Straight Line of the Day: One Way To Include Social Justice in the Math Curriculum Is…
A Williams College professor said he would advocate for social justice to be included in math textbooks.
–Political Bias and Anti-Americanism on College Campuses | February 19, 2020 | Walter E. Williams
One Way To Include Social Justice in the Math Curriculum Is… get rid of the Math curriculum, and nuke it from orbit to be on the safe side. If you can get a nuke into orbit without math in the first place.
“Let x=y.”
Gender dysphoria solved!
What about the rest of the alphabet? Discrimination lives!
Allow students to divide by zero if they feel like it.
Disclaimer on the cover of the text book reminding students that studying al Gebra is cultural appropriation.
Totally forget that disclaimer exists to remind students that math is the realm of dead white men and a tool of the patriarchy.
Teach children how to add by calculating their own personal vicvictimhood score. (Okay, Susie, you’re female, so one point, but you are also white, straight and cisgendered, so no bonus points for you. And, you’re Christian, which takes away a point.)
One Way To Include Social Justice in the Math Curriculum Is…
forcibly raping sanity.
One Way To Include Social Justice in the Math Curriculum Is…
is one way too many.
…affirm that i is a real number.
…stop calling them “math problems” and start calling them “math opportunities for overcoming”
… reduce all numbers to the same level, just to be fair.
… introduce Triggernometry.
… banish curves.
… embrace differentials; don’t try to solve them.
… debate: was Heisenberg a man?
and No.
You’re dead to me… or not
…replace all references to “math” with “meth”.
“Meh” thematics.
One Way To Include Social Justice in the Math Curriculum Is…
by teaching that 1+1= white privilege.