FACT: There is global warming. It’s not just an urban legend to make you buy AC units.
FACT: The main culprit for global warming is the sun. You may think that assertion is ridiculous since we are separated from the sun by the vast vacuum of space, but heat can be transferred by radiation WHICH CAN EVEN OCCUR THROUGH A VACUUM!
FACT: Global warming is affected by the actions of man. If you don’t believe me, fiddle with the thermostat. The temperature will change because of your actions, THE ACTIONS OF MAN!
FACT: If we don’t do anything about global warming, BILLIONS WILL DIE OVER THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS!
FACT: If you remain ignorant about the issue, YOUR GRANDCHILDREN WILL DIE!
FACT: I am not a climatologist, BUT I CAN WRITE IN ALL CAPS!
FACT: All of these actually are facts.
So what are you going to do?
Smoke a cigarette and go down in flames.
Nuke that damn sun!
I live in frigging Minnesota! I don’t give a rat’s ass about Global Warming! As a matter of fact…when it’s January and it’s 30 below wind chill up here I say Bring it On Biatches!
Real Fact: If we don’t do anything about global warming, HUNDREDS WILL DIE OVER THE NEXT BILLION YEARS!
Brian C,
I’m pretty sure my statement is more true, not that your statement is false.
Sorry about reposting this, but I just have to. Think of it as environmentally friendly recycling.
50 Million Republicans Summarily Shot!
The final chapter of the Bush administration and Republicanism in general came to close today when the entire Republican Party was summarily executed for war crimes (AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION) this week. It was a great day for humanity today when the great bulk of loyal Republicans literally lay their heads on the ground for the last time in solemn shame. Before taking his turn, Newt Gingrich noted that things in the world could be expected to suddenly improve now that we and our misguided policies have been forever erased from the face of the earth. It must be noted that the great majority of the Republican masses were shot with their own weapons. Pat Robertson spoke of the great epiphany that sudden overcame all of Republicanism. “After resisting the obvious for so long it finally dawned on us that the Republican party was indeed the repository for all the worlds ills”. Nancy Peloci joined a number of pacifists and anti-death penalty activists in agreement that they must set aside principles just this once for the opportunity get rid of them all for good. Bono and Neil Young sang in the new era of social justice celebrating the great redistribution of wealth among the poor of the world. A full UN war crimes trial was avoided as international observers raced to get final justice over with before those idiotic Republicans got a notion they might want to live. Secretary General Kofi Anon noted that since all the sins of humanity did indeed lay with the Americans in general and Republicans in particular, that an actual trial was a superfluous and dangerous idea. Environmentalists throughout the world declared it the greatest day in the history of mankind. “Humanity is now saved now that we are forever free of its Republican pollutants”.
“FACT: If we don’t do anything about global warming, BILLIONS WILL DIE OVER THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS!”
You’re a sly one aren’t you Frank. I didn’t get that one the first time through either.
Frank, I’m amazed by your tautological facts. This global warming issue is huge!!! People are going to die! Fortunately, we have you to keep your finger on the pulse dire issue.
neo…what the hell was that all about?
“neo…what the hell was that all about?”
A Liberal wet dream.
It would solve global warming too!
Hippies could be considered a renewable energy source. Thus using them as fuel wouldn’t increase the total carbon load in the atmosphere.
“If we don’t do anything about global warming, BILLIONS WILL DIE OVER THE NEXT HUNDRED YEARS!”
Women, children, and homeless hardest hit!
From all the research I’ve seen, it appears the warming the warming trend will continue for the next three months, and then a gradual cooling trend start, possibly leading to a mini-ice age, with thousands of people dying during that time span.
Not to mention the elderly. They’re always the hardest hit.
Well, fmragtops, I heard that while we may in the near future experience a slight reduction of global warming as you said, it’s going to get worse in only a year!
Frank, while your position may be somewhat extreme, I think that if we don’t stop global warming, hundreds — can you believe that? hundreds! an atrocity, I say! — of people will die over the next billion years. This may take a lot of research to prove, but it wasn’t nearly as much time as it took for me to prove the things about which liberals are right:
the blue square,
Oh, I think Franks assertion that billions will die over the next hundred years is rock solid. No exaggeration what so ever, and I’m certain that modern science totally supports such a position
Here’s some help:
“If A then B” does not imply “If not A then not B.”
God some people are slow!
Hippies could be considered a renewable energy source. Thus using them as fuel wouldn’t increase the total carbon load in the atmosphere.
Posted by: Neo-andertal on June 2, 2006 11:14 AM
Neo-andertal=> I have been hearing recently that they were going to be making fuel out of a mixture of hippies and illegal aliens. The reason why the fuel could be made is that the combination of hemp clothing and THC residue, combined with burrito flatus would cause an explosive combustion. The benefit is that fuel costs would be around 2 cents a gallon due to the abundance of lefties and illegals. The only downfall is that you would only get 2 miles per gallon and it would have way too many pollutants in the exhaust. But heck, without the lefties, there would be no more cries of global warming, so I say we refine this new hippy/illegal allien fuel RIGHT NOW!
The Stuffs called Greasel.
These people are way ahead of you http://www.frybrid.com/test.htm
I’m not sure which has the better energy content, chicken manure, Mexicans, Hippies, Mexican food, happy meal, etc.
Hippies might turn out have too low an energy efficiency rating. Hippies might turn out have too low an energy efficiency rating. Mexicans look promising enough though.
Greasel? I was thinking they’d call it Super Mexippies, or Mexileaded with Hipp-power. I don’t care if it has a low energy efficiency. If it makes my engine run and costs only 2cents per gallon, I don’t care if it only gets one mile per 10 gallons!
On the other hand there’s a lot more Mexicans than hippies. You could run about a four to one, Mexican/Hippie ratio. Now what to do about the funny burrito smell and psychedelic smoke coming out your exhaust.
I’ll say it again. It’s amazing what you can run in a diesel engine.
Psychodelic smoke! I could just see these little tie-dyed smoke rings puttering out of an exhaust pipe. I would just be afraid that we’d need a really huge catalytic converter because the exhaust from laziness can be quite toxic. But then again, they could always take that out in the refining process.
Go out and buy an air conditioner and campaign for more solar eclipses!
Perhaps if it gets warm enough on the globe, the higher temperatures will increase vocanic eruptions, sending tons and tons of ash into the atmosphere which will block enough sunlight that the earth will go into an ice age!
There! That stopped global warming. And since I don’t and won’t have grandchildren, I won’t have to worry about them dying!
What about Mexican hippies? How does that affect fuel efficiency?
I guess that depends on what they eat & smoke and how often. Of course, I am sure there is no such thing as Mexican Hippies, because all the people that would have something to protest said “Fuggeddabouddit” and moved to America, hense, hippies and illegals in cocktail to make the perfect fuel.
I was actually planning on having a bonfire with some freinds…just to celebrate.
OMG, Greasel is people!
Greasel is alive! Argh………………….( first there’s running, then there’s the screaming-Dr. Ian Malcomb)
I see we are going to have to add some Amazing Brit gas to the greasel mix. It’s diesel, It’ll still run.