Still, I guess this DOES bring up the question of what Batman villain Barack would be.
Based on his ability to blow off self-imposed deadlines, I’m thinking Calendar Man.
Or, considering his recent comments, maybe “The Jigger“.
Still, I guess this DOES bring up the question of what Batman villain Barack would be.
Based on his ability to blow off self-imposed deadlines, I’m thinking Calendar Man.
Or, considering his recent comments, maybe “The Jigger“.
the Hoper
the Changling
the puppet, Totus would be the puppetmaster.
what else but… Two-Face
New villian: The Jackass
Or, if we’re limited to classic villians:
Hugo Strange
The Dummy
There is nothing about The Obastard that is remarkable. His reputation is completely fabricated by other people. He is none of the things that are praised about him by the Ministry of Truth. He is not cool, intelligent, black, American, or the first of anything. He is a complete zero, as he himself said a year before the election. He is a figment of Ted Kennedy’s imagination. He is a Community Agitator in so far over his head there is no right thing he could do if he wanted to. Impeach before the damage done by his communist handlers is irreversible.
Idahoser, you need to learn to express how you truly feel. Come now, don’t hold back. Behind that thin veneer of even handedness, you secretly lean away from full support of our President, do you not?
Bottling it up helps no one.
Michelle in ‘white-face’, Raacist!>>>O-Bah-muhh,Obummer,ComradeZero,B.Ozone,The One…. seems like plenty of ideas have already been thunk up.
I’ll stick with “The Ceti eel”, thank you very much.
Well okay, he is a poor public speaker as well. And if he ever wrote a book for himself, I wouldn’t read it either.
Now you have gone beyond the pale, disparaging the public speaking skills of the, uhm, ahh, greatest orator in the history of words! And to imply that it was not he, but someone else who wrote his two memoirs … now you’re talking.
If Michelle is Joker, then Barack is Homie The Clown. “Homie don’t play’dat.”
Hey, I think Michelle looks more like “Chuckie” not the “Bride of Chuckie”, but the real “Chuckie”, Google image it and you’ll see the strong resemblance…
Speaking of uncanny resemblances, check out this one…
How anout a new Batman villain? The buketeer?
Two can play at that game,
FrnakJHarvey.h/t Moonbattery
Now quick! Someone post some more Sarah Palin (or George Clooney, or Denzel) pics to soothe our burning retinas.
How dare you insult the Joker an say that thing Michelle resembles him. The Joker has way more class and style.
Obama just admitted he should have been more careful in choosing his words regarding the Gates case. In light of this revelation, I propose that Obama’s alter ego be Captain Obvious.
The ‘jigger’ is a device I use when I’m preparing a big batch of healthy and nutritious mixed drinks containing as their main ingredient a product called….bourbon.
“Why so imperious?”
Speaking of resemblance, see
The First Transvestite looks nothing like the joker. He-She is very very frightening, nightmare material there. I’m feeling sick to my stomach after looking at IT. Where is my pepto?
Whichever evil villain he turns out to be, the other villains will surely laugh at him as he’ll be the only evil nemesis that requires a teleprompter to deliver his taunts.
There is a pic of Michelle floating around where she looks like a young big haired Samuel L. Jackson. Probably a high school yearbook photo. The Joker comparison is flattering after seeing that.
if we can trick zer0bama to say “amabo niassuh kcarab”, he’ll be whisked back to the eighth dimension where he belongs.
I suggest a teleprompter hack.
Would the “Ace of Spades” be racist?
I was referring to Ace of The Royal Flush Gang, of course.
God, I hope this works:
Thank you, Lord!
I think we’ve found bat-boy’s mom….–52820.jpg
Pit Nicker : That is the best idea I’ve heard since November
I think that is a pretty picture of the Chipmunk’s mate. She does look like she would bite a dick clean off, though.