Prayers for Jim Baen

Jim Baen of Baen Publishing has suffered a stroke. Please, keep him in your prayers.
I don’t know him very well except for a few encounters on the internet (he once chatted with my writing group via AIM giving us advice), but he seem like a great guy. It’s through his work that many authors had a chance to be published who never would have, and I’ve certainly found encouragement from him myself. He’s an icon in the world of SF, and the publishing world would be a much worse place without him.
UPDATE: I was told to let you know that Jim had express, and highly detailed contingency plans, both personal and business, in place, and both Baen Publishing Enterprises LLC and Jim Baen’s Universe magazine are operating normally under those contingency plans.
Basically, business is as normal with publishing and with the new magazine (if this news made any of you hesitant about subscribing). Still, things won’t be the same without him.


  1. FrankJ:
    Thank god contigency plans are in place.
    For a second there I was afraid that there might not be anyone at Baen Publishing to reject your work if Baen does not recover.
    Monkey Faced Liberal

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