Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
Ring around Uranus
Rings… that is
Syd Barrett
The studio where they shot the “moon landing”.
Darth Vader sitting in a Starbucks.
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
More Rose Law Firm billing records
emails off of Hillary’s secure server.
Peyton Manning.
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
discarded Republican ballots from Chicago.
“Dark” side? What kind of racist are you!
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
Oil, about a gazillion year supply.
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
Lectoids from the planet 10!
A Frank J. inspired fallout shelter.
…they found that it really was…. no moon.
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
bands playing different tunes.
@12 See you there, walruskkkch!
…where the Man In The Moon hides out when he’s sick of looking at us.
…rainbows and unicorns…
…a huge array of propulsion units – the moon is the SMoD!
…moon rock(s)-in-roll.
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
…Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
…everything anyone has aver lost.
…peaceful muslims.
…Jimmy Hoffa.
…the nukes that will be used to “Nuke the Moon”.
…everything anyone has ever lost.*
…a giant, flashing neon sign that says, “Earth Women Are Easy!”
…18 trillion unmatched socks.
…safe spaces.
…a box of clues marked “Deliver to the DNC”
this is too easy….
…the truth is out there.
At this point what does it dark-matter.
…a total eclipse of the Earth.
…that “Nuke Me Hard” sign Jimmy had taped on the moon’s back.
…a little green moonteens bedroom with a poster of Sigourney Weaver in her underwear.
…all the moon dictionaries except the one Tom Cullen found.
…that there is no dark side of the moon really, as a matter of fact, it’s all dark.
…daisy chains and laughs
@29, it’s a sphere, it has no sides.
…a bunch of mooning aliens.
Recently discovered on the dark side of the moon…
a darkness so thick you could cut it with a knife, if you could see it at all it being, uh, dark.
lies a cave, the cave of Caerbannog, wherein, carved in mystic runes, upon the very living rock, the last words of Olfin Bedwere of Rheged make plain the last resting place of the most Holy Grail.
…a sign that says “Eat at
Joe’sManakoora’s.(If you don’t get the reference, you’re minimumally-cultured.)
(@34: That deserves a link.)
…a dark horse candidate that will save humanity from Hillary and Donald.
0bama’s college transcripts
0bama’s Masters thesis
0bama’s soul
Greg @ 37
That last is patently false, Obummer never had a soul.
A tendency toward self-distructiveness stemming from its unhappy childhood.
Pink Floyd selfies
…Yoko Ono’s lost recordings.