I know it’s a little early in the decade to declare that, but I just don’t know how this can be topped:
A German student “mooned” a group of Hell’s Angels and hurled a puppy at them before escaping on a stolen bulldozer, police have said.
I’m a pretty creative guy, but I can’t even imagine how to top that.
Also, I like this line from the story:
“What motivated him to throw a puppy at the Hell’s Angels is currently unclear,” a police spokesman said.
I’m guessing we’ll never have a good answer to that; it will be like Lost.
The puppy is reportedly okay, BTW. Better thrown at the Hell’s Angels than wind up in the hands of a blogger.
And the puppy was thinking, “Du. Du hast mich.”
This is all just a misunderstanding.
The Hells Angels had simply ordered Korean takout. Their order was served raw, just as requested.
The delivery boy, who mistook his vehicle for another in the parking lot, experienced a simple wardrobe malfunction.
I’ll give it the old college try.
C’mon, this was a Beavis and Butthead episode.
Reminds me of a song we made up in college. On the subject of motivation . . .
Wanna hear it, here it goes:
Shot put a puppy in the dead of night
His little eyes were full of fright
Don’t know why, just thought I might
Shot put a puppy in the dead of night
Shot put a puppy in the light of day
Better get him fast ‘for he runs away
Don’t know why, just thought I may
Shot put a puppy in the light of day
Perhaps Kagan can cite the incident in her first ruling on the Supreme Court, as it happened in another country.
Either gas is REAL expensive in Germany and the Angels figured this kraut wasn’t worth it, or they just don’t make Hells Angels in Europe like they do here.. If he tried that on the New York chapter A) the Angels girlfriends would have kicked the living crap out of him and B) they would have chained him to a steampipe, raised that puppy to adulthood, then fed it only crystal meth for a week ’til it was absolutely psycho, and finally poured a jar of gravy over the kraut’s head and yelled “Alpo time!” They’re cruel, but have a well-developed sense of humor.
They have Hell’s Angels in Europe?
They ride across on a land bridge somewhere?
Well…maybe he threw a puppy at the Hells Angels ’cause he didn’t have a kitten handy.
Maybe he had a plan:
Throw puppy
Commandeer bulldozer
Invade France
Threaten to throw a poodle
After France surrendered he would ask who is John Kerry and why does he want another Purple Heart? And Do I have to let Obama sit on my lap?
Europe has Hells’ Angels !!!??!! Who knew? And a mighty wimpy band of Hell’s Angels they are. The boy mooned them and he ain’t walkin’ bowlegged? The dog ain’t bbq on a bun? And he escaped on a bulldozer? You can outrun a bulldozer with one of those Scamp old folks power motorized chairs.
When Obama heard this he said “Who let Biden out??!!”
This just has to be the story of the decade.
Probably Du “hasst” rather than “hast.”
europe, gotta love it. This guy had to be upset about the vulvuzea ban at the german world cup.
I’m a bit surprised this isn’t already news, but yes, biker gangs in Germany wear all the chains and leather and denim and tats and all that like the cool kids in CA do… however, they ride mopeds.
It’s the funniest thing you ever saw, I swear. I guess I should consider myself lucky for having survived seeing them, I’m sure they are really dangerous people, but you just can’t see them without wishing you had a puppy to throw.
1) Throw puppy
2) ?
3) Profit
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all i can say is:
You see, if he threw a cat, no one would ask what motivated him to throw a cat because cat’s deserve to be thrown at bikers.
Yikes! Excuse the extra apostrophe.
Escaped from a Hells Angels gang on a bulldozer? No wonder Caterpillar has so many entries at NASCAR this year. Graders and backhoes and mine haulers tearing up the track at 180 mph. It all makes so much sense now.