He Has a Koran; Don’t Make Any Sudden Movements!

The rioting in Nigeria would be funny if it weren’t for so many people being killed. One guy makes a mild statement about Mohammed – one that’s meant as a compliment – and the Muslims in Nigeria act like hornets who had their nest shaken – really murdeous and dumb hornets, I mean (I don’t want to insult all the decent hornets out there). I swear, if I see one person commenting on this saying that “Islam means peace,” I’m going to hunt him down and smack him.
Anyway, a comment I read in this article caught my eye. The President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, said, “The beauty queens should not feel that they are the cause of the violence. It could happen at any time irresponsible journalism is committed against Islam.”
My first reaction was to ridicule him, because basically he was saying that Muslims are such a bunch of murderous retards that one writing an article would have to expect a riot like this. Then, thinking about it more, I wondered if he is right. Have years of these people being exposed to idiotic teachings by their “religious” leaders corrupted their brains so much that one can’t expect them to show simple human decency and reason? Perhaps encountering a Muslim should be treated like encountering a dangerous animal; avoid eye contact and speak in a soft tone so as not to upset it. Maybe it’s safer to leave one’s child alone with a pit bull instead of alone with a believer of Islam because those Muslims can suddenly snap at any moment.
All I know is that we don’t have Muslims rioting in America and burning down churches, and God knows we wouldn’t put up with that crap. Hell, despite a few sleeper cells, I bet America has the nicest Muslims in the world; then again, America is the best at everything worth being good at.

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  1. Our local radio show pointed out that the idea that Muhammed would choose one of the beauty queens really is a slander against the prophet. Everyone knows the average beauty queen is about 14 years too old for him.

  2. Indeed. We do have good muslims… Arabs are professional (in the best sense of the word) businessmen to the core of their soul, and American corporations are only too happy to promote them to management positions.
    America is a good place to be an arab muslim, too… especially in the oil sector, where businesses go out of their way to provide special praying rooms, and accomidate Ramadan fasting.
    For those who DON’T want to force their religon on others, arab-muslim and american cultures are very compatable.

  3. Don’t be such a bigot. The religion itself isn’t innately, unchangeably evil. Christianity wasn’t all that tolerant 600 years ago. The muslims are just a little slow to have their Enlightenment. A few wars should “encourage” them 🙂 But seriously, most of the Muslims in USA are nice because, surprise surprise, they picked up American values and aren’t evil anymore, not because they noticed we have guns.

  4. It’s not bigotry, Elliot, it’s reality. I’ve worked with Muslims and lived with them as neighbors. Like almost everybody, they are decent law abiding folks. My problem is this. There is a deafening silence from American Muslims about the atrocities propagated in the name of their religion. Almost everything you hear from their public leaders is, “We deplore this activity, But….” I’m sorry, there is no BUT. Wrong is wrong, evil is evil. Whatever you may think of Falwell or Robertson, and I’m an agnostic, they will quickly find a microphone to deplore and condemn Christian fanatics who blow up abortion clinics, or people who assassinate abortion doctors as not acting like Christians. They do not inject BUTS. As the saying goes, “All it takes for evil to flourish, is for good men to remain silent.” Well, how many American Muslims are you hearing right now, condemning the current riots and murders going on in Nigeria, as a perversion of their religion? I certainly haven’t heard them. Recently, we have had a lot of news about, “What would Jesus drive?” I don’t see riots and murders arising from this. What do you think would happen if someone asked, “What would Mohammed drive?” Somehow, I don’t think it would be received with quite the same amusement. To address one part of your post, no the Muslims have not gone through their version of the Enlightenment, and a lot of blood is going to be spilled until they figure it out. Personally, I don’t give a damn if someone is Muslim or not, but I will shoot down like a dog, anyone who threatens me or mine. I will not live in Dhimmitude, nor will my children.

  5. A question for the gallery…
    While my own impulse is to give Muslim-Americans the benefit of the doubt, and I applaud those posters above who did so, my friend Screwtape has suggested that perhaps it is NOT that those residing in our country are the cream of the religion. Two other possibilities exist.
    Perhaps we have indeed taken in the Islamic worlds “wretched refuse”, those not strong enough in their beliefs to go into a meltdown at the HINT of an insult to their prophet.
    OR, perhaps they have just not attained “critical mass” yet. I note the increasing problems some of the EUnuch nations are beginning to have and it makes me wonder if they are still too much of a minority here (and, as others noted above, their neighbors are too well armed) to feel safe indulging in “proper” behavior.
    I note with some trepidation, though, the activities of groups such as CAIR (or the kiddies at ClearGuidance), as the constant harping on “religion of peace” leads the Islamofacists among them to believe the can start coming out of the shadows.

  6. The argument that muslims simply haven’t reached critical mass yet makes some sense. Like any group of people, by themselves they are good, rational, law-abiding people, but when you get a big group, sometimes all you need is one idiot spouting off, and all of those previous adjectives go out the window. This is by no means exclusive to muslims, pretty much any group will act this way.

  7. I have to stick up for the UK here. Despite our Socialist Workers’ Firemen’s Union, our high-tax, don’t-even-spend-just-throw-it-down-the-toilet government, and our appalling weather, we still have…
    We chose Winston Churchill as our Greatest Briton in the notorious poll! And indeed, he was very cool. OK, WWII was some time ago. But we also have tea, Jeremy Clarkson, and Giles from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”.
    For more details, see my very English blog right here. And I’ll be blogging about and linking to this place tomorrow, just as soon as I track down my technical support.

  8. All I know is that we don’t have Muslims rioting in America and burning down churches, and God knows we wouldn’t put up with that crap. Hell, despite a few sleeper cells, I bet America has the nicest Muslims in the world; then again, America is the best at everything worth being good at.
    Muslims have only just arrived in the US. Give it time, say twenty years, the situation in US will be no different then Belgium or France and even, God forbid, Nigeria.

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