Hi. I’m this week’s host for the Bond Girlathon Friday. Here are the results from last week and this week’s new matches.
Ursula Andress | No Preference | Lana Wood |
194 | 0 | 119 |
Eunice Gayson | No Preference | Lola Larson |
113 | 7 | 57 |
Week of 1/31/2025
Match 1
Zena Marshall (Miss Taro) vs Trina Parks (Thumper)

Actress: Zena Marshall Nationality: English Bond Movie: Dr. No (1962) Synopsis:
Miss Taro was a spy working for the villainous Dr. No. She got herself a job at government house in Kingston, Jamaica, so that she could steal secret files detailing Dr. No and Crab Key Island. She invited Bond to her house for dinner, where she laid a trap for his assassination. However, Bond smelled something was fishy and got his men to arrest Miss Taro so he could lay a trap for the assassin.


Actress: Trina Parks Nationality: American Bond Movie: Diamonds Are Forever (1971) Synopsis:
Thumper and Bambi attack Bond, kicking him and using their martial art skills to overcome him. Bond was at a loss, the two girls too nimble for him. However, Thumper and Bambi then throw Bond into a pool, and they lose their advantage, Bond managing to push their heads underwater until they give in and reveal where Willard Whyte is being kept.

Match 2

Actress: Daniela Bianchi Nationality: Italian Bond Movie: From Russia With Love (1963) Synopsis:
Tatiana Romanova worked for the Soviet Embassy in Istanbul, and was coerced by the deadly Rosa Klebb into a mission to seduce James Bond and (unknowingly) lead him to his death. She helped Bond steal a Lektor decoding machine, and the pair escaped on the Orient Express train. After a failed assassination attempt by henchman Red Grant, Klebb tried to personally kill Bond, but Tatiana’s loyalty to Bond won out.


Denise Perrier Nationality: French Bond Movie: Diamonds Are Forever (1971) Synopsis:
As Bond seeks out Blofeld to get revenge for the death of his wife, the trail leads him from Tokyo to Cairo, where he interrogates a gambler about Blofeld’s whereabouts. “Marie… ask.. Marie.” Bond finds Marie, who asks “Is there something I can do for you?” Bond replies with “There’s something I’d like you to get off your chest”, and then removes her Bra and begins to strangle her with it.He gets the information he wants and pursues the lead.

When I saw Denise Perrier I immediately started seeing Miss Cates coming out of the water instead. I think psychologists call it ‘memorization by masturbation’..or it might be by association.
Well you can do that in groups.