So is Obama pretty much done with the presidency? After the midterm election, there’s no more passing giant expensive legislation for him. He’s just stuck there seeing how little his stimulus did and watching as the courts attack Obamacare — which was far watered down from what he originally wanted. The big thing of the day is reducing the deficit, but Obama’s new budget showed he can’t even bring himself to care about that. Tyrants are being overthrown in the Middle East, but he doesn’t really have anything to do with that or anything significant to say. And his big new idea? High-speed rail. Maybe that’s his signal that he’d rather be in a basement playing with a train set.
We’re wondering about who to run against Obama in 2012, but are we even sure Obama is going to want to run? If he can’t ensure he’ll have big majorities in the Legislative Branch to make sure he can go crazy with our money paying for his big stupid ideas, is the presidency something he’ll still be interested in? Maybe instead he’ll want to go somewhere else he can do nothing useful and get praised excessively — like Hollywood or something. Or maybe he’ll move to Canada and become it’s king — no, it’s emperor! Canadians have always thirsted for a monarch to tell them what to do, but the royalty of England is always forgetting them. But soon they could have Obama, Emperor of Canada. And he won’t be expected to do anything because no one expects Canada to do anything.
Wait, what’s the difference between an emperor and a king? Or do you just decide to call yourself one or the other? I never really got that. Like did one day some king just decide to call himself something different so everyone would think he was a super-king? Or is there an official measure where you have to rule over so much area and now you can be called an emperor? Either way, if Obama doesn’t get to be called emperor of Canada (and doesn’t get the giant hat to go with that), I will feel he’s been cheated. That’s no way for Canada or any other country to treat a rejected U.S. president.
Wa-wa-wa-wait a minute. The guy raised spending to unimaginable heights. Now he gets to decide how to spend all that money, and you ask whether he’ll run? I’d say he’s in the catbird seat.
Here’s the difference between emperors and kings. Emperors rule over empires. Kings rule over other stuff like countries or rock and roll.
He’s a liberal and thus likes power. The Republican Party has no guts. And the American people still think we should keep spending.*
So, I’d imagine he’ll likely run again, sure.
* – hint hint, folks, our troubles are related more to the state of the majority of the people this nation than anything else.
Oh, he’ll run. His ego demands it.
Maybe he’ll take up the new fleebagger strategy by running away to a chicago hotel and hiding out during the election, figuring we can’t throw him out if he doesn’t show up.
And I wonder if his staff will steal all the O’s off the keyboards when he does get run out?
“After the midterm election, there’s no more passing giant expensive legislation for him. He’s just stuck there seeing how little his stimulus did and watching as the courts attack Obamacare…”
Nothing he didn’t anticipate…nothing he cares about…even in contempt of court, he keeps rolling along implementing his agenda, and Boehner and the boys sit idly by.
Mexico hasn’t had an emperor in 150 years. He could become Obamoctezuma, Emperor of the Mexicans, and then spend trillions of pesos (thousands of dollars) on Mexico’s healthcare system (equipping their hospitals with Lysol, for example).
Of course Obama will run. Americans were stupid enough to vote for him in ’08 and he figures they’re stupid enough to vote for him in 2012. I can’t say I blame him.
Oh, he’ll run. His wife demands it.
Obamoctezuma’s Revenge is what you get on the MBo diet.
“Obey me or Michelle will feed you and you will feel my revenge !! Ready the Porta-pottys!”
He’ll run. He’s moving himself center (or rather, trying to look like it) now. The lastest is this whole thing with same-sex marriage and literally dictating the law as he sees fit. He’ll win over the gay community that way. As soon as the midterms were held he started with this nonsense beginning with “working hand in hand with Republicans to pass the tax comprimise.”
When I become world dictator I’ll try both emperor and king and let you know which one works better.
I hope he’ll run. I hope he starts in DC runs across the US into Canada and Alaska (he best watch out the Mama Grizzles will be looking for him) then on to Russia, China and the rest of the world he admires so much. If we’re lucky it could be years before he makes his way back here and by then we should have weeded all the “progressive” and sent them to Cuba, China, Venezuela, Kenya or wherever they want to go. Or Armageddon will have arrived and it won’t matter where he is, his master will collect him.
He’ll run. But he’s bored with the job. He can’t do squat; he doesn’t matter squat; and he knows it. He’ll run, but he doesn’t really care if he wins – he’s already got the T-shirt.
@Choey: I’m not sure which is better, but I’ve heard that it’s good to be the king.
Of course he’ll run – and run off at the mouth.
But we still have to survive him until then. It’s not guaranteed.
Wait, what’s the difference between an emperor and a king?…Emperors usually get away with it, and Kings don’t. For example the Emperor of Japan, Hirohito, got away with being one of the biggest war criminals of WWII and yet went completely unpunished and lived a long and enjoyable life. He died a well respected man. On the other hand Louie the XVI of France was a king…he had his head chopped off and died a miserable death. George the III was a king and he lost a good portion of North America to a pack of upstarts that he should have defeated. Emperor=winner, king=looser.
I Think the President is running, and
Democrats are running hard already.
At the current rate,
by next month,
every Democrat state legislator
in the country
will have run to Illinois.
Now, I haven’t made a comment in months, and it’s been more than a year since I left comments on anything approaching a regular basis, so I hate to go here, but….
“…become it’s king — no, it’s emperor!”
become it is king -no, it is emperor?
My point is that the possessive form of ‘it’ is ‘its’. I apologize for pointing this out; I’ve been with you long enough to know that things aren’t about to change, but it had to be said!
This is so silly that it’s almost laughable that you’re even questioning what the difference is.
Emperors can shoot lightning bolts out of their fingers. Kings not so much.
I don’t care what they call him, Most High And Worthy of Eternal Praise Emperor Extremus Forever, as long as he moves to Canada where we can lob a couple of nukes. Then we can be like, whoops, who did that and everyone will look at each other and nobody will know who pushed the button. So they will blame Frank J from IMAO and throw him into SuperMax forever where he shall be passed around like Justin Bieber!!!!
But, how can BHO run in Canada? Don’t they have that thing where you have to be a natural born citizen? I mean, like, everyone knows that he was 110% born in the USA, right?
I say he retires before the inflation kicks in. It seems to be working out for Jimma and Bubba.
I figure he’d rather rule a country that likes his kind.
Fidel is too old (and hopefully dead) and Raul is nearly as old (and hopefully soon to be dead) so Cuba is probably in the market for a commie dictator.
That seems to be the job Obama is best at (and wants), so I figure he’s relaxing travel restrictions on Cuba so he can go there and run for Commie Dictator.
I’m actually fer it, so long as he brings his union thugs with him.
Oh, and Emperor is just the name Romans made up because everybody hated when they had a king.
Just ask Herodotus or Livy or the Tarquins.
An emperor is a penguin from Antarctica, a king is a cigarette or bed. uhhbama is a disgraceful marxist married to Sasquatch. Canada is a really useless semi-sovereign entity that puts children to death and exports useless hollywood types.
I hope that clears things up.
Obama 2008 – Yes We Can!
Obama 2012 – Don’t Think I Won’t!
Obama, as Maximum Leader For Life and Dictator of Ultimate Benevolence will permit his Proletarians to proceed with the charade of renomination and reelection in advance of his self-coronation and institution as Head of Global Empire.
He will be surrounded by his Purple Shirts-The SEIU Schutz-Staffeln/Life Guards as he rolls up to the renamed White House-henceforth called Tha Bigg Brownn Kribb–at the head of a fleet of open-topped Priuses to greet the masses with an upward tilt of his chin and a toss of the Black Panther Salute. Stepping to the podium he will stare determinedly into the camera and declare “Oh MAN, are you HONKIES in for it NOW!”