Harvey, you’re getting Really good at finding the perfect photo images! LOL.
On the negative side – President Al Gore? Brrr… did it just get colder in here?
I think Harvey just had some unused pictures left over from his Lightning Rounds with Fred and Jeri and they just worked out nicely. And the pictures did too. (?) Either that, or he’s turned into a JPEG JUNKIE!!!
Spring 2003…..As he prepares to run for his fourth term in office President Clinton unveils his new campaign slogan…..” Hey other then that 9/11 thing, everything’s cool, vote for me.”
“It’s good that we have a (term) limit. Otherwise I would have stayed until I was carried away in a coffin. Or defeated in an election,” Clinton said at a conference in Istanbul. “I loved doing the job.”
He loved doing the job? He didn’t do the job. If he’d done the job, the World Trade Center would still be standing. Instead of doing anything after the first WTC bombing or any of the other terrorist attacks on the US, he was busy watching Monica Lewinsky do tricks with a cigar, instead of doing his job.
Any way we can let Keith Olberman know about this? I’m sure we could get on the Worst Persons in the World list. Maybe not the Worst, but at least Worse.
If he’d left the White House in a coffin, how would we ever get it back out again? The President would have to go live in Blair House again, and that didn’t turn out so hot last time.
I confess that it took me way too long to get this as well. I mean, I had to look at it twice. TWICE! Must have been my public education system schooling.
haha, clever.
Took me a second. That PlayStation game threw me off.
Bill: So, do! We… don’t care.
Yeah, too bad the Secret Service was there to protect him from Hillary.
Harvey, you’re getting Really good at finding the perfect photo images! LOL.
On the negative side – President Al Gore? Brrr… did it just get colder in here?
holy god, you best be joking
that is a wii, and its a system, not a game
i dont get it though:
sewing machine
grass with dew
can i get some help?
hrmmm, i got an error with my comment, so i did a resubmit, and it says it was a duplicate, then i check, and its not there
wtf is going on?
good thing somebody explained the pictures – hey, was this some kind of basic intelligence test? cause I failed it
I think I speak for the state of NY when I say we wish Hilary had left in a coffin.
For people obsessed with getting other people to kill themselves and kill their children, democrats never actually step up to that plate themselves.
I think Harvey just had some unused pictures left over from his Lightning Rounds with Fred and Jeri and they just worked out nicely. And the pictures did too. (?) Either that, or he’s turned into a JPEG JUNKIE!!!
I was all, “Pants Grass Wii?” Then I LOLed.
I was simply telling Clinton he should stitch wet grass to a video game console.
It’s a traditional insult in my native region of south-central Wisconsin. You people need to travel more.
I was all “Sewing maching, ground, Nintendo?”
Then I LOLed too.
Yeah… he wishes he had left in one of the coffins he stole from one of the previous presidents.
stitch, grass, xbox? oh…ROFL!
@ Daniel
I assume I don’t need to respond.
I liked that I got it pretty quick. Probably has something to do with not going to the store for my nightly getting “attacked by conservatives” yet.
I thought that was a zipper in the sewing machine at first.
“Clinton wishes he had left White House in a coffin”
I don’t think they make one that the place could fit in.
He left still married to Hillary, isn’t that sorta the same thing?
“Clinton lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is.” -Barbara Bush (really)
I’m ashamed to admit it took me way toooooo long to get this. I really must be getting old, oldtimers is on it’s way I guess.
Good one Harvey.
Heh, heh, heh, heh……took a second. Excellent!
Sew watt?
Every nascent dictator feels that way.
Spring 2003…..As he prepares to run for his fourth term in office President Clinton unveils his new campaign slogan…..” Hey other then that 9/11 thing, everything’s cool, vote for me.”
“It’s good that we have a (term) limit. Otherwise I would have stayed until I was carried away in a coffin. Or defeated in an election,” Clinton said at a conference in Istanbul. “I loved doing the job.”
He loved doing the job? He didn’t do the job. If he’d done the job, the World Trade Center would still be standing. Instead of doing anything after the first WTC bombing or any of the other terrorist attacks on the US, he was busy watching Monica Lewinsky do tricks with a cigar, instead of doing his job.
Any way we can let Keith Olberman know about this? I’m sure we could get on the Worst Persons in the World list. Maybe not the Worst, but at least Worse.
You don’t understand. To Clinton being with monika WAS the job.
SVJ: He loved doing the job?
He loved doing the interns
If he’d left the White House in a coffin, how would we ever get it back out again? The President would have to go live in Blair House again, and that didn’t turn out so hot last time.
Ok Harvey, WTF is needle grass game?
And why would bill want to leave with hillary? I am so confused and stupid, I feel like such a democrat.
As far as billy wishing he had left in a coffin, needle grass game.
Son of Bob,
Don’t forget that now those pwople want us to kill our Grandparents now too… if their healthcare plan doesn’t get them first.
I confess that it took me way too long to get this as well. I mean, I had to look at it twice. TWICE! Must have been my public education system schooling.
This is why I watched the game show Concentration in the 60s. I knew Harvey was gonna eventually post this.
Ha ha ha ha ha.