During a shooting spree is when you have to be most vigilant for anti-Muslim bias.
So Obama finally decided on Afghanistan to not make a decision. We really picked a winner.
If the future really is messing with us, you don’t need a time machine to get back at them. Just booby-trap a time capsule.
“911?! A guy is screaming, ‘Allahu Akbar!’ and firing a gun at people! I’m really scared of what will happen if right-wingers hear about this!”
Here’s my random thought….now that Lou Dobbs is departing CNN I think he would be a prefect candidate for director of the Boarder Patrol.
Obama’s looking for an ‘off-ramp’ strategy. I wonder if we could show him one at the outskirts of D.C.?
Change Obama’s address in 2012!!!!
Well done. We need to get more phrases like these and have people posting them on news sites. Humor like that spreads far and fast in work downtime talk. I really cant conceive of a an effective counter. If i can not im certain a bunch of brain-washed Kos kids cant.
In fairness to Kos kids I was clearly brainwashed by Haliburton. After all its the right that controls the movies, TV, Newspapers, 8 of 9 cable news networks, public schools, universities, courts, bureaucracies big and small, all regulatory industries, unions, HR departments, border policy, and etc…
Oh wait its the left that controls those things. Not bad for what is essentially 5-15% of the population when the rest of the population either mostly or completely disagree with them. When fascism is coming to America the right honestly has the numbers but almost none of the tools. The left has proven they have sufficient numbers and has control of nearly all the tools 😉 and have shown time and time again they have the will.
Anyway mocking their agenda publicly but in a easily repeatable way might sound like a silly little thing but its our best and really only defense strategy against this blitz of fascism.
contribute my own random thought,
On the 8th day God created liberals blind to their own fascism to set women, men, animals, and nature all against each other in an endless blame game of whining.
I got a sign in my cube at the four letter word that says….”If I wanted to live is a Socialist country, I’de Move to Europe”.
If I messed the tags up… my bad…
If Dearborn MI. were to suddenly combust…. could the responsible party claim it was a “political statement”?