I give up. These kool-aid swillers are unparodyable:
“Ironically, 2008 is on pace to be a slightly cooler year in a steadily rising temperature trend line. Experts say it’s thanks to a La Nina weather variation. While skeptics are already using it as evidence of some kind of cooling trend, it actually illustrates how fast the world is warming.”
[hat tip: Freemon Sandlewould]
“They insccuracy of our theory proves our theory”? who writes this stuff, Monty Python?
Who are you going to believe, Al Gore or your lying frostbite?
The snow in Houston last week, the record lows in Denver this week … all part of proof that Global Warming® is real!
It’s -3 in Lincoln right now with a wind chill of -21. See, definitive proof of warming.
Scoff if you want, but come July the warming trend will be undeniable! Uh, unless you live south of the equator.
Also, the miserable harvest, and lower production of consumer goods are actually proof that communism works comrades.
Or is that spelled comrads?
We must find the wretched skeptics and burn them at the stake!
A co-worker actually said that colder winters were a sign of global warming. I couldn’t help myself, I asked what color the sky was in his world.
I love the left. Just when you think they have gone completely around the bend, they find a new bend to go around.
Let’s see, it is raining because the sun is shining and there are no clouds anywhere nor is there any moisture falling from the sky. Liberal logic 2008.
It will be fascinating to see what the do and say at the Second Coming, because whether they believe it or not, it’s on it’s way.
Somewhat off topic, but not totally. I hate to say I told you so…..wait no I don’t, I love to say I told you so.
Sorry for the triple post but do check out the comments on the “church fire” story. This is why we are going to Hell in a hand basket and we’re taking the “Express” train.
Simultaneous warming on Earth and Mars suggests that our planet’s recent climate changes have a natural—and not a human-induced—cause, according to one scientist’s controversial theory.
Soooo…saying it’s cold because it’s warming and that it’s warming because of colorless gasses that are perfectly normal and essential for life to exist isn’t “controversial”…
but saying it’s warm because of the SUN…is….I get it.
You know…The One is BLACK
HE says it’s real…(he may not know anything about what goes on in his own back yard but he’s an expert on
global warming..climate change)You disagree….
In 8th grade, 1975, my science teacher (Mr Swartz, I can picture him perfectly to this day) scared the crap out of us saying that we would be in the next ice age in 20 years….
and of course we’d all be dead anyway because nuclear war was going to happen any day but either way, it was our fault. Man, I hated that guy.
Do these people all get together and say, “s***, that one didn’t work, now what can we say that will convince them that we know everything without them catching on…”?
I can’t beat Andrew, we woke up to a balmy +2 this morning… definitely warming up a bit from Nebraska. Anyone up for getting a quick tan today?
Silly wingnuts! Of course the cooling trend is indicative of rapid warming. Just as Rahm Emanuel’s reticence illustrates the new openess and transparency in government and the Detroit Lion’s winless season proves they are the best team in the NFL.
This all reminds me of when I fell up the stairs and hit my head on the ceiling.
Ooh ooh ooh, my snow boots are melting. Apparently mental retardation is contaigious, just ask any democrat.
-3? Bah, that’s a heat wave. I’d love to see -3! According to the weather report, we’re at -6 here in Minnesota (wind chill of -27), and it ain’t getting any warmer today…
In my favorite place in Brazil the state of Santa Catarina the rivers are up 32 feet. This has caused wide spread flooding.
Remember the “Great Global Warming Swindle” ? …. this fits exactly with the theory that increased cosmic rays act in a cloud seeding capacity due to the same effect you see in a Wilson Cloud chamber and was spoken about in this documentary.
To me they time for dissent is over. Global Cooling is a scientific fact. And its not the best time for it with the economy headed down as it is.
Pay no attention to that glacier behind the curtain! Nevermind my strangely unidentifiable semi-gay lisp. I am the all power Gorz.
The climate is not changing – it’s evolving. There, I think that settles the matter. Case closed!
I glanced at the calendar today. It is DECEMBER the 15th right? This is WINTER, correct? That is when it’s traditionally COLD, I believe?
The Sisters taught me that in grade school but then they were religious fanatics so maybe they were trying to covertly discredit “Climate Change” back in the dark ages of the 60’s -70’s, when everyone assumed the climate would change, just as it has for thousands or millions of years (depending on what creation theory you subscribe to).
Of course I could be wrong. I haven’t looked at the sky today. Maybe its purple or we have 7 suns. It could happen, just ask any liberal scientist.
Actually….traditional winter doesn’t start till Dec. 21
tradition pffft who needs that old stuff.
seems to me, since we were told that pollution caused global cooling just 20+ years ago, the obvious solution to “global warming”…is MORE pollution…right?
sure seems logical to me.
The ultimate irony is that all the smog control crap that made cars even more unreliable was meant to convert pollutants into “HARMLESS CO2″…that’s what they said then.
So….it was really the environMENTALists that caused this new alleged problem to begin with!
Maybe some well placed nuclear winter (another one of their favorite phrases) in all those warm places near Iraq would solve all sorts of problems.
Can’t hurt to try, right?
Two-way catalytic converters
A two-way catalytic converter has two simultaneous tasks:
1. Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide: 2CO + O2 → 2CO2
2. Oxidation of unburnt hydrocarbons (unburnt and partially-burnt fuel) to carbon dioxide and water: CxH4x + 2xO2 → xCO2 + 2xH2O
Damn those people! they created WATER!!! no wonder the oceans are rising!
Obviously, they just wanted to increase our dependence on American CO2 so they could profit from it, profit is evil!
If liberals really wanted to save the planet, they’d all stop breathing, all that hot air and CO2 is bad for everyone.
The climate has been changing for billions of years…
How are we going to stop it?
Driving less? Changing light bulbs? Building wind power?
Yeah, right!
Oh Aaron don’t you know that MAN (that is personhood) is responsible for every bad thing that’s ever happened on any planet anywhere, ever. Just think Bush Derangement Syndrome throw in even more flying spittle and you have Greenpeace, PETA and the Sierra Club as well as any other deranged group of lunitic enviro-terrorists.
Truthfully it’s what happens when a group of people decide there is no intelligent life above man. The shear hubris of these people is amazing. Luckily I’m not in charge ’cause I think some well placed lightening bolts not to mention some flies, lice, gnats, boils, locust, hail and darknesswould cure all sorts of problems. Do you think?
Seanmahair, those people have decided that there IS intelligent life above man. Not God, of course, but animals. They are more concerned that “global warming” (or cooling or whatever “crisis” they dream up next) is going to make the Yellow-Bellied Double-Breasted Peckerhead go extinct. They could care less if a billion or two humans disappeared.
You could have just said “Liberals”.
Tommy Towelhead, I don’t care if a couple of billion people disappear either. As long as they are tree huggin, nazi actin, polar bear savin pos liberals. Or hunters competin for that big buck I got in my sights.
While skeptics are already using it as evidence of some kind of cooling trend, it actually illustrates how fast the world is warming.”
And if you pour gasoline on your beer and set it afire, it will be instantly cold.
My theory is that global warming was caused by all the hot air coming out of liberals mouths because of Bush. Now that they have calmed down over Obama being elected it went back to being Global Cooling, because we Conservatives are not as privy to whining.
“While skeptics are already using it as evidence of some kind of cooling trend, it actually illustrates how fast the world is warming.”
I just put on my Sorell boots and insulated coveralls to go across the road to the store, through several inches of powder snow, to get hamburger buns for the cheeseburgers I just finished grilling on a block of ice. My hippie neighbor asked me what I’ve been up to; I replied, “shoveling the global warming off my back porch!”
“you don’t believe in global warming?”, he asks.
I said, “The real question is: do you? And why, exactly?”
I thought about taking one of the icicles from the eave of my house and stabbing him in the heart with it (no fingerprints, and no murder weapon).
The temperature is suppose to be in the teens tonight and every night for the better part of the week. Although, being that cold hear is not that unusual, it sure is for the month of December. It’s lining up to be the first white Christmas I can remember, and I’ve lived here for fifty years.
*sigh* It’s sad to see so many Americans buy into such a ridiculous myth.
As it currently stands, it’s a balmy 1 degree out. It got up to a scorching 16 earlier, but it’s supposed to go back to a more manageable -7 tonight. Thank G-d for Global Warming. I can store my newly harvested elk on a rack in my garage instead of taking up room in my freezer.
This was the coldest summer on record in Alaska. Only 10 days over 60 degrees.
“While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
– Genesis 8:22
“O but we dreamed to mend
Whatever mischief seemed
To afflict mankind, but now
That winds of winter blow
Learn that we were crack-pated
when we dreamed.”
– William Butler Yeats, The Tower, 1928
Harvey, after actually reading the article, I get your point. I often think some of the trolls that post here at IMAO are folks like me trying to be facetious and funny. To really think they’re serious is just too difficult. I giggled my way all the way through the article thinking: This is a “Newsish Fakery” post!, by Harvey.
One quick related note.
The remake of “The Day The Earth Stood Still” is about an emotionless human-like alien who comes to warn us that a big robot is going to wipe out humanity to punish us for global warming. You know, because whenever I go to explore a new ecosystem, I wipe out the most interesting creature there to save the mosses and dirt in the name of diversity…
Anyway, I find it ironic that this is coming out. Considering Al Gore was born 9 months after the Roswell Incident. Maybe they should file it under “Biography”.
Harvey, I’m glad that you stopped wasting your time and talents on these douchebags. It’s like the Onion has come to life.
“This knife is so dull that it barely sliced my finger off.”
“The fact that his fingers are too short to palm a golf ball shows just how big his hands are.”
“former Vice President Al Gore, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work on global warming”
so we have al gore to blame for warming up the globe.
There are terms for these nimrods:
One bubble off center
One sandwich short of a picnic
Playing hockey without a puck
The lights are on but nobody’s home
One brick shy of a full load
One fry short of a Happy Meal
please add too………
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer
Dumber than a sack full of hammers
Dumber than a box of rocks
If their head was the size of a flea’s, their brains would still rattle like a BB in a boxcar
A day late and a dollar short
Another one born every minute
Missed the bus
behind the door when the brains were being passed out
So low-down a snake would have to get down on it’s knees to spit on them …
This is fun!