The Illustrated Frank J: A Better Way



  1. Socialism/Communism doesn’t work either. In the old USSR a person could get life in prison hard labor over stealing a loaf of rye and never even make it home with it before someone stold it from he/she!

  2. It’s true…another world is possible! One of ratting your neighbor out for criticizing the government, one of work quotas that are never actually filled, one of constant government regulation, one of re-education camps for malcontents, one of mismanagement and constant rationing of resources, one of a different set of rules for the rulers and the ruled, one of government/police brutality, one where saying…or even thinking the “wrong” thing can get you arrested. All you have to do is keep repeating the big lie…”Real Socialism (unlike real NAZISM or real FASCISM) has NEVER been tried! Let’s try it!!!

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