Suggested line for a desperate Coakley campaign: “If Brown wins, MLK will have died for nothing.”
So where has Coakley gone wrong? Has she not properly expressed how she is entitled to the seat?
In celebration of MLK Day, I will not be racist today.
My sniper scope has “2COR4:6” on it which I believe reads: “Stay frosty.”
If I’m ever feeling down, I just remember that Jesus loves me and Jayne from Firefly follows me on Twitter.
I’ve got a hunger that can only be satisfied by eating food.
If the Daily Kos poll shows it even, does that mean expect a Republican landslide?
Message from Obama to MA: “Elect Brown, and I will no longer be your friend.”
Today is when voters get to express their disapproval of Obama’s agenda by lashing out at poor, innocent Coakley.
For all those Republicans who celebrated Ted Kennedy’s death, don’t wish he was alive now to see this?
Every day I get more awesome, and as soon as my awesome meter is full, I can unleash a special attack.
Kids and their rock music.
The gimmick to use actors from the show you’re watching in ads to get you to not fast forward past them works.
I hope in tonight’s 24 Jack learns how his own actions are the true cause of terrorism. How big a recruiting tool must Bauer be over seas? “We must defeat this servant of Satan and steal his purse!”
A good line for Bauer when being threatened by street punks: “Have you seen Gran Torino?”
I wonder if in the Middle East they call Canada the “Okay Satan.” Or maybe “Satan’s Dorky Friend.”
I hope there isn’t a B-plot in 24 this season involving President Taylor’s embarrassing brother and his cable home improvement show.
I’ve got a hunger that can only be satisfied by eating food.
I suggest Nacho’s, chessy poof, chile cheese fries and all other tranfat filled, deep fried goodies and not that tofoo soy veggie crap!
So the lessons learned from the last few years is that the best way to get Republicans to act right is to whap em on the nose with a voter card. Then loudly say “Bad Rino, Bad!”
Liberals of course need a spray bottle of water to the face. Oh sure they’ll hiss at you while glaring but they wont do anything besides poop in your shoe days later and pretend it wasn’t them. Of course history says they will do this anyway so let loose the spray bottle.
Anyway I think American voters have done a good job of getting republicans back in line and driving the Neo-cons out. Looks like the voters are ready to take it to the democrats now and drive the Neo-liberal stateists out.
If America pulls this off and Obama learns his lesson (not likely) we could be in for a golden age of two freshly cleaned parties.
Random thought: last night’s ending to 24 was the best 24 ending yet.
“Find something to cauterize that wound!”
“Damn it.”
When a show adds a character that adds nothing to the plot, I will call the character “Kevin Wade”.
I’m pretty far right and even I didn’t celebrate Teddy’s death. He was a statist for sure but was at times at least some level of a populist statist unlike the blind with arrogance elitist statist we have now. I find myself longing for the old days of the battle between us on the right and Clinton and Teddy on the left. Back when politics was between our 40 and their 30 yard line. We are now at at the 50 and Obama is out past the parking lot and gaining speed.
Maybe today can at least put anchor on O-Nazi socialism part deux.
Arabs refer to Canada as Dudley-do-Evil
Middle Easterners can see where Canada is on the map, which is why it’s known as “Satan’s Attic”.
shiggz: It’s best to spray democrats with holy water. You get some real hissing and they always scream “It burns !! It burns!!!”.
I’d like to see Home Improvement, Jihadi Style. “Lookee ats me new body bomb. All you do is pull this cord and…” Of course, it will need a new cast each week.
Coakley excuse “My shoe lace broke”.
“Arabs refer to Canada as Dudley-do-Evil”
Shouldn’t that be “Dudley Do Eh-vil”?
an oldy but a goody.
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
My sniper scope has “2COR4:6″ on it which I believe reads: “Stay frosty.”
nice reference to the Jesus rifle news story.