It looks like one of the inhumanely-treated detainees at Kitty Gitmo has finally won release from the Hell On Earth they have been through for the past week:
For the love of God, shake the carrier, please. I want to make sure you aren’t pretending the cat’s still alive in order to dodge responsibility for its death by torture in your bloody hands.
But wait… what’s this…
It’s a grill! They’re going to cook the kitties! We’ve been watching the feline equivalent of a lobster tank all this time!
Oh, the humanity!
And they’re being forced to live with the guy who played Screech in that Saved By The Bell television series!
When will this nightmare end?
The following message is on the Meow Mix House webcams:
The Meow Mix House webcams are no longer in operation. But you can still catch all the feline action by watching the latest episodes! Read our cat-testants innermost thoughts in the blogs, visit the picture gallery, and don’t forget to vote for your favorite cat to win the viewers’ choice award.
Obviously, the Meow Mix Corporation is terrified of having their nefarious and disgusting plans to cook and eat ten innocent, sweet kittycats revealed by yours truly, so they have shut down all public access to the scene of their crimes against felinity.
Free the prisoners of Kitty Gitmo! Close Kitty Gitmo now!
Klose Kitmo NOW!
And they’re being forced to live with the guy who played Screech in that Saved By The Bell television series!
Well, Screech is losing his house.