(A Filthy Lie)
On Tuesday, June 6th of this year, the date will be 6-6-6, which means nothing to atheists like myself, but for Christians it has some evil, Satanic connotations.
And since Evil Glenn is Satan’s #1 fan, ya gotta figure he’s got some kind of celebratory activities planned.
My guesses:
- Undo his comb-over so that the 666 tattoo on his scalp is clearly visible.
- Invite Michelle Malkin over for minced-kitten brownies & puppy shakes.
- Make up a Rocky-Horror-style script of things to yell at the screen while watching “The Omen“.
- Yes, that will include some made-up songs where he robot-dances in a black teddy & stockings.
- Hold a hobo-murderthon to raise money for Soldier’s Angels. Recommended donation – a buck a bum.
- Launch doomsday missile while shrieking insane laughter.
- Direct the remake of Serenity with a politically correct script.
MAL: “I aim to misbehave.”
ZOE: “But Mal! You might hurt someone’s feelings!”
MAL: “Didn’t think about that. I better put myself in time-out until I calm down a mite. - Go to a local park and blow up 62 hobos with illegal fireworks. If caught, claim that it was a celebration of the 62nd anniversary of D-Day.
- Sign up for classes to get his doctorate in Mad Science.
- Set off Cthulhu‘s alarm clock so that he’ll be dead but awake.
- THAT’LL show that stupid, lazy elder-God.
- On-line Ouija board marathon!.
- Smugly admit to Frank J. that HE’S the one who’s been re-programming his fruit-picking robots to turn on their human masters.
- Pilfer the demon currently possessing Helen Thomas for his own personal use.
- Just give up and let the voices in his head take over.
And through it all, you can bet there’ll be only one song playing on his iPod… over and over and over…
Maiden Rules!
I tracked back through HATE’s IP address and it turns out that it came from Planned Parenthood’s proxy server. That explains alot considering the organization was founded for the express purpose of aborting black babies.
[rambling, off-topic, obscenity-laden screed deleted]
If you’re curious, it’s at the Museum:
Amazed Brit,
Just so you know, I’m 5’10, 175 lbs, I don’t suffer from post nasal drip, and I have a flat butt. I’ve served in three conflicts (when you are under fire, all conflict is heavy) and I go to work every day to ensure that People like FrankJ, Harvey, Spacemonkey and the rest of the gang at IMAO are free to share their views however they want. I even go to protect angry people like Kos, Michael Moore, and Howard Dean, because they have the right to express their views too.
Your premise that Michael Moore’s film was accurate lacks factual integrity. But if you want to believe it, you have the right to be wrong.
As for the challenge to name one conservative film that garnered as many viewers, there is none. We don’t need to make films to persuade people to come to our view because the truth has its own natural attraction. Like your posting, we look at Moore’s film, consider the source and laugh.
Oh, and one last comment – your losing British ass is a poo poo head!
Amazing Wank Man,
“Name one, ONE film which has gathered as much support for your deluded beliefs.”
Well since acuracy isn’t part of the picture here. ‘Rambo’ would be the obvious pick. Ya got to love it though, one guy causing the Vietnam army so many problems. Personally, I watched about ten minutes of it. The Michael Moore documentary has to be at least as acurate as that.
Hey, You asked. Didn’t you?
Sorry to say it, but Wankus Maximus seems to have ruined the flow of things here. A bad case of loudmouth jokus interruptus.
You might consider reposting your joke at a later time. Maybe in a week or so. It’s good enough to deserve another life, but I don’t think it’s going to happen right now. Everybody’s too busy trying to smack the Troll.
Hecklers Suck!
Actually, hecklers are fun. They give IMAO readers something to do on weekends 🙂
[NOTE: he’s still off-topic, but at least he dialed back the obscenities. I’ll just tweak the fake e-mail address & leave this one]
How typical. Something comes along which you guys don’t like and you remove it. What a surprise. CHRIST this is fun. You really do play into our hands don’t you.
Moneyman. I wasn’t talking to you, but as you mention it, which three conflicts did you serve in. Seriously. It has been my experience from what I have read that people who have seen REAL conflict rarely want to see it again. So please detail why you went back another two times. P.S. Thanks for defending my right to disagree with you. I really apreciate it. So come on, what was it. Fallujah, Vietnam (that’s the one you LOST by the way), Korea (ditto). Let it all hang out gun-boy. If my premis that MM film lacks integrity is true, sue him. It’s what you Yanks are good at. But you won’t, because it’s TRUE. Why do so many people watch his films and believe it? Ask yourself that! Your lack of action against him PROVES he has a valid and truthfull point. Too bad the right wing doesn’t have anyone like him right? And could you fill me in as to how the inoccent people in the countries you invade are having their freedom of speech protected. When the brain dead US marines point the barrels of their guns at them, are they then allowed to have their say? Get a grip you idiot. Your argument justifies the drug addict who runs in to a convenience store and puts a gun against the employees head to get what he wants. You cant see that now, but if you allowed a couple of braincells to kick in, you would.
‘Rambo’. Fantastic. Could you prove my point any better? No. Well done. Nip out and buy a gun, it’ll make you feel better.
“‘Rambo’. Fantastic. Could you prove my point any better? No. Well done. Nip out and buy a gun, it’ll make you feel better.”
I hang out the most grossly stereotypical movie, and all you’ve got is “Could you prove my point any better?” Do you live in a cliché? What point does ‘Rambo’ prove anyway. The book was a bad cliché. The movie was an atrocious farce. Stallone’s an idiot who never could act. The bonehead conservatives that lapped it all up got sucker punched. The book was meant to be a critical of the Vietnam War by ridiculous example and was loaded with the fill line of 70’s cliché crap. The movie managed to be even worse.
I honestly don’t know who was dumber, the conservatives who got suckered, or the liberals who felt this was the PERFECT description of conservative thinking. At least a lot of conservatives finally figured out that it was a load of shit aimed at them. The movie still serves in the liberal iconography as THE prime example of how stupid war mongers are.
Could I prove your point any better?
That really depends on how much cheese you like on your straw man.
If my premis that MM film lacks integrity is true, sue him. It’s what you Yanks are good at.
You have to demonstrate that you were harmed in order to sue.
Why do so many people watch his films and believe it? Ask yourself that!
Because the average person isn’t very smart and statistically half of them are even dumber than that? You can make a lot of money catering to a crowd that wants to see “evidence” of what they already believe in. It makes them feel better. Republicans are just as guilty of this. I’ll give you an example.
In Michelle Malkin’s book Unhinged she states that the Blackbox Voting (BBV) organization, headed up by Bev Harris out in California, is against Diebold simply because they have a liberal agenda. Her reasoning behind this is Bev Harris herself is a liberal.
It’s a pretty weak argument, but I gather most people zipping through the book would swallow it and accept that as the truth. She hasn’t lied, but she’s mislead people.
The number 2 guy over at BBV is Jim March. He used to be a lobbyist for California’s chapter of CCRKBA (Citizens Committe for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms). His work was trying to fix the concealed carry permit mess out in California.
Hardly what I would consider a “liberal.”
See how it works? When you’re working on a piece of poltical propaganda you simply omit any facts that would detract from your argument. Rush Limbaugh, Michael Moore, Ann Coulter, Al Franken, Michelle Malkin, Alex Jones, etc. all do it.
It’s never a good idea to hold up such a work and claim that it’s “proof” of anything. Parading around Farenheit 9/11 as the almighty truth is about as sound as me parading around Unhinged and claiming that all liberals are frothing at the mouth lunatics that can’t hold in their anger. They’re not.
People are swayed by this political propaganda because the authors start off slowly, letting the viewer/listener/reader get comfortable and identify with the author. Once you get them thinking “This person thinks like me” you start laying down the “facts” that are going to support you end message. You walk the viewer/listener/reader through a journey, constructing a house of cards based on flimsy evidence, omissions and exaggerations.
In the end, if they bought it, the consumer of the propaganda will start filling in the blanks for the house of cards that they now believe in.
What they don’t do is invite themselves in so that they can yell and scream about what an idiot you are, call you names, and presume that you’re going to be persuaded by their frothing at the mouth argument.
Hint. Hint.
It has been my experience from what I have read
It has been your experience from what you have read? Do you even realize that reading books does not give you experience?
Of course you don’t. You’re a dumb, monkey-faced liberal.
Korea (ditto)
We didn’t lose Korea, you dumb, monkey-faced liberal.
Why do so many people watch his films and believe it?
Why do so many people agree to go on reality shows and eat worms? Because some people are dumb, monkey-faced liberals.
Your lack of action against him PROVES he has a valid and truthfull point.
I guess that means France’s lack of action against the Nazis proves they had a valid and truthful point.
And could you fill me in as to how the inoccent people in the countries you invade are having their freedom of speech protected.
Well, they’re not getting fed into wood-chippers by sadistic dictators for one thing.
Your argument justifies the drug addict who runs in to a convenience store and puts a gun against the employees head to get what he wants.
Because that’s what’s happening in Iraq.
Also, the sky is green, water is dry, fire is cold, and Howard Dean is lucid and coherent.
Come on, MM won the Palm Dore for his leftie libeal file
Because we care what the French think.
NEOCON philosophy, whatever the f*** that is.
“Whatever the f*** that is” indeed. You do know that there is no real definition of the word “neoconservative” don’t you?
Of course you don’t. You’re a dumb, monkey-faced liberal.
It is my experience that people who are pro-war have never actually seen it.
More “experience” you’ve gained through books I take it?
Regardless, I think the 75% of the military that supports the war is evidence enough that your “experience” is a bunch of horse-goobers.
Amazed Brit-
CHRIST will strike you dead for using His name so loosely in an obviously liberal post. So get your teeth fixed, land-of-the-queers-boy.
I get the impression taht Amazed Brit would be amazed by the idea that people serve not because they want to see conflict, but becasue they believe that there is a duty to serve a nation and protect the freedoms that that nation gives
I’m enjoying AB as he’s more typical incoherant screaming liberal but MFL is a bit nicer because he at least puts some thought behind his comments and he’s more polite and little cursing.
Who’da thunk the the brit would be the rude one? But at least AB is succinct, whereas MFL is long winded.
My birthday is on 666, but I’m not evil, mostly. ‘Tis interesting as I’m a Christian, my friends and I are a bit spooked by the coincidence.
Amazed Brit-
Jesus, whom you definitely dissed, is coming back with fire shooting out of his mouth to burn mating homos like your queer limey self, not with beads and free love. I never saw his photo so can’t comment on the hair length. I think He wore Birkenstock’s, probably more for comfort than for fashion. He was a rich spendthrift, not a poor stinking hippy.
No, I don’t want to mate with you.
Get your teeth fixed, limey-Klinefelter’s person you!
am i the only one who thinks that this amazed brit fellow is “the limey?”
z, yes. This guy has not mentioned “Rage at the Machine” once and the limey couldn’t finish a sentence without referencing them.
Oops … Wait a minute!!!
Nothing is going to happen on 6/6/06. The idiot who told us all about this, read the original text upside down. The real sign of the Beast is 999 not 666! Sorry to inconvience you all, false alarm!!!
Amazed Britler/Ni**er Hater-
What amazes me is how enlightened you detracters think you are. You spend so much time trying to shame conseveratives with “facts” from Moore’s cinematic hype flicks, yet you can’t do it any better than with racism & cultural steroetyping. In the time I have been visiting IMAO, I can recall only one commenter who obviously disagreed with the views presented here, but managed to not trade in his manhood for a couple of cheap shots (Kevin at Preemptive Karma). I don’t agree with most of the views there, but at least they can make a point & respond to commenters with at least some level of decency. Obviously, decency is a foreign concept to you & your ilk, so maybe spend some time over on that site, learn how to be less of a sissy, THEN try to make a point here, as you have yet to do so.
If you had only said “You guys are mean ol’ doody heads!”, we might’ve understood your mentality better AND you would have actually made a semi-coherent statement.
Also, that tinfoil hat might be on just a little too tight.
Amazed Brit-
You are a “mean old doody head” as you have used in your positive defense. Look up “positive defense” on the net, you will find it’s harder to push than the fact that your teeth truly are in terrible shape. You lack irony, sarcasm, and a sense of humor, due to the fact that you are a limey-fudpucker in need of another male.
We won the war, get over it.
In Christian Love,
Our brit bud writes:
“How typical. Something comes along which you guys don’t like and you remove it. What a surprise. CHRIST this is fun. You really do play into our hands don’t you.”
Yeah, we sure do. Just like the Germans did. You sure showed them, too. BTW, there wasn’t a contributor/commenter-wide consensus here to remove anything. The site’s management did so to remove particularly insensitive & vulgar material from it, as there are younger viewers from time to time. It’s called decency.
“Could you prove my point any better? No. Well done. Nip out and buy a gun, it’ll make you feel better.”
You had a point? What the bloody hell do they teach you in America’s United Kingdom these days!?
Aside from that, who needs to “buy a gun”, especially concerning you? If we flew a Cessna with an American flag painted on it over London tomorrow, you’d run, hide and just turn Frenchie… again. Reading your blathering comments really reinforces than notion.
Don’t worry, though; we are a compassionate nation. You can still have all the citrus you can carry.
I’m so willing for you to show your “wife”, too. It’ll be so nice for her to come in contact with a man for a change. Unless, of course, your wife is one of those “non-traditional domestic partners”. If that’s the case, then your dialogue with MFL is totally understandable. He can bake vegan pastries for you -with love! lol
Yes, I know that statement lines up with your “how my boyfriend was waiting for me etc.” rant, but still…
Jesus had long hair, wore sandals, and drifted about telling everyone to love each other. Sounds like a liberal to me.
Yeah, I’m sure Jesus would love abortion, gay marriage, and the removal of God from public view.