D-Day Remberance

Since it’s not my sort of thing, I’ll point you to Blackfive for D-Day Remembered which also has links to other bloggers.
So did people back then use the number killed on D-Day as the reason we should have never gotten into WWII?


  1. Only the bend-over-take-it-in-the-rear from (insert psychotic dictator here) crowd Frank. And they haven’t changed. These are predominantly the blue blood elitests who will not fight or support those who do fight for their country. The are those living in pre 9/11, those who spit on our Viet Nam vets when they returned home and those in the media who feel it is their right and obligation to misreport, not report or flat out lie regarding our military. It is amazing that the sons and daughters of our nation continue to commit to military service so that these miserably cowards can sit in their lazyboys and play armchair general. They know they do not have what it takes to place themselves in harm’s way for the safety and security of others and it shames them, so thye lash out at those who do.

  2. If there were those who used the number killed on or before D-Day, nobody knows about them now. The same applies to those who demanded an exit strategy, or who second-guessed Eisenhower et al about the plans for the invasion, which (the plans, not the invasion) had to be abandoned as soon as the men hit the beach, because virtually none of the landing craft arrived where it was was supposed to. The enlisted men (including my father) and lower-ranking officers salvaged what could have been a disaster by improvising and doing what needed to be done. We should honor them today.

  3. It is my personal opinion that the men who died on D-Day ended up in the Guardian Angel Special Ops Division and are now tasked to follow my boys around keeping them from killing themselves with their own exuberant boy-ness. I estimate it takes about 12 guardian angels per boy, working in three-man shifts round the clock. How else can these boys take headers onto concrete from 3 feet up, then get up and walk away before I can get over there to kiss their boo-boos?

  4. actually, the government in 1944 was terribly worried that the public was getting tired of the war and would want a negotiated peace just to get it over with. less than two years into that war, they published the first pictures of american dead to keep the public from thinking that the war was something from which they could remain aloof and unconcerned about the war, whereas now they want us to be aloof and unconcerned about the war and it’s progress. different approaches all around.
    Goe, wondering why the moon remains unnuked.

  5. ‘exuberant boy-ness’!! I like that Hermit? Can I shamelessly steal it to describe mine too?
    God bless the fallen heroes that day, and the men who came home with physical and emotional scars as well. They fought so my family could live free, and we are forever grateful.

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