MST3K Unriffed Movie Progress (or Lack Thereof)

Original, unriffed movies
Original, unriffed movies.

Nearly three years ago, I mentioned that I was watching the unriffed versions of MST3K movies. You know, the movies on MST3K, but without the MST3K riffing. Or shadows.

Now, why would I want to do that? Why not? Who doesn’t love bad movies?

I’ve not made a lot of progress, by the way. I can’t blame it on not having the unriffed movies. I don’t have all 210 of them (counting the Classic Series, the Netflix Series, the KTMA series, and The Movie), but I’m finally making progress.

And, while my collection of 210 MST3K-bad films isn’t complete, I’ve begun watching them. Maybe by the time I watch all I have, I’ll be able to complete the collection. In fact, I have leads on all but three of the missing films. So I have hope.

I am working Monday – Friday, though remote. That cuts down on travel time, leaving more time for the important things. Like watching MST3K-bad movies. And, weekends are pretty much confined to the house right now (I’m noting that’s it’s because of COVID-19, in case I look back on this post in the future and wonder why I was spending so much time in the house).

As of this morning, I’ve only watched 41 of the 210 movies. That’s in three years. I’m gonna pick up the pace now.

I may end up hating myself when this is over.


    • That Website is fantastic! I’ve also purchased unavailable and public domain content from them. If you have all the MST3K DVDs and want to fill in the rest (never released episodes), that’s the place to go. And they have a whole lot more stuff that MST3K fans would love.

  1. You are going to turn into a cynical, worn-out husk!

    I’ve seen one of the original non-riffed movies (I forget which one) — which I came across while searching YouTube for riffed versions — and, my God! The power of unrelenting talentlessness! The dehydration of any relief (which I tried manfully to provide) in the Sahara of bad writing, acting, and directing!

    Don’t watch these alone! At least have someone to make sarcastic comments to. That is my strong recommendation.

    Soul-sucking awfulness.

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