Links of the Day

Carnival of the Vanities #19 is up at Ipse Dixit who somehow manages to misspell my last name.
Michele seems to get hated all the time. This time it’s by an uppity-negro. Why can’t I ever be hated?

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  1. One of these days, I could make a little trip over to a completely pathetic site and post something there in Imao’s name. I could also provide a link for those liberal pieces of shit to click on, so they wouldn’t have to think too hard about typing. Just lemme know Frank, and it shall be done. 🙂
    -a 2 month old fan and silent follower,

  2. I think lots of people hate you but they are all afraid of your Rumsfeld character. That and a lot are probably French and they only admit to hating people they know won’t hurt them.
    If it makes you happier, I send your links to all the lefties in my address book. I will have to send you some of the better responses I get. So at least you help me get hated. That’s something. 🙂

  3. Frank, I keep telling you, we ALL hate you. That’s the problem, you’re not reacting to the remark. You just keep sucking your lolly and writing brilliant sarcasm.
    You need to get upset… fire back at us, tell us where we are wrong and confused (or idiots).
    Ban one or two of us, or write a random banning program so we’re never certain of our standing.
    Come on, we can take it…. just don’t bring out your buddy Rummy.

  4. Hey, your site’s pretty funny.
    I took at look at Mr. Uppity-Negro’s site. Man lives in a time warp. Isn’t it great that somebody continues the 60s sitcom tradition of the angry, Mao-Maoing black? Can’t get enough of that stuff.
    So, I decided to post a little note in praise of Ronald Reagan. Can’t wait to read the reply.

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