All the way from Afghanistan, Jinxmedic101 of Crew Secured – Brace for Impact has honored IMAO with the “Society for the Preservation of Armed Dinosaurs” Award:
Frank’s been bucking for a Spaddie for quite a while now. Glad to see all his hard work finally paid off.
ADDENDUM: Pammy V of Right Wing Chick asks “I think this contest is rigged. Some of us don’t have the skills to make a fancy schmancy award. Is there a affirmative active clause for those of us who are unskilled in the this photoshop stuff?”
Sort of.
As much as I like “fancy schmancy”, I’d gladly settle for something that looks like it was made by a crack-addled liberal performance-artist who smeared chocolate on his naked body and rolled around on a canvas, as long as it honors the glorious wonderfulicity of IMAO. A picture and a little text – BAM! – you’re there. For example:
And for the Photoshop-impaired, here’s a guide to making mediocre fake pictures with Microsoft Paint.
ALSO: I’ve received a number of requests by the blogless, begging for the privilege of honoring IMAO. I’ll allow it on the condition that – along with the image – you also include a link to one of your favorite IMAO posts. If you don’t include a link, I will select one myself at semi-random. Send to
To join the exclusive club of blogs who honor IMAO and have your award featured on our sidebar with a link to your blog, make up a fancy award image honoring IMAO, blog about it, and drop a link in the comments.
Keep it PG-13, and if it doesn’t suck too terribly bad, your award will be duly noted in a post (which may take a while if participation is heavy, so be patient), and placed in the sidebar with a link to your site.
As added incentive for people to honor IMAO with worthless, made-up awards, those who do so may proudly display this worthless, made-up Participant Ribbon:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Maximum sidebar image width is 190 pixels. Please make sure text is at least barely legible at that size.
Now get honoring!
I want the Society to know that I will do all in my power to honor their mission statement.
In terms of pure aesthetics, this award stomps! You multiply my feelings of inadequacy! Nicely done!
Well someone’s finally done it: an actual Armed Dinosaur award! Awesome.
Now all you need is an official award from Teh Fred…something tangible I mean…besides just being mentioned on his show, which is a different level of awesome.
Okay, Frank. Youse guys need to post more funny, more often. I check you guys out regularly, and the quantity of funny has flagged considerably. My taxes pay your bank’s bailouts!
Okay, here’s a new award: Institute of Legitimate Wisdom Prize for Grandiosity
You blogless people are beneath contempt! C’mon! Google lets you have all the free blogspot blogs you want. Now get out there and start clogging google’s servers with your stupid poems and pictures of your hamster. Those lefty google-istas are flying around in their corporate jets and giving fat money to democrats, and you aren’t even wasting any of their server space. Get busy!
Well, I’m quite honored to be mentioned in a blog post, so I suppose I will have to work on something with Microsoft Paint ( I think I have that program…see, I really have no clue about these things)
Now, if only I could come up with something clever……..
Sorry, innominatus, I’m too busy clogging IMAO with my crappy comments.
Oh no, do these fake awards now mean that you’re going to start using the phrase “award-winning” in front of your name everywhere now?
Award-winning blogger Frank J
His award-winning website
SoB – you realize that if you submit an award, you get a participant ribbon and get to call yourself “an award-winning commenter”, right?
Mmm, shiny prizes. Me want.
Just made a submission. 😉
Sadly, it sucks very bad. 🙁
Harvey, Son of Bob is a permanent member of the The Jolly Good Fellows and needs no award. Plus, his father’s name is/was Bob and so was mine so that covers it.
Whats a blog and who would waste their time commenting on them?
> Son of Bob
> April 13th, 2009 at 9:14 pm
> Oh no, do these fake awards now mean that you’re going to start using the phrase “award-winning” in front of your name everywhere now?
Remember on the old Bugs Bunny and Road Runner show, after the whole “Overture, curtain, lights. This is it, the night of nights…” bit, the announcer came on and, as Bugs came up through the trap door, said “Starring that Oscar®-winning rabbit, Bugs Bunny!”
Hey, if it was good enough for Bugs Bunny…
PammyV: Like Harvey said, Photoshop-talent doesn’t matter, and Paint (or GIMP) are good enough. But if you’re lazy, there’s always this:
You have been selected to recieve the “Barely Literate” Award. Click here to see your highly sought after prize.