My Alexa traffic rank today is 45,666!
I think that’s a big enough coincidence to know Armageddon will start sometime later today.
My Alexa traffic rank today is 45,666!
I think that’s a big enough coincidence to know Armageddon will start sometime later today.
Just by the numerical value of it, I would guess 45 O’clock. Eastern time of course.
When I finally checked my email today, my account that gets lots of spam had accumulated 666 unread emails. And the guy I’m working with thiw week is 45!
Except that neither of us know anyone named Alexa, I’d say the coincidence is diabolical.
Armageddon, isn’t that the NASCAR race in upsate New York?
keep watching “Herself” for clues!
Has Franks head started to swell again.