If the men who went to the moon were still alive today, they’d beat the crap out of us for being useless sissies.
Crap, a lot of them are still alive!
How Sotomayor parroted conservative judicial philosophy reminds me of how dictatorships feel compelled to have sham elections. If others feel the need to at least imitate us to have legitimacy, I think that means we’re winning.
New house has old-style “high flow” toilets. With all the water in them, each time I flush it’s like, “Screw you, environment!”
Got a great action line I need to fit into something. “Know what’s also in the eye of the beholder? MY FIST!”
To help its popularity in the Middle East, they change the theme song of True Blood to “I want to do bad things to Jew.”
Your post makes too much sense, Frank. Go see if you can dredge up one of Larry King’s old USA Today columns to see how it’s done.
I’m just glad 7/19 is over and I can stop having to be happy for the birthday brats. Time to go back to giving them noogies and wedgies and whatnot.
“Know what’s also 9/10’s of the law? MY FIST!”
“know what’s also skin deep? MY FIST!”
here some good lines: “Here my fist in your eye hippie!”,”Hands off me you damn dirty hippie!”, how bout a nice fist sammich to go with that can of whoop ass”
They make it sound hispanic for middle eastern countries?!?
I got your “feelings” right here…my foot up your ass!
Queer eye for the straight guy? How about black eye from the straight guy?
Mike “Meathead” Stivic: “She’s right, Arch – dirty is in the eye of the beholder!
Archie Bunker: “And STUPID is in the head of the Polack!”
Ahh, they just don’t write ’em like that anymore…
“How’d you like five of these where you sneeze?” – Don’t mess with the classics.
“Got a great action line I need to fit into something. ‘Know what’s also in the eye of the beholder? MY FIST!'” You’re a monk? Which eye stalk did you punch? The main eye?
John Glenn was too sissy to go to the moon, so he became a Democrat.>>>Sotomayor, the Puerto Rican Parrot, known as Iguaca to her friends. Prone to long squawks, vocal and noisy at sunrise and sunset.>>>”YEAH? Well the beeholder got stung and DIED of Anaphalactic Shock!”>>> The Obamacorns have installed a meter on Frank’s sewer line in order to Cap & Tax his “Screw you environment!”
How come the ROAD KILL t-shirt babe isn’t brandishing a firearm? Seems like a company like ROAD KILL could use some persuasion from the BLONDE WITH THE GUN.
here’s a good line: “If you don’t shut up hippie I’m going to recycle your face!”
Got it Frank!
b hussein: eric, uh uh, yo, uh, shure got a uh uh purty uh uh buttocks.
eric holder: wanna fist it?
“If the men who went to the moon were still alive today, they’d beat the crap out of us for being useless sissies.
Crap, a lot of them are still alive!”
And I’d contribute if every single one would do ads saying…”Democrats Lied, Space Program Died”. Okay, maybe not something that lame, but you know what I mean. The sweetest opening the Left has given us is the space program. How can the “Bestest Scientifical President Ever!” not be for throwing government money at spaceships? Hell, even I like that idea, second only to throwing money in laundry hamper.
Where is the outrage? I know where, it’s in Buzz Aldrin and it’s waiting to come out. I say put him on “The View” and let the fur fall where it may.