I know. Some of you thought today was “Presidents’ Day.” Don’t let that bother you. Some of you believe in the Loch Ness Monster, UFOs, and that Elvis works at a Burger King in Michigan.
Where I come from, we usually look at such people and say “Bless their heart.” That’s Georgia-speak for “What a dumbass.”
I know, the calendar you got at the kiosk at the mall has “Presidents Day” written in the little block for today. Well, about those people that made that calendar? Bless their heart.
I know, all the TV and radio ads talk about “Presidents Day” sales going on today. Those people that wrote those commercials? Bless their heart.
Today’s a federal holiday. And, it’s “Washington’s Birthday.” Take a look at United States Code 5 U.S.C. 6103 and see what it says. Sure enough, it says “Washington’s Birthday.”
Now, the truth is that George Washington’s birthday isn’t until tomorrow. In fact, the official federal holiday for Washington’s Birthday never falls on his actual birthday. Who else but the government could screw up a birthday so bad? And some folks want them in charge of health care. Bless their heart.
Why do I make a big deal about what today is called? Because I think it’s bad idea to ignore history. George Washington was actually a pretty important guy in American history. Important enough to actually give a holiday for his birthday.
George Washington
George Washington was born on February 11, 1731. You see, the colony of Virginia, like all of Great Britain, was using the Julian calendar at the time. When Britain and the colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1752, a lot of dates changed. New Years Day moved from March 25 to January 1, and 11 days disappeared. You can read all about that craziness here.
The upshot is that the old style date of February 11, 1731 became February 22, 1732. And that’s George Washington’s birthday.
George Washington became a surveyor, joined the Virginia militia, fought in the Seven Years War (AKA the French and Indian War), married a rich widow, fooled around a lot, and became a successful businessman.
As tensions mounted between the colonies and the British Crown, Washington led the American forces in the Revolutionary War, culminating in the British surrender and recognition of the United States of American as a soverign nation. After several unsuccessful governments were established under the Articles of Confederation, a new Constitution was adopted in 1787 (ratified in 1788). The presidential electors unanimously selected Washington as the first President, the only person ever so honored.
Washington served two terms, retired, and lived a quiet life until 1799.
As a military officer and a statesman and politician, Washington was one of the most respected Americans. And, his birthday was celebrated by the states. In 1879, Washington’s Birthday became the fifth federal holiday, joining New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
Holiday confusion
In 1968, the movement to change many holidays to a nearby Monday began. In 1971, Richard Nixon issued Executive Order 11582, beginning that process. Still, the holiday is officially Washington’s Birthday, and has always been Washington’s Birthday. (Snopes has a write-up about this, too, by the way.)
Some states observed Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (February 12). Some still might. And some people got the idea that the new federal holiday in February was for Washington and Lincoln. Bless their heart.
Somewhere along the way, people began to call today’s holiday “Presidents’ Day.” Whether by design or not, it contributes to the ignorance of Americans. It ignores the importance of George Washington. And it causes many Americans to either forget or never understand the contributions of George Washington in the formation of this great country.
So, I wish you a very pleasant Washington’s Birthday today. Some of you are off work. Others, like me, have a regular work day. Whatever your plans are, take some time to remember George Washington.
And, if you’re celebrating Presidents Day today? Bless your heart.
Wasn’t Washington like a really old guy or something? He was all constitunally and stuff. We have moved past all that old stuff in America today because “We are who we have been waiting for”… We don’t use the constitution anymore because it’s old and hard and boring! We just make things up as we go along and we use peoples “feelings” now as our guiding light! Plus, George Washington had wooden teeth, I mean how ghey is that?
In the back of what little is left of my mind I believe the unions pulled the Birthdays off of their moorings to make the membership a 3 day weekend.
A typical move to find a way to do less work.
Thanks Basil. That brightened my day.
And it gave me a new phrase to use at work…
What happened in 1799? Did he embark on a mission into space? Get bitten by a radioactive animal and become a superhero? What!?
[You didn’t hear? Somebody took a time machine and went back to 1799 and told Washington about what Obama and Democrats did to the country. He died of a broken heart. Don’t they teach anything in school any more? – B.]
I also like Lincoln’s birthday because Lincoln had the guts to throw various government officials in jail, bless their hearts.
I’m with you, Jimmy. Not only was Lincoln a great leader, but he makes a mighty fine car.
“Some of you believe in the Loch Ness Monster, UFOs, and that Elvis works at a Burger King in Michigan.”
Don’t be silly. Everyone knows Elvis works the cash register in a Taco Bell just outside Memphis so he can visit Graceland every now and then. Or maybe at a car wash in Atlanta. Bless his heart.
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I will celebrate this holiday by buying George Washington and the American Military Tradition. I can never have enough military history books.
Incidentally, I will celebrate Veterans Day by working and telling any kids I see that they should be doing the same because it’s not our holiday and our government is asinine.
Good job,Basil. Even if we don’t forget our history, sometimes we need a little prompting to pause and reflect.
By the way, I clicked on the wrong button and pulled up some old posts of yours, and the Nov. 5th “Mr. President” was well worth rereading, and even more so with the comments. You might consider adding a link to that.
[Thank you. And thank you for the kind words about the post from 2008. – B.]
Basil, we need to keep an eagle eye out for usurpers to being the THE President of Washington’s Birthday. On some never watched network some clown is doing a special on Bill Clinton, President of Failure or some other shineola. I expect Obama to demand his birthday cake today. Bless his heart.
I always celebrate Presidents Day but I remember Washington, Jefferson, Adams and Lincoln most of all. While there have been good presidents since then the only one worthy to share the day with them is President Ronald Reagan. These men did more for our nation than all of the others combined. I don’t celebrate Carter, Clinton and the current resident of 1400 Pennsylvania Ave. because to me these are anti-presidents ( somewhat like the Anti-Christ but not quite as evil, of course one of them is giving him a run for his money).
In remembering these fine gentlemen it always occurs to me that these were ordinary men who did extraordinary things. If they could do so there is no reason why we cannot as well. A farmer, a soldier, two lawyers and an actor, all everyday people but when it came to do the right things, for the right reasons they did not shrink, shirk, or shy away. They led, mostly by example, they told the truth, they acknowledged their faults and they moved ahead. They didn’t call in sick, they didn’t depend on others to fix their problems or pay for their lifestyle.
Of course todays youth will never hear the good things about “a bunch of old, dead, white guys”. Coach is too busy smoozing with his players and cheerleaders to actually teach something as boring and out of touch as history. Don’t believe me, ask a teenager what history class their taking and what they learned today. But whatever you do, don’t ask them when the Civil War took place. You’ll become really depressed. (hint: it did not take place in 1066, 1492, 1776, or 1963 -all of which were answers to that question given by college students in a 60 Minutes report several years ago)
*Heartfelt sigh*
I would say “Bless your heart” Basil, but I don’t think I mean what you think I mean, if you know what I mean, and I’m not sure I do.
Happy Monday. Declaired my day off in 2003. No act of congress. Unpayed. I like both George and Abe, usually what I get paid in.
Bless your heart
Well, I for one, am glad we actually have a student of history here in #12. Bless her heart!
during the elections of the day, Washington’s whiskey was declared to be the very finest (politicians gave away free drinks at the polls back then) and was elected President. America was a wonderful place. Bless our Hearts.
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So, no posts by Frank today? What, did he take the day off for Presidents’ Day? Bless his heart.
“Oh, you voted for O-bah-muhh!? Bless your heart!”
“You actually CHOOSE to live in Taxachusetts!? Bless your heart!”
“You’re a 9-11 Truther!? Bless your heart!”
“Islam is the Religion Of Peace!? Really!? Bless your heart!”
Washington is one of the most underrated military commanders of all time, yet his belief in the primacy of civilian government shaped our country in practical ways more than our great thinkers (Paine, Hamilton, Adams, etc.) could ever do.
It is also a little known fact about Washington that while training his troops at Valley Forge, he was the first to utter the phrase, “Give ’em a musket to the junk, bless their souls.”
Oooops, I forgot to mention the one scandal of his life that would prevent universal recognition of his great accomplishments:
He was white.
It is said, with great admiration and not the cynicism it would mean today, that one of President Washington’s Greatest Acts as President was to voluntarily leave the Office. He could have been King but by stepping down solidified the American Way.
I wish you all knew your history better; George Washington began the Intercontinental Railroad so Lincoln could finish it. Bless your hearts.
“You’re protesting in Wisconsin, ‘for the children’!? Bless your hearts!”
Is that Lady Gaga you’re listening to? Bless your heart.
O-bah-muhh: “So George Washington chopped down a Cherry tree, and he get’s his own day!? I won the Nobel Peace Prize! Where’s my day?”….. Bless his heart!
i believe the correct turn of phrase by then General Washington was: “Apply your musket to their manhoods.”
That’s all very true, Burma, and particularly impressive considering Old George wasn’t tough enough to be a Marine.
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George Washington would have dismounted his Grand white steed, pulled his wooden teeth out and shoved them up a Marine’s ass! He would have then ordered him back to the lines, being the General and all…
A Marine would have had the common sense to put his Fort of Necessity on high ground, mein freund.
This reminds me of the silly people who use the word “America” in place of the United States. Sure, the U.S.A. is the most awesome and important part in all of the American continents, but still, as far as these particular silly people go, bless their hearts.
[How could you be so un-American? – B.]
I followed the link (#10 – Dohtimes) back to “Mr. President” 2008 – Still Awesome!
This is Awesome too.
Well, if he’s not working there anymore, where is he working then Mr. SmartyMcBloggerpants. Ha! Don’t have an answer to that one, do ya. Which is of course proof he’s still working there.