I read this:
What does one get when they mix floppy ears, a distinguishable under-bite and a scrunched face?
And my first thought was “Nancy Pelosi”.
I apologize for my error. The correct answer is “The World’s Ugliest Dog”:
Pelosi has an overbite.
Man that’s one ugly bitch…..the dogs pretty ugly too.
What’s with all the ugly on IMAO today? I wrote a comment in a previous thread while Sotomayor’s grotesque face stared into my soul. Now, a picture of that second dog. I can’t take much more of this, Harvey.
I am also of the opinion that the first dog isn’t that bad lookin’. Just a little mean, maybe. Nothing wrong with that.
You will get more love, faithfulness, protection and gentle companionship from that wonderful beast in a heartbeat than you will from the dog pictured below in a lifetime.
Please do not insult that noble beast with any further association.
Thank you.
To: 19%ers (White, rural, right-wing fringe idiots from “real” America)
From: 58%ers (Smart, educated, urban and urbane REAL Americans who are effectively working to create a more civilized, European-style world.)
Ha Ha Ha! You hear us? He He He Hee Hee Hooooo….
We love it! We love that you guys have your underwear in a bunch, that you are brimming with anger, that you can barely see because of your apoplexy. We will enjoy it for the next eight years. Oh the world is changing, and it is sweet. Universal health care is on the way, and nothing you can do will stop it. You will spend the next 50 years trying to dismantle it to no avail, just like you’ve been trying to dismantle Social Security since the 1930s. The energy bill will change the planet and the US for the better, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You hear us? NOTHING!!!!
We love it that you love Sarah Palin. Please please please nominate her for President in 2012. Nothing will ensure another four years of progress than that. Oh sure, at some point, another Republican will get elected (2020?). No majority lasts forever (Mr. Rove). But that person will not be able to undo the progress that the Obama administration will have set in stone. Social Security and Civil Rights are now a fait accompli, and though idiots still try to attack them at the fringes, they aren’t going anywhere. The same will happen with all the Obama programs. Your greatest fears are being realized: a new world order is at hand!
And by the way, your numbers will keep dwindling. You are 19% of the population right now, but demographics are not on your side. Soon, white people will be a minority. Our increasingly numerous Black and Hispanic brethren and our growing urban centers will ensure your voices will continue to be marginalized until some day in the not-so-distant future they will be extinguished, just as backward, reactionary, pseudo-christian redneck zealotry always is.
Enjoy it while you can, suckers!!!! BWAAAAA-HAAAAAA-HAAAAAAA!
[You know, you can’t actually make up for quality of thought with quantity. Why are there so few pithy trolls?
Out of curiosity, what societally useful occupation do you have? -Ed.]
“The World’s Ugliest Dog” could run the country better than Obozo the Jackass and could do a way more effective job as Speaker of the House than Old Wicked Witch of the West Pelosi.
At least it came up with a clever name, like “Anonymous”. I’m calling BS on that troll. I think it’s an IMAO Ronin bored at work.
I think it’s legit. Ronin tend to include at least one over-the-top giveaway line as a courtesy to the readership.
Also, a Ronin would’ve stayed on topic.
Out of curiosity, what societally useful occupation do you have? -Ed.] to Anonymous troll posting comment
I think I can answer that one for you. Most likely a stupid commie collage kid who lives in his mommy and daddy’s basement smoking pot and not work.
sorry meant to say not working instead of work.
Let’s review:
Right wing: Ann Coulter (hot), Laura Ingraham (hot), Michelle Malkin (hot), Sarah Palin (hot), Condi Rice (hot), Michelle Bachman (hot), etc., etc.
Left wing: Nancy Pelosi (fugly), Sonia Sotomayor (fugly), Michelle Obama (giant transvestite guy posing as woman), Barbara Boxer (fugly), Hillary Clinton (fugly), Janet Napolitano (fugly), etc., etc.
I’m seeing a trend here regarding where all the ugly, bitter women who hate the world end up, and where the well-adjusted hot girls go.
Son of Bob Janet Napolitano is also giant transvestite guy posing as woman.
You forgot Jeri “Trophy Wife” Thompson.
The left doesn’t have trophy wives, just booby prizes.
And saggy ones, at that.
the left just has worst of show
Some riveting social commentary from you ass-clowns here. Something I’m sure your mothers, sisters, wives and daughters would be proud of. How can you, with a straight face, ever toss Palin + sexism comments and rationalize this type of despicable behavior?
[You know he’s rational because he goes out of his way to tell you. -Ed.]
You’re right, my bad. She lines up at the urinal right between Michelle and Janet Reno.
12 Harvey..You owe me a new keyboard.
14 IrrationalAmerican Love to dish it out, but you can’t take it. Wimpy liberal. (Wimpy liberal is like bright sun red apple, or drunk Kennedy.)
Rational American has a thing for ugly liberal skanks
I cannot be held responsible for where my mind goes when trolls post comments.
Hmm. Not bad, but this troll just doesn’t have it, if you know what I mean.
“The World’s Ugliest Dog” looks friendlier than Nazi Pelosi.
I hope this website gets really really popular. Only to prove the stereotypes of right wing loonies having simple minds and irrational, reactionary beliefs.
(I don’t subscribe to conventional wisdom or overly simplistic generalizations, but hey…if it means more drowning in the pools of self-pity for the remaining true-believers in the GOP then I’m all for it.)
If that is too much verbosity for the pea brains on here – here’s another way to put it: SUCK IT.
PS: Judging women’s ability to govern on their looks is retarded. Sure I’d give it to Palin over all the other women, but so what?
This guy ^ is awesome!
All I said was that Pelosi has an overbite, and I provided photographic evidence in support thereof.
Why do these guys keep trying to change the topic away from Democrats & dentistry? Do they have some bizarre fear of the letter D? Were they traumatized during an episode of Sesame Street or something?
oh boy Rational American is one of those up tight uber liberals with a holier than thou superiority complex.
Marko @2
Dude, I feel ya. I’m staring at Helen Thomas right now. My eyes! My eyes!
However, there are also nice Ann Coulter pics all over the place and that cute girl with an IMAO T-shirt and a gun.
So I’m thinking that all makes up for it.
14. Rational American says:
July 13th, 2009 at 1:48 pm
“Some riveting social commentary from you ass-clowns here.”
Now, now. Play nice. little girl. I’m the only ass-clown around here.
I think this is Americandodash with a different name. But all the same loony.
I think Rational American might be Keith Olberman. The holier than thou superiority complex gives it away.
I’m very disapointed in Rational American.
He only posted comments here what? 2 or 3 times? And then he looses it?
His high-horse had feet of clay, alas!
Proverbs 10:9
“He who walks in integrity walks securely,
but he who perverts his ways will be found out.”
“Evony. Plan Now, my Lord.”
Wow. Awesome add campaign.
“Play now”. Jeez, I am dumb.
Hey I’m suprised Keith Olberman….uh I mean Rational American didn’t come back and spread his wisdom and call us ass clowns today.
Correction: Hooves of clay.
Horses don’t have feet.