As anyone who pays attention knows, the Democrats are embroiled in a “Culture of Crazy.” With Democrats assaulting police officers, saying we can conduct Middle East affairs out of Okinawa, hiding money in their freezers, and sucking up to the biggest loons on the internet, it is obvious they are waist deep in craziness. Is there any doubt in anyone’s mind that Howard Dean would bite you if you looked at him wrong? Of course not.
Can the Democrats get out of this mire of insanity? I’m doubtful. As we speak, Kos is either plotting against Democrats he thinks are not faithful to his lunacy or eating his own excrement. After that, the Democrat leadership will then try to court him for his approval. Why? Because the Democrats are so far into crazy they don’t know the way out. I hear they are thinking of moving their headquarters to Okinawa to more quickly respond to issues in the U.S.
Remember: Urge everyone to not vote Democrat; it’s the only way to stop their Culture of Crazy. Losing will probably make them crazier, though, so make sure to keep an eye on any Democrats you see and to keep your children away from them. There’s no telling what a Democrat may say or do if left unchecked, but it’s quite certain it will be crazy!
I can’t wait for the midterm elections! The dems WILL NOT take back the House or the Senate and then it’s going to be big fun to watch them get REAL CRAZY! Poor little Howie Dean will be OUT and stupid Nancy Pelosi will NEVER EVER be Speaker!!! Life is good!
Can you imagine if they did? Nancy Pelosi would be all like “I passed a new law requiring that all non-democrats line up so I can suck their blood dry.” Then Howie would be all “Raaahhhhrrr!” and John Murtha would be like, “those f’ing soldiers ruined my reputation by killing Zarqawi, so I am banishing them to Toronto.” and then Kerry would be like, “I have such lovely hair. All Americans bow before my carrot colored facade and worship my Frenchy-looking Vietnam serving, golding digging hind end.”
I think Suicide would be the only option.
I’m not giving up the fight.
I will be in Baghdad for this November’s election, so I will be getting my absentee dusted off.
Is it just me, or do the Kossacks remind you of radical islamists that murder other islamists for not being islamist enough?
Jay, don’t even think about such things…shudder…and keep yourself safe!
Well, at least this time I am not going there with the military. God, last time I was almost blown up near every day. At least with the merc group I’m going with, I should be only getting blown up every other day. Better odds.
waste deep in craziness
And how deep is the waste?
FrankJ, if that really is your name. The key to a Democratic success in next year’s Congressional election is clearly in the party leadership’s (cut and run) coming up with a campaign that does not concentrate on the Bush administration’s failures but offers alternative programs to fix what it believes is wrong with the Republican agenda (everything). However, the party leadership has no clue regarding fixing anything. The democrat party way is to complain and whine and offer no solutions.
A suggestion by which the Democratic Party could command the greatest public attention for its positive agenda: It could within weeks call an extraordinary midterm convention to draw up its platform. At this extraordinary midterm convention we bring together all the same clowns, er, players from the 2004 convention. By advocating a foreign policy of “retreat and defeat”, advocating gay marriage, increasing taxes and spending, I am sure liberals could make the same inroads as they did in 2004.
The convention would not need to be expensive. The delegates could be those who attended the 2004 convention. Their meeting would be open to the public and of course the press. And by press I mean, of course, those in the media who never question any of the inane statements, calls for surrender and other quaint expressions of doom and gloom that are associated with the liberal whackos in the party.
In sharp contrast to the secrecy of the Bush administration (as managed by the Machiavellian Karl Rove), it would let the public, if only remotely, share in the destruction of the Democratic platform. I meant construction of course.
Although local issues might cause some candidates in next year’s Congressional election to veer from the platform on comparatively minor issue; such as the war against terror, full-term abortion, and registering every illegal immigrant as a democrat voter, the basic principles of the party would be clearly apparent, except for all the inherent confusion associated with any gathering of liberals.
The voting population would for the first time in many years have an unobstructed view of those principles that differentiate the Democratic Party from those of the Republican Party.
And that’s the way it is. Only you are there.
When Democrats talk of a “big tent”, I picture the freak show being brought into the big top and taking over, chasing the regular performers out of center ring. They seem to let a few clowns stay, but overall, those who can walk a tightrope were chased out by the flame-eaters.
Let ’em move to Okinawa, Hattori Hanzo will take care of them…
It is so believable that “Screw Them” Zuniga would eat his own poo. He probably eats it in a cave while wearing a JFK Jr.-skin coat.
Hmmmmmmm…sort of reminds me of another social organization popular with the Democrats in times gone by…
The left today is a modern morality tale. This is what happens to people who have NO moral compass, who believe in NOTHING and who admit to NO higher authority than themselves.
They are morally, ethically and spiritually bankrupt. They are the Oricai (Lord of the Rings bad guys)of our world.
They blindly follow their psychotically evil masters without considering what the consequences of their actions might be.
They believe only in themselves and what they desire the world to be. (they’re own personal playground-see Bill Clinton, Harry Reid and Ted Kennedy for examples.
If we do not fight this plague now, it will continue to infect the body politic and turn rancid any and all of the institutions that we know and love.
My aren’t I cheery today. Sorry it’s another IHPD (I Hate People Day, usually brought on by stupidity, either mine or someone else’s and there’s been a boatload of that lately)
Let ’em move to Okinawa, Hattori Hanzo will take care of them…
Old School, Represent!
Lords, I haven’t played Samurai Spirits in years.
//They are the Oricai (Lord of the Rings bad guys)of our world.//
Sean,your words are meaningful but inaccurate…the Oricai were tough fighter types, not good guys at all but they fought and fought hard. I would compare today’s left closer to the goblins or less, the goblins that stayed home, holding their base merely by cringing and whining together in the dark.
Baskilisk, Samuria Spirits; is that an old roleplaying game? I swear I only heard of Hattori Hanzo from Kill Bill, but if he’s in an RPG too, that’s pretty freaking cool.