Actually, Bill…


Clinton wishes he had left White House “in a coffin”


  1. I think Harvey just had some unused pictures left over from his Lightning Rounds with Fred and Jeri and they just worked out nicely. And the pictures did too. (?) Either that, or he’s turned into a JPEG JUNKIE!!!

  2. He left still married to Hillary, isn’t that sorta the same thing?

    “Clinton lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is.” -Barbara Bush (really)

  3. Spring 2003…..As he prepares to run for his fourth term in office President Clinton unveils his new campaign slogan…..” Hey other then that 9/11 thing, everything’s cool, vote for me.”

  4. “It’s good that we have a (term) limit. Otherwise I would have stayed until I was carried away in a coffin. Or defeated in an election,” Clinton said at a conference in Istanbul. “I loved doing the job.”

    He loved doing the job? He didn’t do the job. If he’d done the job, the World Trade Center would still be standing. Instead of doing anything after the first WTC bombing or any of the other terrorist attacks on the US, he was busy watching Monica Lewinsky do tricks with a cigar, instead of doing his job.

  5. Ok Harvey, WTF is needle grass game?
    And why would bill want to leave with hillary? I am so confused and stupid, I feel like such a democrat.

    As far as billy wishing he had left in a coffin, needle grass game.

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