The Way to Get People Over a Fear of Guns

I don’t think anyone will be opposed to guns after seeing this video:

I have never seen guns made to look so lame. I don’t see how anyone could be afraid of guns after seeing this. We get liberals to watch it, and it will take all the steam out of their gun control efforts. Of course, it might also make us feel gay the next time we’re at the range.


  1. It was creepin’ me out the way she was getting all glassy eyed when he was spinning the cylinder. Maybe it was a flashback from when she was in “The Deerhunter”.

    I laughed my ass off when that happened.

    then when she asked how she looked with the glasses and they bothstarted grinnin like idiots I thought it was going tobreak out into porn.

    anyone else think she had an odd resemblance to jane fonda?

  2. That was pretty creepy. I refrain from calling it “teh gay” because of the admittedly odd cameo by Gerald McRaney (aka Rick Simon), who is married to Delta Burke and therefore, not teh gay.

  3. Isn’t that first man the man who was arrested in Texas for seducing women by spinning revolver chambers?

    Why do they call it a revolver?

    Because the chamber spins.

    That makes a LOT of sense!

  4. Yeh, life was sure hilarious, 25-30 years back. Now, of course, wymyns do not even take a general interest gun course. We have Special Courses Just for Wymyns, lest they be somehow in-Timmie-dated by the presence of the heterogeneously-chromosomed ones. And the NRA approves of this. Even with that coif and stache, that May-unn was a Threat.

    Oh, just to point out. The instructor taps the lady-student on the shoulder at the beginning, and startles her. Then she, against modern type, apologizes for being startled, and he reassures her. Let me tell you something. Currently an NRA instructor or NCAA coach is not allowed to touch a student. Not. Allowed. To.

    I leave it to the gentle reader to decide whether the Seventies Culture or Our Own is gheyer, or closer to bleeding out and losing consciousness.

  5. You DO realize that this video is at least twenty years old… and Gerald McReaney (sic) is an old, fat fart of his former self. Still the Redhead is pretty hot, and any woman that likes guns, even in a bad NRA video, is still worth more than a Liberal supermode.

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