Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco is expected to sign a bill that restricts abortions in the state considerably.
Blanco has said she planned to sign the bill that would ban nearly all abortions in Louisiana, though only if the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion rights ruling is overturned. The bill by Sen. Ben Nevers, D-Bogalusa, could only take effect under two circumstances: the U.S. Constitution is amended to allow states to ban abortion; or the Supreme Court strikes down Roe v. Wade.
Under the measure, doctors found guilty of performing abortions would face up to 10 years in prison and fines of $100,000.
Before you ask, it’s too late to apply it to the recent New Orleans mayoral elections.
Sounds like a political stunt if the bill has no meaning. Of course, the main advantage of abortions is that it keeps the spawn of stupid monkey faced liberals to a limited number and limits the numbers of future liberal voters. So until Rove v Wade is overturned liberals abort away!