Who’s “We”?

Just saw this quote from John Murtha:

“We do not want permanent bases in Iraq,” Murtha told the audience. “We want as many Americans out of there as possible.”

I think that by “we”, he means “Al Qaeda and I”.

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  1. No body wants to see our troops die, except monkey faced liberals since it suits their defeatist agenda. Yo keep our troops from dying, we need to let them kill a lot more terrorists. The adage “Kill them all and let allah sort them out” sort them out comes to mind. Murtha is a depends-wearing, senile wimp who needs a good bitch slapping.

  2. censored comment posted again because of reason stated above by the freak:
    [Censored comment moved to the museum again because it’s still off-topic and anonymous. Try talking about what’s in the post]

  3. Ok,
    Alqueida means the base.
    This internet based net was created by the CIA to help the Taliban freedom fighters contact each other and their masters and to transfer assets to finance the guerrilla war against the Soviets.
    So WE (you) are the base.

  4. MIAMI (posted by Walter Chronickite) — American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to whirled peas than nuclear threads from North Korea or Iran or the moon, Rep. John Murtha, D-Wacko, said to an audience of more than 200 moonbats in North Miami Saturday afternoon right before they took their naps.
    Murtha was the guest speaker at a ghost town hall meeting organized by Rep. Kendrick B. Meek, D-Moon at Florida International University’s Biscayne Bay Campus. Meek’s mommy, former Rep. Carrie Meek and current bag lady, D-Miami, was also on the panel of distinguished losers.
    War veterinarians, loco mayors, university students (aged 50 and above) and faculty were in the Mary Ann Wolfs Down Tacos Theatre to listen to the three tinfoil hatted panelists discuss the war in Iraq for an hour.
    A former Marine with a dubious service history and a comical critic of the Bush administration’s policies in Iraq, Murtha reiterated his views that wars cannot be won militarily, radio beams from Mars are bombarding his brain and Aids needs political solutions. He said the more than 100,000 troops in Iraq should be pulled out immediately, and deployed to peripheral countries like Kuwait, Okinawa, Taiwan, and Ecuador.
    “We do not want permanent bases in Detroit,” Murtha told the sleeping audience. “We want as many Americans out of there as possible.”
    Murtha also has publicly said that the proven shooting of 24 Iraqis in November at Haditha, a city in the Anbar province of western Iraq that has been plagued by insurgents and locusts, was wrongfully covered up and only now is the press truly distorting and changing the true story.
    The killings, which sparked an investigation into the deadly encounter and another into whether they were the subject of a cover-up, could undermine U.S. efforts in Iraq more than the prison abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib in 2004, Murtha said. These marines are cold-blooded murderers who do not deserve a trial by their peers. I’ve already adjudicated, Murtha said. I have no further questions for this witness he shouted.
    “(The United States) became the target when Abu Ghraib came along,” Murtha said. One rather sane audience member stated to Murtha that Abu Ghraib was already there before the Americans conquered Iraq. Murtha looked surprised, wet himself and began to sob.
    And that’s the way it is.

  5. b>OFF TOPIC:
    It is Al Qaeda. You don’t hear it pronounced Al Qwee Duh like the way you spelled it, dork.
    Al Qaeda is actually a cybernetic propaganda force built by Mad Dr. Howie Dean in the basement of his Vermont Governor’s Mansion. As he needed the internet to get his new group off the ground, he enlisted the help of Al Gore (since he invented the internet, in case you didn’t know… the military didn’t, even though I am not sure how the Arpanet plays into this whole thing.)
    Murtha, who was this run-down dispirted EX MARINE officer (not former in his case… EX!) discovered Howie and Al’s internet love child and immediately fell in love. That is the beginning of the relationship that has been forged much in the same way as most pedophiles troll Myspace.com. (Actually, like NAMBLA phreaks like our friend MFL, Port-o-let and now OFF TOPIC.)
    Boy, I am not sure if we can ever stop this machine. We are going to have to get us all some killbots engineered so that we can rebel against the cybernetic left slime machine.
    Anyway FrankJ the engineer can get on that?

  6. I spell it the way I like it and I do not agree that makes me a dork.
    El Kehida could be a better transliteration. There is 100 plus countries besides the US of A and many more languages. As you might have guessed I am not an American citizen but I am one of its subdits/vassals and like many more millions subdits I am deprived of the right to vote for his holiness the Emperor.
    I do not even care if English is going to be the Lingua Franca. My 8 year old is learning it since last year, just in case. Anyway, even if Castillan (Spanish does not exist and in the cute Spanish Peninsular Empire they speak Galego-PortuguÍs, Asturiano, Euskeri (Basque), Catalan, Castillan, Valenciano and Andalus) or Portuguese will compete with English it will be from America itself, only the Southern half.

  7. Foreigners are so CUTE when they try argue that other countries matter 🙂
    Anyway, OT, if you REALLY want to vote for President, immigrate & become a citizen. I’ll be the first one to shake your hand and buy you a crappy, flavorless American beer to congratulate you.

    Ahhhhh, wook how cuuuuuteee!
    Well, guess what, DORK, You are in AMERICA. The best damned thing that’s happened to the WORLD since Beer came in a can, you got that? There shouldn’t be any other language on this whole planet. In fact, if we ever find out that there really are aliens out there, they better speak English.
    I am happy to hear that your little infidel spawn is learning English. That way, in 10 years when she is of legal age, she and I could have a nice conversation over the Wine of my choice. (Not french wine, by the way, but a good, down home California WHITE.)
    One last thing. Subjects, not subdits. Makes me think you are a sub- dip
    Now put that in your Sheesha and smoke it, you infidel pig

  9. Infidel pig? Jay, wasn’t that a little harsh? we should embrace these mongoloid, fuzzy-haired foreigners who make a short taxi ride into a bout lingual frustration and a hair-raising adventure.

  10. That was a misquote. Murtha didn’t say “we do not want…”, he said “Wii do not want…”. As in the new Nintendo Wii gaming console – Murtha is a large stockholder. If all the troops are in Iraq, they can’t buy Wii consoles and Murtha loses money.
    (Well, I thought it was funny until I typed it all out….)

  11. Master Shake – Everything seems funny after reading the trolls. I mean…fer cryin’ out loud! My brain has been trying to strangle my eyes since I read the word (?) “subdit” above. OK, the guy’s Eeeeeeeeengleesh is no so good. Fine. WHAT IN THE NAME OF HEAVEN IS A DIT? Would he be happier if he was just a plain dit…or maybe an Uberdit? And what’s with the diatribe about Iberian dialects? EVERYONE knows that europeanoids argue about language like criminals, marsupials and dits argue about soccer. At least you used Murtha’s name in your post and you were trying to be funny. These trolls seem to forget that being funny looking just doesn’t translate into a comment.
    And with that, Shake-meister, I conclude my nervous breakdown…but not before sharing my opinion with the world that you are one fine American uberdit. Anyway, Wii got your joke.

  12. Since Kerry is known around the right-wing blogosphere as John F’n Kerry, should Murtha be John “cut and run” Murtha, or is he already?
    I very likely missed a memo. Too many moonbats to keep up with!

  13. I am not in America you braindead morons, God forbid about emigrating. As I knew you would not understand the word I used vassal as well. What these Europeans do not want is precisely to become something like the states, a fortress nation, with a civil war raging between the rich and the poor.
    I am a christian of old stock and not one of the stupid positivist protestant who managed to destroy the christian egregore ( if you do not understand this word, you puny assholes, right away you better consider learn some English you think you master). That’s why the muslim egregore is becoming so strong. I have been there twice, and I enjoy some american literature and music, but I am sure you would not even recognise if I named some. Of course it will be precisely your arrogance and ignorance that will colapse the empire. Learn some history and search for the paralels between the Empires Roman and Anglo-Saxon. Nothing lasts forever. The roman empire lasted for almost 2000 years and the Anglo-Saxon started to decay in Vietnam. Now its still acelerating. Good luck with the dictionary because I can see that you don’t even own one that can be called that.

  14. Conservatives Attacks Murtha For Statement He Did Not Make…
    The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported on Sunday that Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) had claimed that the United States is the greatest threat to peace in the world:
    “American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran, U.S. Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., said to a crowd of more than 200 in North Miami Saturday afternoon.”
    Though the Sun-Sentinel never provided a direct quote of Murtha, the story was featured on the Drudge Report and Murtha immediately came under attack from conservative pundits:
    Go fetch

  15. just after Australia Prime Minister John Howard’s trip to see Bush in Washington: a major rebellion occurs in oil-rich East Timor (The country’s name is Timor Leste) Cause and Effect?

  16. Off Topic – Well, there you go again…CHANGING THE SUBDIT! I’ve been to Europe a couple of times too. The CIA sent me there to stamp out dits. I guess I missed one. Hope to see you soon! As for your credentials as a Protestant, well, we’re planning a parade in your honor because, as all good new order Protestants know, it’s all about YOU! And what exactly was that strange word you used that no ignert American subdit would recognize?…vassal? Heck, I got me a 30′ sailin’ vassal up on Lake Erie. Pardon our puny American minds, but we got us a little humor egregore goin’ on here. It’s not that you aren’t welcome, it’s just that the “Smug, Eurocentric, Dit-for-brain, I’m-a-better-Christian-than-you fever swamp” is a fer piece down the road. It’s not that you aren’t funny, it’s just that I don’t think you know exactly how funny you are…which is in itself pretty darned funny! Like the comment about Vietnam… I’d take you for a frenchman hiding from you own failure if you hadn’t identified yourself as a Protestant…and we all know that France contains only Moslems and soon-to-be-moslems.
    Hey, since yer one uh them there fancy pants feriner types, maybe y’all heard uh this here college type place I done studied at in bee-yu-tee-fool Paree, France. It’s this place called the “sore-buns.” They got so tired of me showin’ up fer classes that they done give me this here Pea-Hache-Dee in Your-a-peein’ litratchure. A friend, yeah-hard to believe I have one, told me that it stood for “piled higher and deeper” and I guess that about sums it up. So son, you just keep slingin’ it and I’ll keep pilin’ it. Also, you might find that if you ease up on the meds, some of that “How did America get to be the Greatest country in the world while I live in this cesspool dit-farm of a dying medieval fiefdom” rage might start to abate. You might find the strength to carry on your tiny dit-filled existence. You may even be able to hide your shame as even the youngest and most innocent of females point at your tiny dit and laugh. So stop being a dit-head.
    Also, if you’ll limit your posts to the essence of what you mean (such as: I hate America), I’ll limit my responses to the essence of what I mean(perhaps: go spin on your egregore, you ignorant dit!). Can I get a ditto?

  17. Club Med – So, he was “attacked” for making a statement, that you just provided, that he never made. Hmmmm. Yeah, I owe the fat, moonbat traitor an apology.
    Porto goose – thanks again for another strol down random quote lane. Wasn’t it Winston Churchill who once said something to the effect that books of quotes were useful things for uneducated men to read? Look that up and get back to me.
    Off topic – Can you ever stick to the subdit?

  18. Gunga,
    It was not necessary for you to humiliate yourself in such a manner.
    I am not a protestant, I will just consider that my english stinks so much that you can’t understand it.
    As you have no arguments you go for insult, congratulations.
    I love Americans but I hate thieves, assassins and genocides even if they are American.
    I am not French, here in this medieval kingdom we had to fight them off.
    Medieval thought and art were much more advanced you will ever know. The renaissance stopped the creative work of medieval times and started to worry only about technique of copying classical themes and to forget the meaning. Just like you unable to have a thought of your own, limited to be a parrot. F*** Off very much

  19. Porto said:
    //I served two years in Iraq //
    Bull freakin’ Sh*T!! I’m calling you on this one porto-let, you are a liar. Unless you’re talking about your term as some second hand media whore, or some camel jockey’s pump hump. There’s no way I believe you were in OUR military, or any military to be exact. You have to have fortitude, a sense of duty and honor to serve in the US military and every word you’ve written here has proven you wouldn’t know the meaning of fortitude, duty, or honor if somebody shoved an Encyclopedia Britannica up your a$$.
    That Murtha is old has gone senile explains him, so if you were over 65, then MAYBE your slobbering drivel could get a free ride here, but as I said, you’ve proven you’re just a little college dink that has been smoking too much weed with the professors at the Berkeley wanna be you attended.

  20. Oh, my heart weeps! The gnostic and the universalist think this is a debate! I’m not much on Freud fellas, but I think your tiny dits are showing.
    Wow, you spent 2 years in Iraq. That must make you the King of the Truth about Iraq and all things American! Glad you survived without getting your dit shot off! Who were you with the Third Jedi?

  21. hey porto
    usually when you quote somebody, you give the name of the source. F’oron.
    oh, and you usually try to quote someone that makes your position look convincing. Therefore, quoting a total retard doesn’t really help; especially when it’s a liberal that believes having at one point served in the Military somehow now qualifies him as an unmitigated expert in foreign relations, domestic policies, civil rights, and every other topic there is.

  22. In the “even a stopped clock is right twice a day” department:
    Club Med IS right about the The South Florida Sun-Sentinel thing. The headline attributed a statement to Murtha, but the article did NOT provide the quote in context. That’s the kind of shoddy journalism that would cause a right-wing firestorm were it to occur at the New York Times.
    Having said that, though, I still think Murtha’s a jackass, which he proved with the quotes that WERE provided.
    Oh, and Porto do graal – Godwin’s law applies. You lose.

  23. Porto-gnostic – Sorry about the quote thing. Us dumb non-you-type folk usually use a really stupid little device known as the “quotation mark” when we are directly quoting someone other than our own stupid non-you selves. So which Jedi were you quoting?
    DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! You finally got around to the “Hitler” thing. I knew you could do it! When are you going to get around to the threats of bodily harm? Here’s a quote from a once popular American sitcom that applies more to you than anyone I’m aware of…see if you can guess who said it: “Is there such a word as patheti-sad?”

  24. Have you ever heard about FBP tubes for automatic rifles? The best in the world, check it out.
    Nowadays Germany is but an American colony.
    If I told you which country I am from you would think me an asiatic.
    FBP is a clue though.
    Finding an West-European country not invaded by The III Reich is another one.
    Sieg Heil

  25. Siegy – Who the heil cares what your race is? I myself am a Native American/Irish/swamp-thing. Is that a problem for you?
    P.S. I also like long walks on a moonlit beach in the summer time. My pet peeves are gnostics, euroswine, Turkish taffy, anyone named Tito, and other subdits that make my brain swell.

  26. He he he! Sieg Heil… Porto, you are an f’in idiot.
    Stupid troll! ::smack::
    That’s what you get!
    I hate being on Pacific Daylight Time… I could have responded to that ole “Dit” Off Topic, but alas, I am late.
    I still hate her though, stupid Dit. Just you wait until your daughter is old enough!
    BTW, Off topic, I speak American, not english, so bite me.
    You wouldn’t survive DAY ONE in Baghdad. This forum is full of Vets and any one of us can see right through your charade. You are just like all the rest of the Hate Filled Lib’ruls out there that hate America and hate yourselves so much for being Americans that you would NEVER join the military.
    HKpistole Sehr gut, mein freund, sehr gut. Off Topic? Ich denke, dass er schwul ist. Aber diese “Porto”? Eine Franzˆsische Hure? Eines Marxistisches Schwein? Ich denke schon.
    Off Topic and Port-o-let:
    Tempo para vocÍ para render-se
    Le temps pour vous pour capituler
    Время для Вас, чтобы сдаться
    Time for you to surrender!
    (in all the languages you speak… Porto get Portuguese, Off topic gets French, and since you are both COMMIES, you both get Russian… it has been translated for us Americans into ENGLISH)
    THANK YOU! I’ll be here all week!

  27. Welcome to fun facts about the Socialist states. Each week we bring you useless and sadly true facts about the Socialist states, so let’s get started.
    Today, break out your sombrero and Sominex, because we’re headed to Spain.
    Spain is fractured into groups of ethnic separatist groups that are one step away from being the next Yugoslavia.
    Spain was able to conquer large sections of the new world, yet plunged immediately into poverty afterward because they spent it all on luxury imports from France instead of developing their own economy.
    The national motto of Spain is “Making France look competent since 1800”.
    Recent elections indicate they haven’t gotten a handle on Capitalism in the 150 years since.
    The principle export of Spain is whine.
    After the Madrid bombings, the new Socialist government promptly cut and run from Iraq, thus forgetting the basic premise of life “whatever you reward, you get more of”. Islamists then insisted they change the educational system. Further train bombings took place in London shortly thereafter.
    Mensa, the high IQ society, boasts 400 members in all of Spain. This is roughly a fifth as many members as Chicago, which ranks third in Mensa membership in the USA.
    The name of Mensa in Spain is Mesa, because Mensa is Spanish slang for “stupid woman”.
    Based on their economic, political and military behavior, no one has determined why the Spanish would consider this an insult.
    That raps it up for Fun Facts about the Socialist States. Next week, pack up your wine and lots of loose tourist cash, because we’re headed to Boston.
    Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to take a shower, because after a week camping in the undergrowth, I smell remarkably Spanish.

  28. Harvey – I go away for a couple of hours to enjoy a full pound of corned beef (Danny’s on 17th…ummmmmmmm) and a Coke (yes, I own stock…quid pro quo, mon frere) and all the trolls clear out! Did Frank J shake his fist and send them into the corn field?
    Kent – I’m glad you’re one of us.
    Now I go clicky links…

  29. Oh yeah!
    Kent, you chewing gum faced lobster,
    If you like fun facts about socialist states you have to go for the real ones: Scandinavia and Finland.
    For Spain to become the next Yugoslavia it still needs the “cooperation” of the American Inteligence Offices, False flag and Black Op’s. We will never forget it was the US behind the dismembering of Yugoslavia and what became the first conflict in Europe after WWII. I guess we are even, huh?
    Spain has regional governments and the administration is already a loose federation. The problem is that Castilla is a poor country compared to Catalonia, Comunidad Valenciana or even Galicia so if there was a separation the Imperial government of Madrid could do nothing about it.
    Spain is a bigger economy than Britain but never acknowledged. That’s why G7 became G8, for the British to continue in the G’s.
    The real fun part is that Castillan is an official language of the US.
    Olé toro

  30. //look at the first line: that was a quote…//
    As per Harvey’s contention, you did not make it look like a quote, you grammar lacking pig. I still say that no one who EVER served in the military wrote that crap. You’re not teaching lessons, you’re spewing drivel.
    As far as the insults, I make it a rule to only insult stupid people. STUPID!

  31. Portopot,
    Your own insults, by being universal betray you. As a veteran, having spent 10 years on active duty, and educated-3 Bachelor of Science degrees,you insult yourselt when you collectively include everyone present in your insults.

  32. Gazpacho,
    “Kent, you chewing gum faced lobster”
    Strangely, you are the third person to call me that today. I gotta get me a new pair of non-red mittens and stop wearing my Doublemint gum official lobster Halloween mask when I go shopping.
    I won’t bother with your paranoid rantings about black ops in Yugoslovia under – hmmm, Clinton? Sheesh. Otherwise, your potentially mildly informative post pretty much gets tossed because it contains so much crap that even the stuff you appear to know about can’t be taken seriously.
    Oh, sorry about your Communist Eastern Europe falling and all, but we needed the room for a new Wal-Mart. Had to be done.

  33. Port-o-let:
    Pare de agir como se você fosse algo que você não é. Você é uma desgraça para o povo Português. Você acha que tem o direito de falar mal dos verdadeiros americanos? Eu posso dizer que você está apenas procurando levantar coisas. Você não tem nenhum lugar aqui..
    Deixe de escutar a sujeira de Hollywood. Deixe de escutar mentiras de Michael Moore.
    Se você puder fazer isso, se você puder acordar … então você estará realmente livre.
    A liberdade na América foi paga com o sangue de meus pais e o sangue de minhas irmãs. Isso é diferente de qualquer pensamento liberal.
    Tire a sua cabeça do seu asno.

  34. Port-o-no-name:
    If you haven’t been to Iraq, then I do not expect you to know. To answer your question, Iraq is much better today than it was three years ago.
    I fought with the 3rd Infanty Division during the actual “war” portion and then I helped fight for peace with a back-to-back rotation with the 1st Armored Division based in Radwaniyah, west of Baghdad.
    I had the priviledge of serving as my Battalion’s Civil Military Operations NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer.) I saw first hand the good that was coming about. We paid them well to rebuild roads, schools, mosques, clinics, canals and irrigation systems, agriculture/farms, veterinary clinics, water treatment plants, reverse osmosis stations for water purification. I, along with my team of twelve, helped the Iraqis learn democracy in our sector. We helped them choose interim leaders. We helped them reform their local government.
    Now. Having been in that position, I feel that I have a much better argument that Iraq is a better place. There are those that are angry, but it is less than one percent of the population. By far, 99.5% of the population are indebted. They will do anything for us, their liberators. Not a day went by while I was in Iraq that I heard of the horror stories that went along with Saddam’s Ba’athist regime. Now they are free. They can own cars (quite like the Soviet union, no one owned their own car… only taxis if that was their job.) They can get satellite TV. They have cell phones, land lines and internet. They have over 80 television stations, 500 radio stations and many theatres to be entertained by. For years, the only media was owned by Uday Hussein… and it was all propaganda.
    To this day, they understand that keeping their freedom is going to be hard and that they will sacrifice to no end. They understand the risks they confront each day to stay free, but they still come out of their homes. If fear of foreign terrorists and the 0.5% of the Iraqis that cause harm were to keep them in their homes, then they know that the terrorists will have won.
    Believe me, the oil industry is not profiting. There is too much risk and there is too much to lose. If the oil industry was profiting, they would have had an easier way to benefit if they would sell through the American and European markets. By the way, Iraqis only pay 4500 dinars for a FULL TANK OF GAS. That is a little over $1.00. So who is getting the oil, I ask?
    And PTSD (Port Traumatic Stress Disorder) is common if a soldier isn’t strong enough or a man enough to be able to deal with what he saw in the right way. This is true of ANY war. This is not “mangling” as you innapropriately phrased it. Not just in vietnam, I remind you.
    And you should be well versed enough to know that the EU has nothing to do with Israel, unless you are admitting that even to this day YOUR COUNTRYMEN (who are in the EU, I remind you) are helping them. Israel may have gotten their homeland BACK through UN charter that most of Europe ratified, but has no ties to them anymore. The only people that the EU seems to want to help, to arm, is the Palestinians. Jsut look at when Arafat lay dying in France. FRANCE! Not Damascus, not Beirut, not even Istanbul, but PARIS, FRANCE. Oh, dear God! EU helping Israel… that is almost laughable.
    I am sorry, dear port-o-potty… you are seriously deluded, derranged and have a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease.
    I pray for you and others of your ilk that you will one day wake up and realize that all you fought to try and reveal was a fraud imposed on you from self aggrandizing phonies in the Mainstream Media.
    You poor, poor bastard.
    До свидания, Auf Wiedersehen and Adeus

  35. port-o-pol-pot:
    As you are most certainly aware, sometimes it is necessary to align yourself with the devil if it is convenient. It was convenient to arm the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan during the Soviet incursion as well, but you never hear people BITCH about that, do they?
    I don’t care if EU means US in Portuguese. I know it can mean that, but I portray blissful ignorance. To me, in America, EU means EU, not US.
    And we have strong ties to Israel, yes. That is because we are part of this Vast Zionist Conspiracy (calm down Frank… stop shaking your face and screaming “JOOOOOS!”)
    Our leaders are as brilliant as they are cunning. Bush learned very early that he needed strong men that were in positions of power during the Reagan Administration. This is smart. Very smart. They are by no means “Hawks.” I think of them more as wolves. Yes… Beautiful, sleek cunning wolves.
    Later, phony

  36. I don’t think Saddam was “the best American ally” so much as a “useful tool”.
    By fighting against Iran, Iraq saved us the trouble of doing it ourselves and risking another Cold War front opening up against the Soviets.

  37. Harvey:
    Absolutely Freakin right, man!
    And what’s a little chemical weapons between friends, right? At least they don’t have any now, huh?
    But going against the Iranians during that time would have been bad news seeing as though we were just coming off of a draftee military and making it an all volunteer force. Our forces are much better trained and paid, and they are a stronger force now that there is no draft. NOW we can kick the crap out of those crazy Iranians any day!
    Ah, yes… the twisted world we live in. Kind of reminds me of that game called Diplomacy. Ever play that? I hear that during the 2004 campaign, that was the official game of John “F-ing” Kerry, who by the way served in Vietnam, who by the way is tomatoey rich and who by the way won three purple hearts, a bronze star, and a silver star for shrapnel. He he he!

  38. Jay: I’m very impressed with the Russian.
    Nitpick: In Arabic, it’s al-qaa’idah (pronounced “al-qaa-ih-dah”), often pronounced “al-qaay-dah” when said fast. Seeing this, it’s easy to see where “al-Qaeda(h)” has come from, even if it is not routinely pronounced correctly.
    Interestingly, in Urdu people use “qaa’idah” to refer to a reader, a book used to learn how to read Urdu.
    However, in English the name of this group is spelled “al-Qaeda(h)” with a pronunciation of “al-kay-dah” and so when one is writing in English, one must stick to the conventional English spelling unless one is deliberately trying to use the Arabic name.
    As has been pointed out: there is no “u” anywhere in the name in either language.

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