Time to Finally End Racism in Hollywood

As I watched all the white people nominated for Oscars last night, I couldn’t help but think how Hollywood is the last place in America where racist hiring practices are tolerated. It’s the only place left where one care hire for a job looking only at white applicants and no one will bat an eye.

Like take the winner for best picture last night, The King’s Speech. Do you think any black people were considered for any of the lead roles in that film. Oh, sure, they have an excuse for that: Historical accuracy. But when has historical accuracy ever mattered to Hollywood? They’re always changing factual details to make a better plot. The only historical detail they’ll never budge on is the one that keeps minority actors blocked from their film.

Oh, and they’ll probably say it’s us, too. We, the audience, would be too confused by black Churchill. Well, no, I’d be fine with it; don’t try and project your racism onto me, Hollywood. And I thought Hollywood was supposed to challenge people’s perceptions. But I guess racially neutral hiring practices is too big a challenge.

Anyway, whatever the excuse, too much of Hollywood’s hiring is “Whites Only” and it should not be tolerated. Obviously the left in this country doesn’t care, so it’s up to conservatives to end this last bit of blatant racism blemishing America. If racial attitudes isn’t a big part of the plot of a movie, then there should be open casting for all the parts to people of all races. “Artistic vision” is not an acceptable excuse for racism.

Stupid or Dead

Jim Treacher is finally getting some vacation time unrelated to knee surgery, so he asked me to sub for him (which is a bad idea because I’m much funnier). So here’s a post over at the DC Trawler on teachers’ unions.

Random Thoughts

So does Wisconsin need to find some specific Democrats or will any do? Pretty sure Idaho has some Dems we’re not doing anything with.

I don’t get onions’ chemical warfare on my eyes. If you don’t want to be cut, don’t have so much flavor.

Finally saw The King’s Speech. Good, but I doubt the shootout they added to punch up the ending was historical. Also, did the royalty really have a jive talking robot back then?

Kidding; didn’t see that movie. Only thing that gets me to the theater these days is incomprehensible CGI robots smashing each other.

Evaporated milk goes great with disintegrated chicken and dematerialized biscuits.

I’m not going to watch the Oscars, so someone tell me if I won one.

Movie Idea: Terrorist attack at Oscars leaves film crews to take over as movie stars.

Actually, that was an awesome movie idea. I’ll start writing the script; someone get together a million dollars to send me for it.

No matter all my complaints and that I barely ever go to the movies, I’ve never successfully not watched the Oscars.

“It’s g-g-good to be the k-k-king.”

I shouldn’t feel this embarrassed for professionals preforming on stage.

So in reality, Batman sounds like a chimney sweep.

The Oscars really is an acting test because only the greatest actors could make this material work.

I only know how to recognize bad editing.

I do really want to see the King’s Speech. Nothing inspires like seeing rich, powerful people overcome obstacles.

If Randy Newman just played the piano while saying his Oscar speech, it would be no different from his songs.

Yeah, I don’t get Randy Newman or the other musics kids these days like.

Theoretically, we don’t want trains to wreck, but they’re so much fun to watch!

Know what would be really boring? A fantastic Oscars where there was nothing to snark about.

I remember when Halle Berry won an Oscar and they had to bring in the national guard to keep white actors from blocking her from getting it.

Feels like I should use this time to rant about how Hollywood is the only place left in America where racism in hiring is tolerated.

Like for King’s Speech, it was basically BLACKS NEED NOT APPLY for all the lead rolls. You can justify it how you want, but it’s disgusting.

For her performance in Star Wars, this should change Portman’s Oscar total from -1 to 0.

Oscar Winners: Because “rich actor” isn’t quite exclusive enough.

Blocking cookies


It’s the first city in Georgia, founded in 1733. And it’s full of history.

Forsyth Park. Fort Jackson. Fort Pulaski. River Street. The Squares. Tybee Light. Johnny Mercer House.

Don’t know how much you know about Savannah. I grew up near there. Well, within TV-watching distance. My high school was in the same region as the Savannah schools, so there’d be travel to games throughout the year. Savannah was close, so I’m a little familiar with it.

But, no matter how much you know about Savannah, there is one aspect that you surely know about, even if you don’t know about its connection with Savannah.

Girl Scouts.

The Girl Scouts were founded in Savannah in 1912.

Whatever you think of the Girl Scouts, you gotta admit: they make good cookies. I always look forward to the sale of Girl Scout Cookies. I stock up. You can freeze them, you know. They’ll keep. And you can enjoy them year-round. At least, I think you can enjoy them year-round. They don’t usually last that long around me.

Anyway, you can buy Girl Scout Cookies now. They’re selling them.

Only, you can’t buy them at the home of Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the Girl Scouts.

Nope. The address 10 East Oglethorpe Avenue is off-limits to the sale of Girl Scout Cookies.

Seems somebody complained last year.

So, the Girl Scouts cannot sell cookies in front of the home of the founder of the Girl Scouts.

I tell you, this country’s going to hell in a handbasket when Girl Scouts can’t sell cookies in at the home of the founder of the Girl Scouts.

I wonder who complained. Whoever it was complained hates America. I mean, really. Stopping little girls from selling cookies? Sounds like something somebody who voted for Barack Obama would do, that’s how un-American it is.

I’m thinking about heading to Savannah and offering to buy a busload of Girl Scout Cookies in front of the Juliette Gordon Low House. And, if anyone complained, they could bite be. While I’m biting into some Girl Scout Cookies.