So Obama apparently is making it a regular habit to bribe people with jobs to get them to drop out of races. And what’s the biggest offense here: The illegal bribing or that he does it so unsuccessfully? So far we only have instances of people rejecting the bribe. If you’re going to break the law, at least have some reasonable expectation of success. Now Obama just looks both corrupt and impotent.
And apparently this is all illegal and he could be impeached over it. I was a little surprised by that; it’s hard to tell what’s just the usual scummy political stuff from what’s actually illegal. I’ve never been too keen to impeach Obama because then we end up with Biden, but I think I realize now it would be really really hard to do worse than Obama, plus every so often Biden makes sense.
Still, it seems illegitimate to demand Obama be thrown out over this, because I can’t pretend I’m outraged over Obama incompetently trying to hand out crappy jobs in his administration. To me this is just something I want to make fun of him for, not a source of outrage. It would be like seeking impeachment over him having big funny ears that stick out.
So what do you say? Should we take this very seriously and seek Obama’s head or just continue laughing at him and mocking him?
FrankJ: “So what do you say? Should we take this very seriously and seek Obama’s head or just continue laughing at him and mocking him?”
I want the best of both worlds!!!
“It would be like seeking impeachment over him having big funny ears that stick out.”
We can impeach Obama because he has big ears? Cool! When do we start?
“Should we take this very seriously and seek Obama’s head or just continue laughing at him and mocking him?”
Who says we can’t do both? This is the multi-tasking age! Let’s take this very seriously and seek his head AND continue laughing at him and mocking him.
Hey, the liberals did both it to Nixon.
Off with his head. Just for the fun of it, Frank.
Hey! That’s that’s “win-win!”
I gotta go tend my cantaloupes.
Ugh……..both of it
Sestakgate !!! Impeach !!!1!1 Impeach !!11!!1
Send him to the Hague. In shackles.
(You can thank me for my liberal blogt post imitation of the day)
I’m with you. I was watching Fox News over the weekend and I was all confused as to why they were so hot for the story. Isn’t that how politics works? I never could tolerate Carville, but all of a sudden watching him go after Obama is funny.
I think we can do both. I know you’re not dense, Frank.
Word will come soon that Biden’s hair plugs have decided to move Venezuela, forcing Biden to retire. Obama will pick someone that no one on earth wants near the Presidency to take his place which will mean his job is safe until he loses re-election. When I think of someone scary and funny enough I might finish this thought.
What did Obama offer you, Frank? I know he’s promised you some cushy, no-show job to get off his case on this. So what was it?
I know what it is – that memtion of Slow Joe gave you away. You are sucking up to your new supervisor – you work directly under Biden as Deputy Court Jester.
Frank, you are assuming that his offers are unsuccessful. Probably if you do accept the job, you are required to sign some boilerplate non-disclosure form. He may have many success storys that we haven’t heard about. Just look at some of the people showing up in the “inner circles”.
Seeking Obama’s head will only make a martyr out of him. Nope, nope, nope. I want him to have enough rope so he can hang himself.
Republicans: Like when Birth Certificate finally appears I think a rumored impeachment is the smart thing to do, and of course to hang it around their necks constantly. But a successful impeachment in the eyes of the regular citizen would look like we were using a technicality to win the game. But a scandal like the Plame affair that drags on and takes out many of the men around him would politically be the smartest move.
As Americans: A price has to be paid when the hand is caught in the cookie jar or the whole system comes apart.
I may have misunderstood Frank when he wrote “seeking Obama’s head”. Maybe Frank mean impeachment? My interpretation was Obama would go by the way of both the Kennedy brothers.
Of course when Texans seek someone’s head, we rarely mean impeachment.
I’m banking on the citizens of my state to reverse the liberalization that started with libs moving here from either coast to “find themselves”. Regardless of who represents the Dems here, be it the incumbent Bennet or State House Speaker “Noodles” Romanoff should have problems getting re-elected in November. President Obummer should be offering jobs to citizens who are already out of a job rather than a few who are going to be out of a job. I say we laugh at the President and continue to belch his name in mock respect.
Ooops. Sorry for the bad english in the second sentence in my last post. I must have been channeling Olbermann…eew.
Corruption, bribes and dirty politics have always played an important part in Texas and Louisiana politics, so no, there is no outrage on my behalf about Obama bribing people to get them to drop out of races. Around these parts, that is nothing new.
Many of you are probably asking yourselves this question…how can I obtain a good paying job with the current administration? It seems that in this job scarce country some people have found a sure fire method to obtain a good paying government job. Here’s how it’s done…just announce you’re going to run against an established Democrat and then sit back and wait for that phone to start ringing…and the job offers to start rolling in! Remember, if you use this method you have to be willing to negotiate. Don’t settle for the first thing they offer, like some chintzy non-paying advisory board job. Hold out for the big bucks, something that pays at least a hundred thou or more per year. Don’t worry…they wouldn’t have called you if they weren’t willing to make that primo offer. Don’t fret about breaking the law, according to administration spokesmen…”This is the way it’s always been done!” Why would an administration that refuses to enforce the nations immigration laws be expected to enforce any of the other laws it disagrees with or finds inconvenient? You might as well take advantage of this mind set…right?
Impeach BOH. Biden couldn’t beat a stick at election time. Kill the king (figuratively of course) and let the jester take the election fall.
The only ones that did not think this disgrace was a crooked sob who’s whore mother left the best part of it in the john are the turds that voted for it. I can longer muster outrage at this pos because it just doesn’t suprise me anymore. The democommies always seem to disgrace not only the country but the office. The incompetence of this boob is staggering, even clinton managed to hide the fat girl until she went to the cleaners. This bozo can’t disguise sasquatch, can’t hide rommel, and certainly can’t hide a bad bribe. How stupid do you have to be to try and bribe someone with a non-payimng job?
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men fail to mock it.” – Edmund Burke (and me)
I’m with you, I’m finding it hard to get OUTRAGED!!! over a chicago-machine politician acting like a chicago-machine politician.
The funniest part? (IMAO)
That move is very machiavellian but performed incompetently.
So….. the point (Yay!),
Eeven though Bush was accused over and over of being a Machiavellian idiot, Obama is taking that concept to new, illustrious heights.
Impeach, remove from office, and deport back to his home country.
Better to have an idiot like Biden as president that might make some stupid mistakes that hurt the country than to have a conniving anti-American enacts new destructive policies with each passing day to deliberately hurt the country.
Unfortunately, the likely answer is “not much more than a box of rocks” and “all his life.”
I think Jumpin’ Joe would make a heck of a President.
If we ended up with Biden, that guarantees a remaining Pelosi/Reid driven admin (which we already have, so what the fuh). An admin run by the evil clown from Steven Kings’ “IT” seems like Reagan in comparison. So I say go for it. Decimate Obama.
“Now Obama just looks both corrupt and impotent”
Well, if the doctor says you is impotent, you gots to look impotent!
Funny I just asked the sweet spouse tonight, how many laws does this guy have to break before the media and the left start to pay attention? Really, how outrageous can he be? I guess we’ll find out as the days and months of his regime drag on, and by drag I mean that totally honestly.
If we don’t impeach this guy, he’s going to start showing up in our children’s and grandchildren’s schoolbooks as a civil rights hero next to Lincoln, MLK, and Ghandi. And it won’t be long before there’s a national holiday in his honor. It is imperative for the survival of our civilization that he be DISGRACED so overtly that liberal historians cannot re-write the story.
Blogoyavich(?) trial begins in Chicago.
1000’s of pages of recorded conversations submitted as evidence.
Who knows what might turn up?
I’m all outraged out (I should have paced myself) but I’m tentatively optimistic more dirt will surface.
Still, the only way the press and the left will ever turn against their god-king will be if he turned out to be a closet pro-lifer.
From their point of view there is no other unforgivable sin.
To clarify: impeach doesn’t mean he’s thrown out of office and we get Biden. Impeach means (among other things) Obama is then brought before the Senate and they vote whether or not to throw him out. I’m not clarvoyant, but I’m pretty sure that unless Hell is getting a blizzard right about now, there’s no way the Senate will vote Obama out. Then again, there’s all this fuss about climate change so maybe Hell is getting a blizzard?
I’m thinking you should have another contest. Maybe a “what illegal thing will Obama do next and how will libs everywhere justify his actions?” contest? That way, we can at least get fun prizes while our President gets away with everything he does.
Hey, the ‘system’ worked and he was elected president. I think the fault falls on those who voted for him since they didn’t read his book nor check into his brief, political history.
Just vote in November & I think things will get back to normal & don’t forget 2012.