President Obama’s Statement on Libya

Obama hasn’t really been doing much about all the goings ons in the Middle East, which is probably for the best. Don’t really need him screwing that stuff up. Still, it makes him seem a bit impotent and useless. Just look at the transcript from his statement about Libya yesterday:

“As you may know, there is much going on in Libya. And I want you to know that I, President Obama, am also aware that things are happening there as well.

“There is bloodshed in Libya, and I am against bloodshed. Let’s not focus to much on who is responsible for the bloodshed, but just know that if you want to be my friend, bloodshed is not the way to go. So to those suffering from violence know this: I am against this violence you are suffering.

“As for what we’ll do, know we are considering the full range of option. First we considered Option A. Then we considered Option B. Then we considered Option D. Then someone said, ‘Hey! You forgot Option C.’ So we went back and considered Option C, because we want to consider the full range of option, not skipping any of them. If it is an option, know that it is getting considered. If it is not an option, it may still be considered though that’s more like a daydream in that case. Like the option of riding to the rescue on flying magical ponies; that’s not actually an option even though we drew lots of pictures of it. Doing nothing is an option, but we don’t have to consider that since it’s what we’re already doing.

“So while we are considering all the options — which will take a while because there is a lot — we will continue to monitor the situation in Libya. Let me be clear: I am not talking about the placing the Situation from Jersey Shore in Libya and then watching his antics — even though that might be quite entertaining. And it was one of the options we considered. Still, what I am talking about is as stuff happens in Libya, we will watch that stuff happen. And it will inform the options we consider. So as hard as things may get in Libya, I want the people of Libya to know: What’s happening you is being seen by us and affecting the options we consider. And if you see someone who looks like the Situation, it’s probably not really him.

“My teleprompter had gone blank, so I’m just going to stare into the cameras meaningfully for a few moments.”


  1. Wolf Blitzer at CNN: President Obama made another brilliant speech today – a very important speech on Libya, which was very well-received by all of the other world leaders, who just love this administration – but rather than discuss the details of the speech let’s look at an image taken today of Michelle’s toned arms, being careful, of course, to crop the image just above her ginormous a-s-s.

  2. “Rachel, let me be clear. We are monitoring talk radio (and I, I, I, I, think you know who I mean) with their continued attacks on the eating habits of my wife. I’m keeping all the options are on the table. I mean, ah, but, now, Michelle, a few of those options have been taken off her plate, and others are being considered. She has a pretty full plate, with her schedule and all. But I think Michelle is capable of monitoring what she eats and she sets a good example for the kids in the school lunch programs across America. Hey, those ribs the other day were lean, make no mistake about it. In our family, we like lean. You know what they say… “Lean dog for a long race.” Oh, come on, that is not racist. And no, she’s not a dog.”

  3. what?? not a single reference to the “previous administration’s” role in this and how he will now in their infinite wisdom figure out how to fix it by raising taxes?

    I call B.S.!!! Doesn’t sound like something Obama’s teleprompter would have him say.

  4. “I want… to assure… the ahh… people of Libya that I am here at this historic moment of My giving this speech.”

    “Do not give up hope…. the future…. will soon be here with more.. ahh… speeches.”

    “Of the options we have been considering… we know… that we… will at the very least…. be taking credit for the good things and assigning blame (Bush) for the bad things.”

  5. This speech is bogus. Nowhere did he blame Bush, Cheney and Halliburtin! Also, he didn’t mention the fact that he’s dealing with his own “Libya” right here in River City (Ohio) and that he stands in Union with the protestors. He is now going to go to Africa and hide out for the next two years like the Ohio democrats did. He will return, however for his next coronation after kicking the snot out of Mitt (I was for abortion before I was again’ it) Romney!

  6. “Let me be clear…. Violence is bad….Unless it’s Unionized Violence…. then we call it Collective Bargaining….. Where was I? Oh, this unrest is the reason why we need to increase taxes on oil/gas, and pass The Carbon Is Evil Tax, and provide high speed monorails to Libya.”

    “The Libyan people must be free to express themselves.”(“Kill the Jooos! Kill the Jooos! Free Palestine!”)

    “Libya, give us your tired, your poor, your huddled Jihadis yearning to bring Sharia. Your wretched refuse from Tripoli’s shore, will Islamicize like never before.”


  7. “The world will very soon be divided, unless I am mistaken, into those who still go on explaining our success, and those somewhat more intelligent who are trying to explain our failure.”
    G.K. Chesterton – Speech to Anglo-Catholic Congress 6-29-20

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