasonable conservative father would have just kicked that son’s ass up and down the basement steps a few times, back-handed him a few times, grabbed him by the throat and quietly told him he had 15 minutes to clean the room.
The problem would have been solved neatly, quickly, and without the waste of taxpayer dollars.
Why are we the only ones thinking clearly these days? Sheesh.
get that family some special helmets.
“Political Consultant” in this case probably means one of those ACORN guys who gets paid to sit in his dad’s basement and fill out voter registration cards.
It is always nice to have a face to go with the anonymous names on blogs. Even better to validate the, “I bet you live in your parents basement” allegation. Sadly, I always thought they were kids or teenagers, not grown men. But I’ll adjust.
Man I feel pathetic living with my parents as a 20 year old college student (which I do so I can concentrate on school and come out debt free), I’d kill myself if I was still living with them at 28, and I sure as hell wouldn’t throw a plate at one of them.
Spare the rod, the child ends up posting “RON PAUL!!!!!!!!11!!!” on IMAO.
Only child. Parents afraid of losing their youth. Child not taught independence.
In short, I blame the dad.
I just had to run Junior’s name on a search engine, and he’s got several social networking profiles.
Now isn’t it a bit hilarious that a neo-troglodyte like this is a social network crawler? Man, I just don’t know if I can resist contacting him surreptitiously & messing with his fragile online world.
I almost wish I had the time…and the ntestinal fortitude…to pose as a female leftard & try to contact him. How might that go…?
(The following exchange takes place 5/22, 2009 after a few days of IM’ing)
Mizsak28: O hai! Thnx for all ur support in this troubling time. So…when can we meet?
Grrrnola Grrl: Actually, I live in a nearby town 2 u. How bout dinner @ your pad 2morrow nite?
Mizsak28: ..
Mizsak28: …
Grrrnola Grrl: U still there?
Mizsak28: Uh, yah, i’m here. Sure that sounds good IMO, but i should warn U: My dad, uh… lives w/ me… he’s getting old y’know so I, like, take care of him & stuf.
Grrrnola Grrl: O rly? how sweet! so how log u been doin that?
Mizsak28: Oh, uh…sevral yrs or so. But dont wrry; he gets to bed pretty early & then I have the house virtually all to myself after that. it’s super rad!
Grrrnola Grrl: ???
Grrrnola Grrl: Dint u said the house was yours 2 begin w/?
Mizsak28: Er, yah, i did. I, uh, I kinda stay downstrs where I have sum privacy & he gets to have lots of space & sunlight w/o having to deal w/ going up & dwn the stairs.
Grrrnola Grrl: “dwnstairs”…? by dwnstairs, do u mean “the basement”?
Mizsak28: Well- yes & no…Its rly mor of a “man-cave”. But dont wrry, baby; if u wanna go get a drink or sumthin, I can totally stay out as late as i want!
I hope Iowahawk does a parody like this. No one does this sort of thing like him.
It’s always best to call the “authorities” to deal with such matters. They are highly trained professionals and have years of experience in dealing with sensitivity training and self esteem awareness building. Also, they will have the opportunity to let “Junior” know that it is OK to go teh gay should that be something he is contemplating which is the causation of his messy room.
There may be a down-side, however. An over aggressive large and rather…well…manly female may show up with “theories” of child neglect and/or sexual abuse which has led Jr. to his current state. This may not lead daddy to a place where he intended to go…which, in the end shall be as Martha Stewart says “a good thing”!
First, why are there two marvins? I have been posting with the name longer, and you can tell me, because I have been posting with a lower case m, while he uses a capital. While the other guy hasn’t posted anything as embarrassing as I have done in the past, I still don’t want him getting credit for my brilliant posts. I will take credit for any brilliant posts he puts up, and so far his have been good. So I take credit.
Second, we need a congressional amendment that says you lose your right to vote or hold office if you fail to move out of your parents house by 26. You can get it back once you get an apartment or a house or something. I only place the age as high as 26 because I do take into account that some people may be trying to get graduate degrees, or doctorates, or are med students. Actually no I don’t make it 22, since most grad students are libtards.
Hmm. Ernie, you have asked a very good, yet very depressing question.
So KateInMaine is a guy?