So they have a picture of people executed by insurgents and making it seem U.S. Marines did it, and then they apologise to make it worse. We don’t want you to apologise; we want you to apologize to us Americans.
So they have a picture of people executed by insurgents and making it seem U.S. Marines did it, and then they apologise to make it worse. We don’t want you to apologise; we want you to apologize to us Americans.
Ah FrankJ.
Is there anything funnier than the differences in spelling between American English and British English?
Hmmm. Actually a lot.
David Hasselholf.
Almost everything in the whole freakin’ world.
Are you even trying to be funny anymore?
Monkey Faced Liberal
Don’t knock the Queen’s English, Frank, lest ye be flogged.
my question is, what happens to someone like me, who is american, but uses the british/australian spellings? When the IMAO new world order rises to prominance, what is my fate?
Right then. I’m off for Wattlebottom in my lory, where I’ll tuck into a ripping pasty whilst knocking back several pints of lager. What’s your tipple, mate?
A lory is “Any of various brightly colored Australasian parrots having a tongue with a brushlike tip that is used to feed on nectar and pollen.”
I believe you meant a lorry, Yank.
A tipple is “An apparatus for unloading freight cars by tipping them.
The place where this is done.
A place for screening coal and loading it into trucks or railroad cars.”
Monkey Faced Liberal,
After reading your comment I realized that you left something off your list of things funnier than English language spelling. You left out Toe Jam. But then I got to thinking that you have never been very funny either, so I guess Toe Jam is not so funny after all.
Now you do know that when you visit this site that they track your IP address, don’t you? Did you not read the Privacy Policy that FrankJ didn’t post at the bottom of the page? With FrankJ’s connections to the NSA I would be afraid. Very, very afraid.
A serious allegation is being investigated and the headline screams out guilt-by-accusation. No effort was made to pretend caution as the investigation is still pending. Pointing out the spelling difference is funny in the contrast to what isn’t said.
Kinda like calling Michael Moore fat. It’s so irrelevant its funny.
Ron Rockstar:
A bit confused by your post. First you say that Toe Jam was left off my list, and that it is funnier than making jokes about the differences between American English and British English. (I agree with you on both points!)
Then you say I am not very funny (which certainly may be true), and that therefore Toe Jam is not funny (a point which I strongly disagree with you on, Toe Jam is quite funny, much funnier than hangnails in fact).
However, in saying this I think you are trying to imply that I am Toe Jam.
Now, I don’t know about your Toe Jam, but my Toe Jam can’t type. And clearly I can type.
So therefore you think Toe Jam can type. Which means that eithier:
You have Toe Jam that is typing, in which case you might want to start washing your feet a bit more. Nasty!
You have deluded yourself in thinking that Toe Jam can type. Which, frankly, is the sort of delusion I expect from someone who thinks the ACLU is evil and who also thinks a handle like “Ron Rockstar” is cool.
Ron Rockstar? He He. You crack me up.
By the way, I had no idea FrankJ had connections to NSA. I am not sure how the NSA can use unsuccessful humorist/Samauri wannabes with violent adolescent fantasies to fight the war on terror, but, who I am to question the NSA in its wisdom? Right?
Finally, thanks for letting me know that some NSA agents might be coming by. I will make sure to pick up some extra soy chips and wheatgrass juice for them.
I like to be a good host, and given all the false leads I hear that the NSA’s spying programs are generating, I think they would appreciate the energy boost before running out to chase another red herring.
Monkey Faced Liberal
Silly me.
I shouldn’t have said “chase another red herring.”
I should have said “on another wild goose chase.”
I am mixing up my idioms!
This is what happens when I try to pull a double shift at the co-op. I am so exhausted from stacking organic, fair-trade, coffee beans I can hardly think!
Monkey Faced Liberal
Glad you’re back MFL, you are nicer than the other troll, Amazed Brit. I think he may be a racist.
I agree. As much as I dispise MFL, I would rather deal with him than AB. At least MFL shows some degree of respect to the rest of us. And I must admit I did chuckle at the toe jam remarks.
I still want him to go away though.
I remember the good old days when we just would’ve carpet bombed the damned place then sent in the bulldozers to clear away the rubble. Seems like we bring this stuff on ourselves for not sending these goat herders into paradise and leave them around to complain.
Capt…you are wrong, wrong, wrong. We should not carpet bomb England…at least not over differences in spelling.
Monkey Face,
The ACLU is a communist organization started by Roger Baldwin. If you care to know more go here. Are you a card carrying member? Are you fighting for the rights of NAMBLA like the ACLU? If that is not evil can you please define the word for us.
And why can’t Toe Jam type? You have proven that an Asshole can.
Are you really a liberal? If so, why don’t you sell your computer and take that money along with the money you will save on internet access and give it to the poor. Do you really deserve to have these luxuries when your brothers are in need?
Peace (via military strength),
Ron Rockstar
You now I didn’t mean the english Pat, unless they are all goat herders. But now that you mention it, why is carpet bombing england such a bad idea? We could force them to drop those extra vowels in words like “harbour” and “colour” and make them change their schedyules.
It is good to see MFL back and at it, whatever it is. Personally I think is a forlorn admirer of Frank the J and is desparately crying out for help. Or, perhaps his whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others. You be the judge.
Seems an embedded CNN reporter has doubts regarding the allegations in Haditha. ( What is most interesting is her descriptions of how the terrorists blend in with the civilians, in my mind meaning they are aided and abetted by the civilian population. This does not forgive or excuse any intentional violence against civilians, but if you have never been in that situation it is all too easy to to forget that the enemy can and is everywhere.
Toe Jam?
Isn’t that Eddie Vedder’s band?
AB, we have met the enemy and it is you. Did I say there was no incident? No. Did I say that the civilians were guilty. No. Did I say that it was justified? No. I merely pointed out that CNN, who in America are known to be very much anti Bush, had a reporter who had a different take. I guess the point I was trying to make that given the environment that our troops operate in over there, including some of Britain’s finest, we as civilians can only guess as to what it must be like. BTW, I think some of your boys have abused and amused themselves at the expense of the civilians. It cannot be condoned, but it does happen. Now go brush yer tooth, and use this r1/4 rope for dental floss. I fart in your general direction.
AB is smiling at you.
You should be more worried about the dhimmitude you’re once Great Britain is facing. The latest stupidity by your PC government is snowballing. I’m referring to the flag fiasco, the latest in the slide into muslim hell you are facing. As for the guilt or innocence of American troops, we, at least those of us with brains, prefer to let the facts come out before passing judgment. You know, innocent until PROVEN guilty. As for the Iraq war being illegal, well, you are entitled to your opinion. Please as to remember who the f*** carved up the middle east, India, and Africa, during their “glorious colonization” period. Remember “the sun never sets on the British empire”? If you want to dig up old stupidity, let’s ensure we go all the way back to the origin of the insanity. If you blokes had just kept your asses at home, perhaps things would be different today. All you asswipes from across the pond are beyond guilty of that shit. Hence the reason your immigrant population is predominately from that part of the world. Your asses were over there tearing it up before the US was a damn country, so spare me the finger pointing.
Well AB, there you go again. If you take a look at history (more than thirty minutes ago), Theresa hit the nail right on the head. The role your glorious country played in f***ing up the middle east back in your empire days is as equally or more damning than our invovlement with Saddam. But, countries make mistakes. All of them.
Throughout modern history horrors like thouse alleged at Haditha have unfortunately occurred. As I pointed out earlier, the first documented use of biological warfare was carried out by the Brits against our American Indians. It saddens me to hear all the outrage against American and British “abuse” in Iraq/Afghanistan yet the outrage of the daily murdering of civilains by the Iraqi and Afghani freedom fighters is excused away by the press. Whether we should be there or not is a moot point, right now the world seems to be cheering on the enemy while our sons and daughters are trying to secure the freedom of over 40 million muslim slaves. That seems a noble endeavour, don’t you think old chap?
I don’t wanna talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! You mother was a hamster
and your father smelt of elderberries!
Here in the States, the British are notorious for having horrible teeth, which may or may not be true. I think it goes back to WWII when due to shortages of certain foods the British people suffered from severe dental disease which your wonderful “free” national health service has not been able to fix in 60 years. Bad teeth is a stereotype, but like many stereotypes it is rooted in the truth. Also, we have a device called a toothbrush, look into it.
So, mentioning that the British have bad teeth is like mentioning that the Frech eat cheese and surrender at the drop of a hat like monkeys.
Just as there is no such thing as a free lunch, there is no such thing as free health care; you pay for it though high taxes. Here in the States, some of us still beleive in individual rights and responsibility, and do not believe that the State is better qualified to make decisions for us.
England was nice while it lasted, but it doesn’t seem that there are enough real Englishmen left to preserve their way of life, believers in individual rights, liberty, rule of law, consent of the governed and that sort of nonsense. We won’t forget the Magna Carta even if you and the rest of your green-toothed ilk have.
Have an Evil day.
Okay, how come no one commented on the fact that this Corp., who, as stated in the article, was passed out, could actually tell the world what happened AFTER he passed out?
Okay, intermission over, go back to playing with the trolls.