Rep. Murtha was on Meet the Press Sunday. I missed it since I was in Church (it was all about Jesus again), but apparently he thinks Clinton’s surrender in Somalia (you know, the one the terrorists are always citing as how American can be defeated) is the model to follow, and we should move our bases of operation in the Middle East to Okinawa. No, not Okinawa, Qatar; Okinawa, Japan. I’m not very good with geography, but I don’t think Okinawa is very close to the Middle East. Yes, it’s closer to the Middle East than the moon, but we probably need a better response time than what Okinawa would allow for incidents in the Middle East.
Everyone is now making fun of poor old Murtha, but that is wrong. Instead, we should find a nice old folks home for Murtha where he can spend the remainder of his days playing checkers with other old people. Maybe some old broken cameras can be set up there so he can talk to them about his military ideas about moving all our military operations to a base in the North Pole. The other old folks may yell at him, but I think it’s the best we can do for this old, crazy Marine.
wait… japan isn’t near the middle east! maybe it’s all in the name. murtha sounds like some dumb liberal name. does he have a dumb monkey face too?
He stuttered his way through that train wreck. It was a total disaster. How anyone can agree with that red-faced blowhard, let alone respect him, is beyond me.
Murtha playing checkers? How does one surrender while playing checkers?
Maybe he wants to attack North Korea? Come on, sharpen up people!!!
The North Pole? Then we’d be on the opposite side of the world from the penguin menace!
Redeploy to Antarctica instead. We can keep an eye on those shifty penguins and still have a 3-week “rapid” response to events in Iraq!
(Or we could just “redeploy” Murtha to Antarctica.)
Don’t call Murtha a Marine. He’s lost that privledge. Now he’s an ex-Marine because he wants to leave all those dead soldiers behind with the job half-done.
Amen Mac.
A Marine who has broken faith with his fellow Marines has broken his promise, (Semper Fidelis: always faithful) and thus ceased to be a Marine.
Do you suppose that Murtha would criticize somebody who beat him in checkers? “You’re not supposed to take all those men? That’s bullying?”
I think this sums up the lefts position.
Just remember Murtha has that precious quality none of us have. That is “authenticity”. He has “authenticity” in two important ways. First, he has served which all you “chickenhawks” have not. Second, he has tacitly renounced war making. This allows him to retain his loyalty while differentiating himself from those misguided “baby killing criminals” who still willingly fight in wars.
That pretty much covers it for most of the left. You see, this is not debate. They have authenticity, you don’t. You’re by definition either a “chickenhawk” or a “baby killing criminal”. SO SHUT YOUR F’N PIE HOLE’S YOU FASCIST PIG YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY.” Discussion closed.
Actually, I don’t even bother to discuss the mater with leftist’s anymore and lampoon them instead. There’s nothing funnier than a morally indignant leftist having a piss attack.
We could all do the entire country a huge favor and send money to his opponent’s campaign:
“…old broken cameras…”: Priceless as usual Frank. Maybe he could borrow the one’s MSNBC uses to broadcast.
NEO…that was pretty funny! Sigh…it was also very true!
Murtha like Natile Manes of the Dixie Chicks needs to be sent somewhere like Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria or the like, where they will be instructed in just what it is we are fighting against. A year or two should be sufficient to make them very anxious to return to the Land of the FREE and the home of the brave. If they survive of course.
Experience is always the best teacher ( and maybe Manes and her band mates will learn what patriotism means and why it is essential to the health and welfare of a country- of course they are products of our public schools and apparently have never heard of the term gratitude so what can one say.)
too bad about the “chicks”…they are actually pretty talented…but I can’t listen to their music anymore! Oh well there is plenty of other stuff out there! Sean…natilie needs to be a manslave in a country run by the “religion of peace” then maybe she’d keep her fat trap shut!
Well said, Neo-andertal!
A friend said that around the mid-nineties, she saw an Arab at the airport with a line of a dozen wives walking in line, and the last one in line was wearing a muzzle. We really should find out who that was and ship Natalie to him.
Non-falsifibility (There are two options, and I can argue that either makes me right) is an old hallmark of Marxism, and still has a rich tradition in the rhetoric of the Far Left.
Maybe BlackFive is taking cues from IMAO with the graph showing just how stupid it is to say you can strike from Japan. I also find it very telling that this military “expert” repeatedly says you can strike from these very distant locations “instantly”. He also completely ignores the Diego Garcia island base in the Indian Ocean, since apparently as an ex-Marine he apparently only pays attention to Marine bases — no other bases apparently exist. On his planet.
It’s a variation on “Heads I win, tails you lose”
PS: I really do need to be a little more careful about which case I am in, first, second, or third person. I’ve gotten really sloppy of late. The grammar fairy’s going to steal all the key’s out of my keyboard if I don’t cut it out.
The Marine Corps motto is Semper Fidelis.
Murtha’s is Semper Infidelis…
He is an EX Marine
I knew several very dumb Cols during my 20+years. Congressman Murtha reminds me of some of them.
I must take issue though with several. No such thing as “Ex”-Marine. Only Marines, Retired Marines and former Marines. Even Oswald never forgot his marksmanship training.
by the way I did three tours on Oki. almost 8 years total there. his remarks regarding putting Marines there to deploy from there are very strange.
I think Murtha meant to say we could redeploy to Derkaderkastan instead of Okinawa, give the guy a break. The good thing about Alzheimer’s disease is that you meet someone new everyday.
Not sure if you’ll see this, but I knew exactly what I was saying/doing when I said Murtha was an ex-Marine. When you slander the troops for political gain, you lose the privlege of calling yourself a member of the Corps.