I don’t think anyone will be opposed to guns after seeing this video:
I have never seen guns made to look so lame. I don’t see how anyone could be afraid of guns after seeing this. We get liberals to watch it, and it will take all the steam out of their gun control efforts. Of course, it might also make us feel gay the next time we’re at the range.
That has got to be the gayest pro-gun blurb I have ever seen!! Besides, everyone with an ounce of sense knows that for home defense a shotgun is best!!! What dweebs!!
Was that Rick Simon? Or was it A.J.?
It was creepin’ me out the way she was getting all glassy eyed when he was spinning the cylinder. Maybe it was a flashback from when she was in “The Deerhunter”.
That’s it. I’m now going to have to give away my guns.
if a shotgun is good for home defense then an AR-15 must be better.
I’m not pro-gun as i am anti-dependence on the government and anti-defenselessness.
In words Liberals can understand I’m pro-choice when it comes to bang bang shootie pop pops.
This course is totally for Doofus Liberals, and Gen-Xers that were raised by Liberal Doofuses.
I wonder if Hall knows that Oates is moonlighting doing gun videos? That creeped me out!
Is this the Log Cabin Republicans take on gun rights?
That was pretty creepy. I refrain from calling it “teh gay” because of the admittedly odd cameo by Gerald McRaney (aka Rick Simon), who is married to Delta Burke and therefore, not teh gay.
I had to watch this video for my CCW class. Of course it was right before the live fire portion of the evening so I guess that made it seem a little less gay.
Have they posted the “Interior Decorators Guide To Napalm” video?
Isn’t that first man the man who was arrested in Texas for seducing women by spinning revolver chambers?
Why do they call it a revolver?
Because the chamber spins.
That makes a LOT of sense!
You got to be kidding. It kind of sounded like a fifties blurb on how things work.
Why do they call it a revolver??
We were forced to watch this in one of our hunter safety courses way back, it was awful then and its awful now.
What gun safety would look like in the gated community of Stepford.
if a shotgun is good for home defense and an AR-15 is better then a Browning 50. cal would be best.
I think the only way liberal’s would stop being scared of guns is if they shot out lollipops and rainbow colored puppy dog farts.
That was so wonderfully horrible, I am going to cherish the image of her being ‘hypnotized’ by the revolver as it drifts through my dreams for the rest of my life.
I’m going to get a revolver so I can hypnotize chicks. Hey, it has to work better than what I’ve been doing for the past forty-plus years.
OK, I watched about a minute and was afraid it was going to morph into 80’s porn. Plus, worse than anything, the gun guy talks to the woman like she’s teh stupid.
James Brady now thinks guns are fun!
PammyV, in response to your concern about the “educational film” turning into a porn film:
I think you’re gonna like this course.
worst. porno. ever.
Yeh, life was sure hilarious, 25-30 years back. Now, of course, wymyns do not even take a general interest gun course. We have Special Courses Just for Wymyns, lest they be somehow in-Timmie-dated by the presence of the heterogeneously-chromosomed ones. And the NRA approves of this. Even with that coif and stache, that May-unn was a Threat.
Oh, just to point out. The instructor taps the lady-student on the shoulder at the beginning, and startles her. Then she, against modern type, apologizes for being startled, and he reassures her. Let me tell you something. Currently an NRA instructor or NCAA coach is not allowed to touch a student. Not. Allowed. To.
I leave it to the gentle reader to decide whether the Seventies Culture or Our Own is gheyer, or closer to bleeding out and losing consciousness.
I feel gay after watching this!
What made it gay was there was no instruction on the proper methods of pistol whiping. She had a 357.
You DO realize that this video is at least twenty years old… and Gerald McReaney (sic) is an old, fat fart of his former self. Still the Redhead is pretty hot, and any woman that likes guns, even in a bad NRA video, is still worth more than a Liberal supermode.
That almost ruined guns for me. I wish I was joking. Now I have to watch some videos of Marines blowing stuff up to remind me how awesome guns are.
Every gang-banger should be forced to watch this upon arrest. Within a week, the streets will be gun-free because they won’t be cool anymore.